Current White House Talking Whore

The Fucwkit-in-Chief is on his what, 4th “spokesperson” now?  I guess there’s always somebody willing to do just about anything for money.  Isn’t that the basic definition of a whore?

Stick enough money in my garter and you can put anything you want in my mouth!

Science will not stand in the way of this country’s destruction!

Looks like the other White House whore might’ve actually gotten herself in trouble selling administration garbage:
No! I am the biggest White House whore!

How Low Will They Go?

Hard to say, but I’d estimate lower than a snake’s belly in a wagon rut at this point:

“Not a single day goes by that we are not heartbroken and struck with unimaginable grief. This ad uses my story in a negative light and disgraces the memory of Mark and Joey.”

The Republican Party now represents a gang of shameless dirtbags.

They are doing this to the whole country now.

Who else do we know uses innocent victims in a negative light?  Cunty Gardner seems to think his children make good political ad props.  That cocksucker is currently TOTALLY ignoring the biggest problems in this country today, preferring to tug heart strings with campaign ads featuring his children.  They going to be attending classes next month, Cunty?

A Really BIG Dose of Stupid

This Kemp guy in GA must have his tounge so far up Trump’s ass he can taste the POTUS’ breakfast.  How many political points are scored against one Covid death?  I suspect these particular conservative morons are at the end of their political line – if the Republican party itself even survives the next election.

Bend over bitch, time to rescind those mask orders.

Somebody please inform these morons viral public health threats are apolitical.

Here It Is

Didn’t take long for Navarro’s true role in Trump’s criminal enterprise to become apparent – he’s the “hit man.”  The hit is on Dr. Fauci.  Accompanied by the White House’s CDC complaints, it couldn’t be more clear how badly Trump is twisting in the wind.  This time the truth has been laid bare all year long, despite their cowardly attempts to hide it.  It’s one story, and one story only:  Negligent Federal Pandemic response.

So rather than doing their jobs and actually trying to help the country, the fuckwits just start shotgunning blame.  Now the sons-of-bitches are gonna try to hide it by cooking the books.

See, I really am a lyin’piece ‘o shyt.

At least people are no longer believing the gaslight.

What's His Angle?

This Trump bitch might have been one of the first to warn about the pandemic clear back in January.  Yet Navarro is still carrying Trump’s water to this day, aggressively inserting “China” and “Chinese” virus into responses to journalist’s questions about economic issues.  Throw in the trade deal bullshit and it becomes quite clear this administration is nothing short of a bunch of bumbling fools.  The so-called “Trade Advisor” cannot even follow his own narrative, as the amateur hour club deliberately sabotages pandemic efforts planning indoor political conventions in Florida while ER’s overflow with Covid victims.  What sort of cretins do that?

How’s that 20/20 hindsight now, bitches?

A "Real" Trump Bitch

I suppose I’ve been overlooking this particular political whore since her involvement has been less overtly outrageous and politically focused than some other members of the Trump gang.  But being a long-running female member of the White House team’s Destroy America from Within Project, It’s time to expose this servile little bitch for what she is.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos speaks to reporters about the coronavirus at the White House in March.

“Today’s announcement is about stopping the Trump administration’s latest effort to steal from working families to give it to the very privileged,”

I wonder how many of Trump’s bitches are starting to wonder about those 2-term promises?  Stupid cunt.
Late Update:  Fuck this whore.

Time for 2-in-the-Hat

Trump clearly chose a path of duplicitous deceit and traitorous crimes against this country.  The legal definition of treason with regard to wartime footing is debatable,  just like his impeachment was “debatable.”  I am calling for this nation’s military leadership to take the necessary action at this time.  Time’s up.

Putin-Loving Piece-o-Shit

“Twenty American service members were killed in combat-related operations in Afghanistan last year, the most since 2014.”

This cocksucker signed a peace agreement with the Taliban two days after he was briefed the Russians were paying their operatives to kill our guys.  Go ahead and send the Secret Service, mutherfuckers.  I’m loaded for bear, with a bad case of insomnia.

Follow your oath to this country.

Stop the threat of Trump-Enhanced Bullshit.

The President who can’t Read.

Demonstration Training

We’re gonna need a little more attention to detail in this protest business.  The first thing is to understand you cannot fight the police – or the national guard or anyone else for that matter.  But you can “win” the day, with a little planning.

Couple points to remember:  #1 – If the police think this country belongs to their overlords and wish to engage in brutality and suppression tactics, they are liable to get hurt as well.  It’s a legal doctrine called mutual combat.  Of course the government narrative implies they are right and protesters are wrong, depending on where you believe any legal authority comes from.  So just remember, weapons are cheap, readily available and DISPOSABLE.  Nobody wants to get done for killing a cop, because that story’s ending is already written – just like it’s been a foregone conclusion for all their brutally murdered victims over the years.

