Arthritis Patients Like Cannabis

No news to me. I’m with the ~â…“ of patients in that study who gave up opiates completely. That’s what got me started with various drugs – inflammation and related pain. I’ve been through the orthopedic surgeries and all the medications that go along with it – before, during and after. The doctors will never say, because of course you’re just getting older. But I am inclined to believe all the metal in my midsection suggests the arthritis is more towards the severe end of the scale, and it’s not even my biggest health issue these days.

I’ll save my take on how it does with nerve damage for another study on that topic. The only thing I can say for sure about the weed, in my case at least is: I cannot use enough. The only two problematic issues I seem to have with Cannabis are: Can’t use enough, and waiting to start up again after a break when hyperemesis sets in.

It’s time to right-size the Pharma Industry.


Short for tolerance break. It’s what recreational Cannabis users do every so often to feel the most high, when effects start to diminish after regular use over some period of time. It’s what serious medicinal users do to avoid hyperemesis, before the endocannabanoid system eventually gets pushed out of whack after chronic use.

It’s been eight months since that episode. That appears to be about how long it now takes me to get to the hyperemesis threshold at a dose amounting to around 50mg/day combined throughout the day. I know this because I could feel it coming on this time, after carefully tracking and limiting my intake. I’m on day three off the weed, and keeping a real close eye on it this time around.

Day 1 was no biggie, a little uncomfortable, sorta easing out of it. Yesterday, the stark reality of not being medicated shone through. Radiculopathy is markedly more apparent, along with noticeable jabs from that lumbar job site, moving/reaching/stretching around under a car hood. C-spine invokes the same enhanced radiculopathy in the arms from that nerve root damage, only without the extra pain. Doing PT, stretching, whatever, is just excruciating. Keeping a cane nearby always.

I noticed mild sweats/chills several times yesterday, reminding me of the hyperemesis part where I was sweating bullets and feeling freezing cold at the same time. It’s difficult describing the non-psychoactive way Cannabis affects the brain. I’m calling it headspace. it’s a sensation – an actual physical sensation – I assume might be related to CB-receptor activity, or lack thereof. I could feel it starting to get to that point where things were about to go haywire pretty soon.

The medical community needs to pick up on this. I’m not talking about quack doctors handing out med cards. The surgeons and neurologists dealing with pain and spinal injuries have a safe, effective tool they are ignoring or poo-pooing for various reasons, mostly ignorance. Alternatively, people are given Neurontin and painkillers, often leading to gawd knows what other complications.

I’ll mention my experience(s) with Neurontin, because I now believe it is a dangerous drug masquerading as a safe catch-all for anything they don’t want to actually deal with. I took it for about three years during the time I was going through the shoulder business, along with Venlafaxine, and Tramadol at some point. It does work to ease radiculopathy, but it also developed a bad reaction in me. I say developed, because I was fine with it for awhile, the first couple years. But I became increasingly unstable on my feet, literally losing my balance at times for some reason. I can now point the finger at Neurontin, because of what came next.

I got off ALL the pharmaceuticals when I finally realized I was on the drug poison road to an early death. Then a malpractice episode followed by lumbar fusion got me into another Neurontin prescription. Damned if I wasn’t stumbling around again – right away! No other drugs in the system, except Cannabis. Tried it twice this time around, two different prescriptions separated by a few weeks. – same thing. it did something to my nervous system. The only question is what?

The doctors will tell me I’m just getting older, and these type things are to be expected. Ya think? It happens alot faster and hurts alot more when you’re all beat to shyt. Neurontin, Gabapentin, or whatever brand name they are using to fill the pharma coffers with it now: STAY AWAY!

Late Update, 17 March: It takes 3-4 days for the therapeutic effect to wear completely off, after which time the entire right side of my body becomes stiff and sore with radiculopathy to the point I do not want to move. Right quad is the worst, aching acutely, due to the moderately severe L4-5 damage. I’m not even sure where to put it on the severity scale, because Donner stopped talking after they realized what happened.

Imagine that, BEFORE it was repaired, on top of a fresh hip replacement, spending almost a year trying to get help from the VA. IMAGINE THAT.

