Dickhead Made a Deal…

…with the Devil – namely Trump.  It was pretty obvious the Troll-in-Chief had a special little boner for Zuck, what with the White House visits, and all.  Why wouldn’t he?  Anybody willing to allow his lies and hate speech to be broadcast with impunity makes a great ally for the government of Twit(ter).  Now the Facebrat boy who made a fortune selling the personal information of his clients has a very unpopular position to defend.  Good luck, fuckface.

What data? What hate speech?

“It’s crystal clear today that leadership refuses to stand with us,” Brandon Dail, a Facebook engineer, tweeted about the call.”  Seems like alot of that going around lately.

Fuck the Police and their GOP Overlords

110lb.  girl.  No links to stories.  Why am I not seeing alot of minority people in that crowd?  Must be outside agitators.  Everything you need to know is right below:

A police officer (L) holds down a protester while another (back) sprays pepper spray as they clash outside the District Four Police station during a Black Lives Matter protest against police brutality and racism in the US, including the recent deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, in Boston, Massachusetts, on May 29, 2020. – The Minneapolis police officer accused of killing George Floyd, a handcuffed African American man, was charged with murder on May 29 as authorities declared a curfew after three nights of violent protests left parts of the city in flames. (Photo by Joseph Prezioso / AFP) (Photo by JOSEPH PREZIOSO/AFP via Getty Images).

At least he is following new procedural guidance to avoid using the knee-on-throat tactic in public.  Apart from that, it might as well be a re-run of Floyd’s episode in Boston with another arguably inappropriate victim.  At least he didn’t kill her.  Fuck this shyt, and anybody who supports it – especially the Nazis, Confederates, Evangelicals, their inbred redneck legions of vapid, soulless voters and anyone who thinks Trump is/was a good idea now.  Want some more?

Late Update:  Independent autopsy significantly disagrees with the county’s preliminary report – just like the initial report of “outsiders” was a lie.  Mutherfuckers need to start understanding the days of getting away with this shyt are long gone in the era of smartphones and unfettered communications.  I guess some people are just fucking stupid.

Outside Agitators?

Damn straight.  Hell, I’d go myself if I could, goddamn agitator that I am.  Those “outside agitators” sure are well organized – able to synchronize mass protests nationwide.  Must be some small group of outside agitators, right?  I’m outside this.  I’m agitated.  Actually, I’m fucking livid.  Agitate that.

What is wrong with the media narrative I keep hearing?  Things are going terribly wrong, so it must be somebody else’s fault – some shadowy “other” group, nobody can identify, right?  I am so goddamn sick and tired of the government and media trying to tell me what to be afraid of and who to hate.  Once again, Mike Littwin sums it up well, but I do have one nitpick there:  Vandalism and arson DO prove something.  They prove that the racial divide, multiplied by the political divide + SARSco-V2 = time to wake up and pull your fucking heads out.  You know who you are.

Fuck ’em all – especially Trump, the primary perpetrator of this inanity.

Just a practice drill for January.

People know who the real enemy is, and Beau remembers where the pitchforks are.  Like Trea said – fix this shyt, or learn to breathe smoke.


This blathering idiot just needs to STFU.

I’m the supreme Twit! I should OWN Twitter!!

The moron is so stupid he does not even realize the upshot of his most recent “Executive Order” should basically force Twitter to ban his useless ass.  If his equally imbecilic compatriots (U.S. Senators) are unwilling to do it, We the People will start cleaning up this mess ourselves in November.

What Justice?

Not quite yet, but trouble’s brewin’

Donald Ayer, who served as Deputy Attorney General under George H. W. Bush, said, ‘They take the position that they don’t even have to show up. That’s totally outrageous. It’s denying the legitimacy of another branch of government in the name of executive supremacy.'”

Too put it more succinctly – a dictator.  Anyone who didn’t seen this coming up 6th ave. is asleep at the switch.  Sometimes I wonder who’s worse – Trump or his enablers? It’s hard to blame a spoiled child for it’s parent’s misgivings. I guess the only real question remaining is if his closest cronies are stupid enough to try going along with it.  Remember Helsinki, and hope the base isn’t as stupid as he thinks they are.

Chinese Gettin' Antsy

Background network noise coming out of China has started climbing noticeably again.  Haven’t seen much in the way of email bot traffic like a few years ago, but those were mostly Russian.  Chinese scanning and generic exploit bot activity has ramped up considerably in just the past month.  The lion’s share reaching my server is shown on the thickest red line below:

Here they come again.

The scary part about this is what we don’t see.  Check your passwords, and remember Moonlight Maze.

Cruel and Unusual?

Apparently it’s gotten that way here in Weld county, CO.  Maybe not, when optionally participating in the exponential spread of a deadly virus, depending on whether or not you choose to leave your home.  We’ll just call it regular punishment for those of us remaining in our home jails while the general population engages in viral sprees of willful ignorance.

