Memorial Day 2022

We have a whole new class of lost souls to remember on my favorite holiday this year.

That little screed above is just polite, public email and Stuff. Real dark web fuckery business awaits. Shutting down 1700 N Wheeling for a few days with a keystroke would be tremendously satisfying, but I have respect for the vets who use that facility. No employers are concerned with the color of my hat, so you never know when some corrupt government officials might need their cyber asses handed to them.

Nowadays I have more time for that other kind of Stuff – like managing hostile networks and learning about where people I’m interested in live and work, their schedules and so forth.

Quick refresher, from an archived symptoms file.

This former ECHCS patient happens to be a systems security expert who suffered both medical malpractice and medical negligence, with a Failure to Diagnose thrown in just for fun – all at the hands of numerous Aurora VA personnel. This old ECHCS-hating NCO did cyber defense for early warning systems and worked for a military intelligence battalion in a war zone. Whether or not that matters more now than after ruining his life is irrelevant.

The only question remaining in this case, is on whose terms VA staff are held accountable. It’s gonna get done publicly/officially, and/or covertly/randomly. Pounds of flesh can be found in lots of things.

When somebody shows you who they really are, believe them – just another item for that memory list. Nobody fucks me over like this and gets away with it without killing me. Nice try – Donner’s anesthesiologist almost got me.

Look it up. You’re the fuckers with or without all the government records you seem to rely on so much.
Can’t wait to meet you, Arnold.

This is what it feels like. | Remember what, too? This.

Here’s the bad bitch(s) Kid was talkin’ about. The little one’s going to a Boston law school on her dime, with a little help from dear ‘ol Dad. Let me know if you need any more of those song metaphors translated.

Blog Premise

It’s all you got online, when you’re not doing marketing, cult, entertainment or charity work. Politics is marketing for mind control.

Alternatively, I DO take questions.

This One’s Lookin’ Like a Doozy

We’ll have two nights of record-setting hard freezes, while the high country measures heavy, wet snow in feet. That part is a really good thing, because the winter snowpack was already almost melted earlier than anyone can remember. It was 90°F in Frederick yesterday.

These roads are dangerous dry.

It’s not unusual to see a few flakes floating around in late May or even early June when a fast-moving front moves through. But not accumulation.

Snowing in Denver, 32 Days from the Summer Solstice

Happy Vesak Day!

If you really need to do the religion thing, why not try Buddhism? They don’t seem to espouse much of a hate agenda. Probably alot less stressful than fighting the gays and unwed mothers-to-be.

If you gotta do religion, at least work on yourself, like the Buddhists.

Twitter Analysis Ongoing?

It only took me two years in a little spare time to figure it out. What’s the holdup, Elon – too busy with the crypto or battery Stuff? Twitter should be a public utility like electricity or sewage. More like the latter.

I have been calling for social media user vetting for DECADES!

It was 90°F Here

They said 89°F at the Airport as the new all-time high record temperature seen here for the date, Friday the 22nd of April 2022, near Denver on the high desert steppe, at the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains.

Now we have a 2nd and 3rd night of freezing overnight temps looming. Driest April on record here ever. The scary part is the whipsaw roller-coaster weather patterns are only beginning their shift.

The heat is on.

Halfway Through April…

…and the never-ending fire season is already picking up. Oklahoma and Texas are burning and we have a good one going near Lyons again, where the Cameron Peak fire laid waste to that entire region two years ago. Perhaps swirling winds will turn it to completely wipe out the northern mountains this time.

Started weekly watering a month earlier this year.

Another Temp Record Falls in April

The new record low for April in this locale just dropped by 5°F. Untimely hard freezes have been kiling trees around here. Should be interesting to see what’s still alive in a few weeks. If that wasn’t bad enough, it’s getting to the point where it’s not even fit to breathe downtown.

The Denver skyline as the sun sets behind the Rocky Mountains. The U.S. EPA is proposing to downgrade Colorado’s biggest city from “serious” to “severe” in violation of federal ozone standards.

Pax-3: Great Design, Inferior Materials

Possibly both materials and poor manufacturing quality control, who knows? For whatever reason(s), I can no longer recommend the Pax-3 as a preferred product in my vape lineup.

I initially found this device to be the epitome of the perfect dry herb vaporizer, for me: Quick heat, long charge, intuitive, easy design. The big selling point that got my money was the warranty. They started these things with a lifetime warranty, for some reason. How could you go wrong? Then it went to ten years. Then it went to whatever they felt like supporting, which in my case was three replacements, with outright denial on the fourth, all occurring over the past two years. They haven’t even been in the market ten years yet.

First failure was the on/off button. I got a sense of things to come with the initial push-back received on that claim. It was interesting to note how the warranty evidence criteria level-of-difficulty increased to near-impossible levels. That 1st warranty claim was eventually resolved, but not before being met with this response:

“…your device would not be eligible for warranty services as the PAX 3 Limited Warranty states, “Any device where the serial number has been tampered with, erased or obscured or is not genuine.” Full text here. Interestingly, they want a pic from under the mouthpiece, because they know it is susceptible to leakage into the case, and will blame it on you, saying it wasn’t properly cleaned.

Nothing about the serial number was tampered with, erased, obscured or not genuine. The defective faux powder coat finish was worn away. The number was still almost readable and at the very least, a near perfect match with the order# either way you read it, held at the proper angle to the light. So why the hassle? Counterfeit Pax devices? Seriously?

A couple defective batteries later, and my FOURTH warranty claim for the NEAR NEW device was simply ignored, after receiving the requested video evidence. The interesting part about the warranty evidence requirements shows up on that claim here:

“Please send the video as an attachment with your next reply. I am unable to view links, drives or clouds.” The part they don’t mention is good luck trying to record an .mp4 or .mkv with your cellphone to create a file-size going through email without a “link, drive or cloud.” I guess they don’t account for people who know about ffmpeg. The same format .webm submitted last time can no longer be accessed for some reason. Ya think?

So a near-new device is charged, just refusing to turn on, in a way different from the first power-on failure two years ago, emitting only a quick haptic buzz and light flash, no error code sequence or anything. These things are junk, and the warranty is a fraud. Stay away.

Crafty here I come!

Western View

Took another random shot of the house from a vantage point rarely seen while coming back with the dogs one day a few weeks ago. This is looking directly east from across the Moore Farm ditch about 100 yards away.

It’s pretty nice around here most of the time, even in winter.

Molehill Men

Today’s Toon in had another spot-on swipe at the GOP. This one struck a real chord with me, because it crosses not just political, but many other socio-demographic lines where dishonest people scream about one thing, hoping to distract attention from another. In this case, the distraction is away from nothing. Apart from the ill-defined boogeymen, they got nuthin’.

I guess when you got nuthin’ you just gotta make shyt up.

I met quite a few Molehill Men during my working life. Whenever somebody got too riled up about something or someone, just waiting to see what the real problem might be before doing too much investigation usually saved alot of time. It’s called a red herring in the dishonest political leader intellectual conversation game. Those Molehill Men have alot of low-info bitchin’ sailors ready to vote in this country.

Just remember: a bitchin’ sailor is a happy sailor.