Health Status Update

Latest Symptoms Log entry:

4 MAR 22: After 3 years of going through all the medications, surgeries and rehab, it seems I’ve finally arrived at a steady physical state. Still struggling with the psychological aspect of re-calibrating my life, figuring out what I can and cannot do, how long it takes to do what I can, and trying to prioritize necessary activities. Not yet sure where the Cannabis hyperemesis threshold is. I’m using at a rate about half what I was before that episode. Some clues point to real success with the weed. I’ve noticed not always grabbing for the cane every time I get up after medicating. The paralytic muscle sensation clearly diminishes with THC. Neurontin has a similar effect, but also seems to make me dizzy. CBD certainly helps with sleep. I’ve noticed a few episodes of REM sleep coming back over the past couple months. There’s a whole world of nuances in the strains I can’t really distinguish except to say the Indicas seem to work better on radiculopathy, for me. C-Spine decompression stops the arms from going numb during the night. That is a big sleep loss factor. Skipping decompression just one session immediately begins a slide back into the overnight arm numbing. i have to be real careful with small, spillable stuff because there’s almost no sensation in my hands anymore. I’m doing an average of 2 hrs/day various PT stuff, mostly foam roller and decompression. Still pretty miserable, but I can see a way forward.

Finally Figured Out the Pharma-Opioid Problem

Too many cooks in the kitchen. Sounds simplistically over-generalized, but it’s an endemic issue in large-scale activities of all kinds. A bunch of people head out to tackle this big program, service, project, scheme, whatever, and before long they are going their own directions in oblivion, sans oversight. Over the past few decades we’ve had doctors, corporations, computer programmers and of course the government and law enforcement, all keenly interested and involved in medical pain management care – all working against or in ignorance of one or the other to varying degrees, with different and potentially even competing goals in mind.

Szalavitz’ Wired magazine article was the last piece of the puzzle, for me. I’d been ruminating about my recent VA experiences after the previous post, when the epiphany hit me. These people are all working in more-or-less cordoned-off information and knowledge silos. A big, important project like the opiate crises gets everybody gen’d up heading off in different directions, forming big negative feedback loops responsible for the failures.

I was a government-certified opiate addict for a few years recently. Think about that for a minute. It’s not what you might imagine. I was still with Lockheed, at the outset of that little experience. It took a long time for the VA to start writing Tramadol prescriptions – no Madison candyman stories or any of that bullshyt. Then it took three years of waning efficacy on a withdrawal-addiction roller-coaster ride including a couple of red flag episodes before I’d had enough. I transitioned to Cannabis after that, but now I want to know my Narxcare score, both then and now, because I suspect it was a factor in the debacle that followed.

The circle is squared. Like Khazak crypto miners draining their power grid, computer algorithms drive the opioid crises, draining time, energy and money out of society, their cash engines fueled by pain and death. Where have we heard that before?

We need an application to prevent algorithm use disorder.

Imagine That

My share of low quality VA healthcare almost got me killed.

“A recent in-depth report found that VA administrators are overruling doctors’ decisions for the sake of cost control and keeping veteran patients in the VA health care system.”

Took me a year to get through that gauntlet after running into some provider issues. Now I spend most of my time sitting around crippled from malpractice.

The Veterans Administration is too big to fail.

Joe Rogan

This racist WWE fighter turned stand-up comedian, turned reality TV show host, turned podcast commentator is an every-man’s version of the smooth-talkin’ politician wannabe. Interesting guests, controversial topics, with lots of insightful judgement and advice that sounds good to misinformed idiots. Some might even consider it great entertainment. Too bad Rogan’s content creators have no clue about half the shyt running out their mouths. Wanna put shyt on the Internet, mutherfucker? Welcome to my nightmare.

You “don’t always get it right?” Who made you the arbiter of always and right? Anybody listening to his podcast two years ago heard about how he was getting lockdown ready “for a month.” He’s one of those fuckwits who thinks everything’s in his lane – total moron. Look what all that popularity got you now. Joe Rogan, his MAGA community and every one of his anti-vaxx guests can suck my dick and choke on it.

It’s easier to taste that marketing money when your head is not firmly planted up your poop chute.

Stay Away from the Monkeys!

My only question is what the FUCK was somebody doing driving down the road in Danville, PA with a hundred un-secured lab monkeys in the back of a truck? Probably our luck similar fuckwit-type stuff maybe somebody in Wuhan was getting up to a few years ago?

Wonder what virulent variant these guys were being tested with?

They’ll Allow it, Will They?

