Texas in the Spring

…is just beautiful – at least the hill country of Mason county is, fer sure. I got to see maybe .001% of the state on the way down there last weekend. Maybe another .002% tooling around Mason for a few days, but it must’ve been the best part of the whole state, from what I saw. There are of course small towns everywhere all across the country. But I doubt many are real small towns the way Mason is.

That’s my girl!

Rest of the tourist trip pics are on this page.

The Lone Star Gang

Now that I’m getting vaccinated and the pandemic is starting to let up(?), I’ll head south next month for a visit with the Texas clan. That blue Dodge needs a new home, after I became unable to work on it a few years ago. The diesel pickups are nice, but they are expensive to maintain if you’re not doing your own work.

That hat’s gettin’ old.

Back in Boston…

Francie ‘n Vic remind me of what feasting used to be – burning calories like they’re going out of style!

I’m slipping into a food coma just looking!

Texas Xmas

One of Phoebe’s pics from yesterday made a rare journey into my computer:

I think Tanner found something he likes better than beer!

Nice Buck!

Looks like going to high school with all the cowboys at Meade left Phoebe with a big ‘ol country streak in her.  My hunting days as a boy growing up in PA were short and unremarkable.  Glad to see Phoebe passing me up in ways I never imagined.

Can’t wait to see what that guy tastes like!

Panama 2020

Everybody in the Panama family appears to be doing well.  Michelle has been visiting with them for the past couple weeks.  Looking forward to seeing alot more pictures.

Michelle and Alda

My update:

4 MAR 20: Off painkiller 4 days, everything feels good. Nerve pain disappeared a few days ago. Will start cutting the Gabapentin now. Using brace less.  Sleeping almost normally.  Still feeling tiny, sharp jabs on movement at the job site, normal, expected. Radiculopathy has evened out bi-laterally, focused in the erectors and obliques now with minor cramping in both thighs.  Glute strain diminishing. Feels like I am finally on the road to recovery.

G'bye Francie, Hello Tanner

Managed to get the sisters together for dinner before Francie heads east, not be seen again around here until late next spring.  She’ll be doing Christmas with the Bergstroem’s in Sweden this year.  Looks like Phoebe’s latched onto a suitable substitute, as well.  

Francie was Home for Thanksgiving

We had nice dinner and evening with neighbors Marianne and Craig.  Craig baked a delicious turkey and we spent the night watching football.  This year I got to brag about my Conference-Leading Volleyball star, awaiting new nails below:

Francie will be flying out early tomorrow morning.  She expects to finish 1 semester early, with Fall 2020 next year being her last at Plymouth State.


Quiet Xmas

Looks like things have been pretty busy, just not around here. We have 3 little girls again, now all home for the holidays. The in-laws arrived from Panama Saturday, so we have a full house with lots of stuff for them to see and do coming up on the agenda.

Sleepy Time

Panama Again!

This little branch of the Shaffer family has a new Panama connection. Kimberly spent a week there last month with the Global Brgades and Doctors without Borders program(s). The place they worked is a remote region in the eastern part of the country. Way to go, Kimberly!

Happy Holidays!

Or happy whatever/whenever the calendar construct representing your irrational belief system happens to be based. Just enjoy friends, family and time off (if any) during our official religiously-designated holiday season.

Fired Gawd
Xmas 2017