#2 – Pick your battles.  Confrontations tend to happen dynamically and unpredictably.  The opportunity to defend yourself effectively will arise at the time and place of your choosing.  If the authorities expect to show up, they will be dressed and ready, and your options will be very limited.  Surprise, surprise, what have we here…  Based on yesterday’s Federal Police Reform discussions in Congress, it’s going to take some dead cops to bring this to a satisfactory conclusion.

The Song Remains the Same.

This one may be the most egregious in modern CO times – and they did NOTHING.  Until they get the law right in terms of police tactics and accountability, I declare this nation’s police force as a whole, fair game on the mean streets of the good ‘ol USA.

SuperSpreader Engaged

While politically-concerned pundits revel in the low turnout, the epidemiologists cringe.  I pity Oklahoma, and hope few hardcore MAGAs from Colorado made the 500 mile trip east.

Delusional MAGAs – No Masks, no Brains, lost Souls.

Anyone still with Trump at this point is lost.  Now many more will die, following their signed waiver not to complain about it.  This will sadly, become a very hot topic over the next few weeks…

“We saved millions of lives. Now it’s time, get back to work,” Trump said.

“Won’t Back Down, Huh?”  Don’t worry.  You will be taken down – systematically, thoroughly and with with appropriate consequences.

“Don’t kid yourself. Americans are dumb as shit. Yes, collectively all people are dumb as shit, but Americans have a particular stupidity based on our culture and long history of thinking we know everything, not giving a shit about other people, and no one having the right to tell us what to do.”  -MSmith537

I haven’t been screwed by that many teens since Epstein’s last party.

How's Your Cancer Risk?

A big factor in that equation these days might be your proximity to the fracking industry.  Glad my Mom moved out of the place at 961 before those new brine tanks on the hilltop across the road got into production.  Can I expect to find my old neighborhood hopelessly contaminated soon?  Guess I’ll need to add a Geiger counter to my toolbag.

It’s all about the money, nothing else.

“But in the excitement of this boom there is little mention of the pipes, pumps, and filters in these plants that will become coated with radioactivity. Or of the fountain of radioactive brine and drill cuttings spewing forth from wells. Or of the workers being exposed, the land being contaminated. 

One question I ask these companies, says Smith, the New Orleans lawyer, ‘What have you done to go out and find all the radioactive waste you have dumped all over the United States for the past 120 years?’ And the answer is nothing.”

Like Trea Said…

The man speaks the truth.  We have an alarming lack of that little commodity in society these days.  But the score is still not settled.  How many Wendy’s = a Police Murder?

Fix this shyt, or learn to breathe smoke.

Remember the UPS Truck?

Black males, despite being central to the problem, aren’t the only ones getting needlessly killed by the cops.  Whatever happened to the nutbags who perpetrated this violent, appalling affront to society?  Here’s a new idea for ongoing police reorgs across the country:  No more high speed chases.  How about no more chases at all?  Roads are dangerous enough as it is.

The military has great success with overhead ISR.  Cops are all about militarization, right?  Get with the fuckin’ program.  How many drones you think you can get for the price of one fully equipped police cruiser?  Even better, start earmarking some of these dumbasses to sit behind a computer screen with a joystick instead of a  steering wheel with a gun.  Maybe they will learn something.

Flashing lights and sirens, or the element of surprise?

Two Big Problems

Healthcare and cops.  What do these seemingly universal, mundane societal institutions have in common when it comes to the “problem” category these days?  It is pretty simple when you step back and focus the optics.  They are two of the secret societies Kennedy warned us about.

Law Enforcement and Healthcare are insulated from oversight and protected from regulation and legal liability by a system of laws and government designed not for the benefit of the citizenry, but only for the LE/Med operator’s financial gain and grip on power.  Municipal security and healthy people are merely secondary considerations.  The real purpose of the public-facing houses of law enforcement and healthcare is to form a facade hiding the fat, dumb and happy mayors, doctors, insurance executives and politicians raping society for every penny they can extract.

I find it particularly disturbing how the army of clinicians, patrol officers, nurses, administrators, clerks and other worker bees do not seem to understand how badly they are being exploited.  Just look at the budgets.  What is the first thing that happens when they get cut?  “Follow the Money” was never a more appropriate adage illustrating the degree to which our society has degraded into a financial fuck-all in terms of what the police and doctors are doing.  Police get big chunks of the general spending in many jurisdictions, but their budgets pale in comparison to the healthcare money being spent on among other things, cleaning up their messes.

“New York City is currently spending more on policing than on health, homeless services, youth development, and workforce development combined.”

…with the unions and politicians feeding off each other.  What makes the lawyers piles of money with  malpractice lawsuits backed up for years and allows people like George Floyd to be murdered in the street?  Healthcare and cops.  It is a mindset purposely designed that way and we are doing it to ourselves.  And remember, you are approximately 9,000 times more likely to be killed by a healthcare provider than anyone wielding a gun.  The silver lining to this pandemic is laying bare long standing problems.  Will we as a society have the wherewithal to fix them?

What seems to be the problem? Not enough paper masks and plastic shields?