Plymouth, NH

…is a very nice little college town! Even has a touch of touristy-resort feel to it, methinks. Small schedule change will have me here 4 days with just a day trip Acadia tomorrow. Francie is busy with a recruit, practice etc. But we had dinner earlier, and by all accounts seems to be doing remarkably well.

She's Gone (off to College!)

My little girl is all grown up and off on her own now in Plymouth New Hampshire. Her new coach is starting to learn what we’ve known for a long time now. She made the team as expected, so she’s all set to have a great time there at PSU. I must be having lots of fun myself, because it seems like time is not just flying, but gone supersonic. I suppose this will be the “before” college pic, while her and Michelle were feasting on fresh lobster in Portland:

Francie in Portland

It's Official

Francie received her diploma from Frederick High Saturday. The ceremony was forced indoors due to the incessant rain we’ve had this spring. Nevertheless, we got it done in fine style and the event was even shared with family back east on livestream. I snapped a few shots during and after the ceremony for this page in her PhotoAlbum.


Rising Star

This yearbook page marks the end of Francie’s high school volleyball career. I’m sure it will be followed by an even better stint with the Plymouth Panthers:

Yearbook VBall Page

Another Big Day for Francie!

It’s official: Plymouth State University, New Hampshire. We had a little signing ceremony for her and a couple of other Frederick High athletes yesterday. I’m sure there’s probably still just a wee bit more paperwork left to do at this point…

Link to a few more pics and the pre-Prom dress-up shots.

Francie's Volleyball Aspirations

… Appear to be going well. Michelle and her spent the better part of the last three days at the big Crossroads volleyball tournament in Denver. Ballistic 18s were in the overall top echelon of contenders, winning 5 out of 7 matches against their opponents. Here’s a link to the Senior Highlights video. Next up is a trip to Plymouth, New Hapshire to see if she wants to accept a scholarship they are offering her there.


They Did It!

Francie’s volleyball team got the job done last weekend at their Power-2 tournament in the Springs. It was a close match with the other really good team in attendance that day, but they came out on top and clearly dominated the rest.

Power-2 Pin

Francie's Off to Orlando

Francie left for the airport with Avery about an hour ago. This is the big Volleyball Club trip she’s been looking forward to. Hopefully they will do well in the tournament and she’ll have plenty of new stats and video to impress the college recruiters with. It’s also her first trip away from home more-or-less on her own. They do grow up fast.

Francie V-Ball

Freshman Letterman

They didn’t quite make it to State last year, but came close. I’m betting they do next year. Now she’s playing off-season for what she refers to as a “real” club. The club Director told us she already looks like a legitimate Division 1 prospect. We’ll be down in Lakewood for a tournament tomorrow. Looks like the sky’s the limit for daughter#2!

Exactly When Did Smartphones Become Brain Extensions?

I mean, I don’t need a handheld computer-communications device to do my thinking for me.  Why does daughter #2 seem to have this attitude?  Seems she cannot be picked up from school at the appointed, agreed-to time without getting a text notification of transportation standing by curbside.


I don’t think so.  Be on time, be there, use your brain, not your phone, thank you very much.