Wouldn’t allow masks, testing and vaccines, but the truck drivers and cops can go teach school now? Makes sense, with governing a best effort abject failure of a quandary in many places on a good day nowadays. What a bunch of flaming fuckwits.

Gov. Kevin Stitt will allow my fist in his teeth were he ever unfortunate enough to get within my reach.

Health Status Update

It’s been hard learning how to use Cannabis.

16 JAN 22: Smaller more frequent doses is the ticket. I guess maybe I was lulled into a sense of sedentary life with the injury itself? High edible doses of Cannabis were mostly just helping keep me immobile. That, and wearing the brace when I’m not, seems to be the main thing providing muscle symptom relief. Sometimes I can actually feel them let go while sitting around toking the vape. But it’s fleeting and only slows the slide back into paralysis when I start moving around. I imagine if we’d had freely ongoing research with Cannabis over the past 80 years we’d probably already have an effective, time-release targeted medication for this.

Cousins, Rodgers, Djokovic, Clapton…

What do these celebrity professional athletes and musicians have in common? They are some of the most prominent Covidiot public faces! Well into the 3rd year of this pandemic, I still cannot wrap my head around what makes these people fail to understand how their rights end where public health begins?

Djokovic in particular, seems to exhibit a particularly aggressive form of Covidiot brain cancer, compelling him to appeal his deportation, even after lying on his immigration forms. Lying and spewing bullshyt to their fans, friends, neighbors and teammates wasn’t enough for Djokopvic. He put it in writing. Provably stupid doesn’t get any more explicit than that.

No different in this respect than corrupt politicians who think they are above the law, it’s just one of the ways their arrogant, deceitful hubris always catches up with them sooner or later. Like cockroaches running about spreading disease in the dark, vaxxliars mostly scatter until every so often you see one in the light.

Fucked this one ALL the way up, didn’tcha?

The Oligarch’s Revenue Stream

Interesting how pandemic suppression tactics seem to follow economic indicators in this country. Things get serious only when the oligarch’s revenue stream is interrupted. The big difference between this year and 2020 is how the grocery store shelves are being emptied this time around not from panic buying, but a lack of staffers and truck drivers to keep them stocked. That’s a real indicator. If you were scared at the outset of the pandemic nutbuggery, buckle up.

Even more telling, here in Colorado, some of those short-staffed workers finally got around to telling the company what they really think about it. Kroger doesn’t agree, now they are on strike. I only hope this marks the beginning of a nationwide revolt against these greedy bastards practicing their Trump-inspired economics, sucking the life out of this nation.

Essential workers only become so, when the oligarch’s revenue stream gets interrupted.

You Have the Freedom to be Stupid

…as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody else. It’s an institutionalized corollary to Darwinism in this country. Seems to be proceeding apace in recent years, considering the Covid death toll now decidedly tilting towards the un-vaccinated. But every so often the law needs to step in, preventing the truly psychotic from causing excessive collateral damage.

Has anybody yet realized the actual problem with being directed to get vaccinated in all this government overreach/freedom bullshyt? You’re too stupid to know what’s good for you. Let’s call it the PC term: Extended Immaturity. It leads to the current Supreme Court case with dimwits running around full of misinformation and lies. Now you’ve managed to paralyze not only the healthcare system, but the country as a whole more-or-less, from an economic standpoint.

Let’s not forget greedy. You have that freedom too. Nice work, fuckwits. I’m talking to you, Zuckerboy – and that bearded twit.

“We were hearing from small business owners that they very much valued their freedom to do business their way, and they felt like this was very much an encroachment of that right and that freedom,”

Good luck, mutherfuckers – you packed the Court.


Latest Symptoms Log entry:

16 DEC 21: Didn’t take long for a mostly vaping prescription to get old. It doesn’t seem like 4-5 times/day is hurting my lungs. I just don’t like the way it feels after some point past around 3 – hacking up more phlegm, etc. I’m going to try a modified micro-dosing scheme. All the articles on it I’ve seen talk about tiny 1-2mg doses. I was taking around 40-50mg doses 2-3 times/day before, but that led to hyperemesis and some uncomfortable excesses. When I tried microdosing a year ago, it did not seem to affect me at all. I’ll up that to around 5-10mg, 3-4 times/day. Should smooth out the peaks and valleys and still hopefully achieve better radiculopathy suppression.