Sittin’ tight in home jail detention, for the time being.

Not that I’m complaining about government overreach, or tyrannical pandemic measures.  On the contrary, I firmly believe the angst addressing these issues is purely misplaced by people under the influence of the Trump propaganda machine.  They would more appropriately be angry at a government failing to perform it’s primary function of effectively protecting their health and economy – not the consequences of failing to do so.

South Carolina is a Shithole

Lindsey Graham is enough evidence proving the proposition, but if you want confirmation, look here“Chiefs cornerback Bashaud Breeland got snared by South Carolina’s racist prison trap last week.”

Kansas City Chiefs’ Bashaud Breeland (21) intercepts a pass against the San Francisco 49ers during the first half of the NFL Super Bowl 54 football game Sunday, Feb. 2, 2020, in Miami Gardens, Fla. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)

Cops really need to get their shyt together and think about what they are doing once in awhile.

Where the Lumbar Stands

I’m standing on it pretty well now, 7 weeks after the surgery.  Thought I was all set for another few years of normal life after my 2nd hip replacement January, 2019.  But you can’t always get what you want, and in this case I became the victim of not just malpractice, but malpractice followed by either incompetence and/or criminal misconduct.  I say either and/or, because it still remains unclear whether or not they did it on purpose.  I would be inclined to think doctors and their subordinates freely and actively discuss matters affecting their patients, but what do I know?  Maybe the VA really is too big to fail and they are just doing their thing in a vacuum, with little effective oversight.

Here’s where it stands:

Unsure if a lawyer is really called for at this point, basing that decision on what they say.  I understand these things are rarely if ever cut and dried, but this one is or should be.  It’s all in the official VA medical record, with the exception of the one single important detail of what actually happened, and thus why I needed a lumbar fusion last month.  Maybe they believe people are naive enough to not know anybody over the age of 60 who’s ever done a day of real work in their life has any number of benign annular tears up and down their spine.  It takes an orthopedic surgeon (in this case) to rip one wide open and make it go toxic.

Senator Gardner’s staffer, Maria Secrest tells me there are lawyers working pro-bono to connect with vets at the Denver Veterans Service Center.  It should be interesting to see the VA’s official response to our senators.  The VA Director’s office apparently wanted more info,  prompting ECHCS to attempt contacting me, which I initially rejected.  I am soooo goddamned sick and tired of talking about this.  Probably have to wait for the pandemic to burn out before it goes any further.  

Just What I (really?) Needed?

It has given me something to focus on and stay busy with at times over the past year while nursing my newfound sedentary lifestyle.  Painful, hard lessons are well-learned, but always trying to find the silver lining, nonetheless.

The larger issue of VA administrative and operating practices related to my hip surgery January last year has obviously taken a few twists and turns.  It ultimately landed on the VA Director and Colorado Senator’s staff desks.  I’m now freely using the term “criminal,” WRT my understanding of what transpired.  Nobody involved has yet challenged one statement or assertion I have made, except to deny the source of it, in the face of overwhelming evidence. 

Sound familiar?  Once I realized what they were doing, it stopped being about just me.  The personal hurt and insult is of course deep and raw.  But that is overshadowed by the knowledge that this is just VA business as usual.  I hope it doesn’t get any uglier before things are sorted.  There’s a whole lot of people (~1% of the population?) with a current crop risking their lives around the world every day, deserving better.

Some central themes always seemed to carry across from one case to the next in the internal government investigations I was privy to:  It’s pretty typical for someone to eventually crack.  Dishonest and dumb people tread fearlessly on the dark side.  Then when the hammer comes down, they spill the beans, crying like babies, begging for forgiveness.  When we find out staff discussed the pre-determined course of my post-op treatment it will no longer be an HR issue.  Not sure if the summons will come from the County or State, under these circumstances.  U.S. District?  I guess it depends on who we go after, and why.  There are several options to choose from.  We’ll see what the lawyers have to say…


That’s me now – completely and utterly, sitting in a jail of my own design, imposed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.  Physically – midsection shot, metal clear across, living in constant pain for the past 14 months.  Mentally – gaslighted by the VA for 10 months, doubting my own sanity in a world of cognitive dissonance.  Emotionally – family relationships ruined, perhaps irreparably.  I only hope the lumbar fusion surgery last week puts the physical part back on track, because that is the root cause  for all of it.  Thanks VA, don’t know what I’d do without you.  Prognosis is good for Dr. Donner’s work, with no un-expected ill-effects noted from the back surgery I didn’t need until after Dr. Park got ahold of me, January 8th, 2019.

