Still Not Safe

I learned this the hard way:

“What I did find fascinating in this book, although not directly applicable to my own work, is the way in which a focus on human error becomes a justification for bureaucratic control and therefore a concentration of power in a managerial layer. If the assumption is that medical harm is primarily caused by humans making avoidable mistakes, and therefore the solution is to prevent humans from making mistakes through better training, discipline, or process, this creates organizations that are divided into those who make the rules and those who follow the rules. The long-term result is a practice of medicine in which a small number of experts decide the correct treatment for a given problem, and then all other practitioners are expected to precisely follow that treatment plan to avoid “errors.”

“The American moral and social philosopher Eric Hoffer reportedly said that every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket. The reform movement to make healthcare safer is clearly a great cause, but patient safety efforts are increasingly following Hoffer’s path.”

Government-run rackets are the worst.

Round 3, Part IV

Whoever generated that letter wasn’t even checking names, and pretty much exemplifies the quality of care I received. I asked for Brinkis’ entry to be changed from “thinks he got a back injury” to “got a back injury.” Still waiting for somebody to explain how the whole right side from my waist down got permanently lit up following a left hip replacement. I thought they were supposed to be able to do that stuff without hurting you.

Denying a true and correct records update might be the last on a long trail of 31 CFR ยง 0.211 violations in this case. Depending on when/where Mr. Tovar’s fingers get into it after the first time around, don’t forget 18 U.S. Code Chapter 101. I’m not filling out any more paperwork on this myself, but you’ll be the first to know when I’m ready to go to court. In the meantime, the claim awaits an appeal decision with a proper review posted online for all to see. I’m not playing the Secret Society game, enabling you people to get away with this crap, and we won’t lose track of the most important evidence, bolted into my spine.

The Xeon launchpad seemed like a cool name then. I like short acronyms, so A1C it is – my first rank in the Air Force. The government really made a monster this time. We have teeth.

What screws? These ones. SCADA scripts warm on the back burner.

Another Vape Review

The Utilian Bubbler coupled with a Crafty+ earned Ultimate Vape Rig accolades a couple months ago. That thing is one impressive little piece of glass. The design effectively renders it a 2-stage device in an amazingly compact package. This feature makes filling a little iffy, until you get the trick. It’s paired with the new Davinci IQc in this review. The Davinci’s conduction heater design gave me a little unexpected learning curve. Unlike mentioned in that last review, the Davinci can be harnessed with a Utilian.

I bought an early Davinci years ago as my 3rd or 4th choice back around the time when I started with the weed for my arthritis. They certainly are quality, well-made units, but I didn’t like it then due to an apparent lack of airflow and ended up gifting it to a friend. Now I know what I was doing wrong – it’s all about the bowl/oven. The Davinci has an elongated tubular bowl design, so if you get it packed even a little, airflow is restricted. The real trick making it work well with a bubbler is to crack open the oven lid while hitting it. Conduction vapes just tend to have slower flow by design for whatever reasons that may entail. The thing I really like about the Davinci tho, is it seems to run to full temp on high, producing copious amounts of thick vapor. That is a drawback on the Crafty+ – doesn’t get hot enough to boil all the CBD, if that’s what’s in there.

…Leading to the next important point on the IQc: It gets warm. Although not really necessary, I like using a whip with these things. The good brand-name stuff is probably safe, but there have been episodes of cheap/knockoff vape hardware overheating and even blowing up in people’s faces due to battery issues. Regardless, anything extending the air path helps with cooling. The brass connector on this one came about just recently after I broke the first Utilian when it slipped off the end of the whip. ;-(

Health Status Update

20 JUL 22: I finally gave up. Not fighting it any more. For three-and-a-half years, all this time, I’ve been struggling to recover from a lumbar nerve root damage injury that is not going to get better. Considering how the c-Spine progressed over the years, I only hope the lumbar doesn’t go retrograde at some point. No amount of massage, stretching, rehab or exercise of any kind has ever shown anything but fleeting temporary relief. Drugs, pharmaceutical or otherwise, are only a thin veil of suppression. So I’ve resigned myself to establishing a new lifestyle using a cane or brace any time I need to be on my feet more than ten minutes, and spending at least half my waking hours resting when I’m not. Memory of those days is fading, but it literally feels like I’ve been on my feet all day every time I sit down.

Cannabis Not Predictive

Big fucking surprise. Weed is apparently not predictive of alot of things, ya think? Why would anybody expect any different with an 80+year-long ban still in effect?

Maybe after another few years of de-bunking what Cannabis doesn’t do, we’ll get around to confirming what it actually does. One thing I can personally confirm is de-motivation under my particular form of nerve-damaged dysfunction. That’s a good thing. Motivation often leads me to a state of painful, physical frustration. That’s just how it goes when you are partially paralyzed with nerve root damage.

Mind-body interface – what a concept.

Cannabis is Mother Nature’s Drug Store

Alaska Burning

I’m no expert on deciphering the data in some of these systems, but this looks worse in just simple terms of density and number than what we had here with the Cameron Peak Fire last year. Not in the news because not enough people are suffering from it?

Bet the Canadians will start to complain pretty soon…

Round 3, Part III

I’m quite certain the Secretary’s minions have plenty to do without a surviving malpractice victim’s incessant whining. But assuming “shortly” means around three months in VA time, I figured it best to just go ahead and delineate exactly what we’re talking about here:

They pull this crap on the Vets ALL THE TIME.

Round 3 In Progress (again)

Looks like the Memorial Day update caught somebody’s attention this year. My apologies to the readers, but remember this government stuff almost never comes without long waiting periods. In the meantime just to clarify, cyber terrorism is only a hobby of mine and way down on the priority list.

Here’s a kicker for ya: Guess how many times I had to submit the claim before they would even begin to process it? Yep – opened, then immediately closed. Twice. Maybe they thought it was like a 3rd time around type thing, too? I haven’t told anybody that before today. That’s REALLY gonna need some ‘splainin.

Serious Business -John Mellencamp

Memorial Day 2022

We have a whole new class of lost souls to remember on my favorite holiday this year.

That little screed above is just polite, public email and Stuff. Real dark web fuckery business awaits. Shutting down 1700 N Wheeling for a few days with a keystroke would be tremendously satisfying, but I have respect for the vets who use that facility. No employers are concerned with the color of my hat, so you never know when some corrupt government officials might need their cyber asses handed to them.

Nowadays I have more time for that other kind of Stuff – like managing hostile networks and learning about where people I’m interested in live and work, their schedules and so forth.

Quick refresher, from an archived symptoms file.

This former ECHCS patient happens to be a systems security expert who suffered both medical malpractice and medical negligence, with a Failure to Diagnose thrown in just for fun – all at the hands of numerous Aurora VA personnel. This old ECHCS-hating NCO did cyber defense for early warning systems and worked for a military intelligence battalion in a war zone. Whether or not that matters more now than after ruining his life is irrelevant.

The only question remaining in this case, is on whose terms VA staff are held accountable. It’s gonna get done publicly/officially, and/or covertly/randomly. Pounds of flesh can be found in lots of things.

When somebody shows you who they really are, believe them – just another item for that memory list. Nobody fucks me over like this and gets away with it without killing me. Nice try – Donner’s anesthesiologist almost got me.

Look it up. You’re the fuckers with or without all the government records you seem to rely on so much.
Can’t wait to meet you, Arnold.

This is what it feels like. | Remember what, too? This.

Here’s the bad bitch(s) Kid was talkin’ about. The little one’s going to a Boston law school on her dime, with a little help from dear ‘ol Dad. Let me know if you need any more of those song metaphors translated.