Just a quick update to put the site back in service after a few days of infrastructure tuning and offline analysis.  Hey fuckface – no, the other fuckface, Putin:  tell your FSB buddies my onion is ready to peel.

Even Putin cannot believe it.

A Good Firing

Getting fired can be a very good thing.  I know this from personal experience.  It happened to me three times during my working life, and all three resulted in very positive outcomes.  The first time I was a 19yo caught stealing beer from the Pittsburgh Airport where I worked as a night janitor for  the food service company.  It had been going on for months.  Hosting free-beer parties every weekend wasn’t doing anybody any good, and I was going nowhere academically or in the job market.  That first one was unintentional.

The second time came many years later in 2002, as the unintended consequence of my own intentions.  OSI informed the CSS Commander at Peterson AFB of some so-called “network hacking” activity attributed to me.  The funny part about that was, I reported it myself after discovering system vulnerabilities in the course of my assigned tasks and duties!  It turned into a time-wasting, embarrassing conundrum for a Commander unwilling to admit his mistake before the erroneous Article-15 action was refuted.  Then I got a new, better job:  A trip to Bosnia.  That was punishment for beating the Article 15.  You should have seen the look on his face when we went in to sign the paperwork.  He was steamed.  Then I went off and did some really cool stuff at Butmir.  Within a week of my arrival it was apparent nobody with a clue had been around for quite awhile.  It wasn’t very difficult making a lasting, positive impact on MIB secure comms.  Lotsa people thank you for that, Col Wright!

My 3rd time around the firing ring, 2nd on the  insubordination track, was a few years later working as a Lockheed contractor at Schriever AFB.  That was fully intentional by me, all the way through.  Sometimes you just gotta stop tolerating the bullshyt.  I got a 2-month paid vacation and fully-funded retirement out of that one.  Good luck LtCol Vindman – but I don’t think you’ll need it.

There's a Fine Line

Evil and malevolence are disturbing and unfortunately active forces in our society.  They are dark and dangerous, with few wiling or even able to effectively deal with them.  And yet motives and outcomes they engender can be beneficial to the greater good under the right circumstances.  It’s not hard to get past the wrong side of it once you realize everything you do falls on one side or the other of that good/bad line and stays there, the moment you push the “go” button.

Think about it next time you do something.

Every waking moment, every human being goes down their chosen path on one side of that line or the other, close, far away, or somewhere in-between.  Everything they say or do influences to some extent, everything and everyone they come in contact with, somewhere on the spectrum of negative-to-positive outcomes.  Bet there’s a lot of people sitting around in Washington D.C. right now with either no clue on which side of the line they stand, or a delusional cognition problem.  JMHO, but in terms of potential consequences, that last little faux pas in the Senate was about as far across the wrong side of the line people have gone since WWII, in a coordinated, group-think fashion.

Pompeo the Prick

Time to address one of the smarmiest of the Trump gang – Mike Pompeo.  If Cuntway is the most despicable, Pompeo is the biggest liar.  As the Secretary of State, he is culpable for the cruelly fraudulent treatment of Marie Yavonovich, the former Ukrainian ambassador.

“I’ve defended every single person on this team,” Pompeo said in an interview with NPR. “I’ve done what’s right for every single person on this team.”

Apparently Marie was not on the team of criminal conspirators attempting to defraud the country.  If it is “right” to have an ambassador surveilled by organized crime operatives, then order her firing as the lynchpin of political corruption activities, then I guess he is right.  My characterization of this fatass Trump cocksucker is the enabler spouting the biggest of the liesHe’s a real tough guy with the ladies.  A real class act.  If Americans “don’t give a fuck about Ukraine” as he claims, then what’s the big deal?

One less ambassador to worry about on the left, Mr. President.
Biggest Hero of the Trump Impeachment Debacle.

Sackless Trump Toady

Credit to Colbert for coining the term, which so accurately describes one of the GOP limp-dicks I have yet to compliment myself:  Lindsey Graham.  This then inexperienced lawmaker earned his stripes with among other things, opining how impeachment was about “cleansing the office” during the Clinton scandal.  If this feckless piece ‘o shyt had half a conscience he’d resign his seat and publicly apologize to his constituents and indeed all South Carolina’s citizens, for disgracing the office and the country itself.

Gotta give the lot of ’em credit for getting one thing right, tho.  Alot of people sure do hate this capricious, lying mutherfucker, and certainly do seek to topple his fat, bleached, painted ass.

Now go sit in the senate and think about what you’ve done!


Another Trump Phone Call?

“Within hours of Bezos’ receipt of the video, the analysis found, “a massive and unauthorized exfiltration of data from Bezos’ phone began, continuing and escalating for months,”


If it looks like a duck… I imagine the call with Saudi Prince Salman went something like this:  “Yes Mohammed, the Aramco deal is going to be amazing!  But I need you to do us a favor…”

Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.