Dangerous Incompetence

I’ve been harping on it for more than a year.  Took awhile, but high-profile expert opinion has finally become public.  The Journal is historically a-political, but apparently feels compelled to speak up after a bloviating fuckwit turns a public heath crisis into a mass murder weapon.  Still waiting for paperwork out of the Hague.

The journal’s editors write: “The death rate in this country is more than double that of Canada, exceeds that of Japan, a country with a vulnerable and elderly population, by a factor of almost 50, and even dwarfs the rates in lower-middle-income countries, such as Vietnam, by a factor of almost 2000.”

Fucking Cee Goddamned Dee Cee, my ass.

These cocksuckers belong in jail.  People need to think about that.

Internet Anonymity

It’s the new bandanna – I call it my bandito-kerchief, donned at the doorways of all public buildings I enter these days, fewer and less frequently than ever before.  100 years ago they only showed up on the occasional bank robber or cattle rustler around here.  2020’s bandito-kerchief is called Internet Anonymity.

Despite online service providers’ attempts to reign in the problem, it’s not going away, because it simply cannot.  The ease and speed with which bogus accounts may be created and exploited on various social media platforms fuels their cash engines.  Zuckerberg could not possibly care less who or what generates his revenue, as long as he can stay on the right side of the law – law only recently going into development.

Take this blog for example.  There is little to be found here not contained in public records or seen by simply walking past 5712 Wetland Loop on the sidewalk.  The problems start, where people have things to hide.  The Internet is showing it’s teeth after a 20-year gestation period.  It’s hungry and social media is feeding it the wrong information.

Knock, knock – who’s there?

In “Book III of Odes,” circa 20 B.C., Horace wrote: ‘Our sires’ age was worse than our grandsires. We, their sons, are more worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more corrupt.’

America's Dumbest Criminals

People saw this coming years ago.  The cultural rot gnawing at this country’s frayed edges gets interesting when the man starts overtly encouraging it.  I bet the guys at the FBI regional office had 3 different office pools on what stupid shyt these imbeciles were getting up to.

Average IQ at the Detroit Federal lockup just dropped about 30%
Inevitability has such a hollow ring to it now.

A Mind Boggling Mix

Being an information broker can be a confusing endeavor at times.  I’m one of those people a mile wide and an inch deep in most places.  But recently I ran across somebody to help me out in one area I’ve seemed to be on the wrong side of at times: the Law.

I could once again throw out the, wait for it… “unprecedented” nature of this surreality.  Instead, I’ll just embed a few genuine facts and un-retouched photos in a YouTube stream and hope the words get through to some boggled minds.  Mr. Kirschner is clearly experienced, insightful and authentic.  In a world full of alternate facts, ALWAYS consider the source.

Problem Solved?

I’m not linking to any stories, because everyone on the planet already knows the Fuckwit caught Covid.  In retrospect, I suppose it was inevitable considering the way he’s acted throughout the crisis.  At least maybe we won’t need these to get his sorry ass out of the White House.  I’d like to see him get an injection in a prison execution chamber, but if the miserable piece ‘o shyt dies alone like he deserves, that’s good, too.

Considering he’s already declared the election rigged, anyone who doesn’t believe Trump’s criminal enterprise is using the next month’s time to focus on lining up their paperwork for the Court, is delusional.  I think the big hitters probably know by now, they’ll likely all end up in jail.

PHILIPPINE SEA (Sept. 25, 2020) From left, USNS Charles Drew (T-AKE 10), USS Comstock (LSD 45), USS Shiloh (CG 67), USS New Orleans (LPD 18), USS Chicago (SSN 721), USS America (LHA 6), USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), USNS John Ericsson (T-AO 194), USS Antietam (CG 54), USS Germantown (LSD 42), and USNS Sacagawea (T-AKE 2) steam in formation while E/A-18G Growlers and FA-18E Super Hornets from Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 5, a P-8 Poseidon from Commander Task Force 72, and U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptors and a B-1B Bomber fly over the formation in support of Valiant Shield 2020. Valiant Shield is a U.S. only, biennial field training exercise (FTX) with a focus on integration of joint training in a blue-water environment among U.S. forces. This training enables real-world proficiency in sustaining joint forces through detecting, locating, tracking and engaging units at sea, in the air, on land and in cyberspace in response to a range of mission areas. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Codie Soule)

Answer to the subject question is a resounding NO!  The upshot of Trump’s death would probably only make things worse in the near term, as his base turns from demagogue worship to martyr idolatry.  They’ll fight about anything – an election, their boy’s death, whatever.  The impending problem I see is doubt Trump actually even has the virus.

Unprecedented irony and poetic justice wrapped up in one huge October surprise.  It was early in the month, so maybe we have time for another…

WTF is Article 25 for, then?

Der Komissar.

I was calling for it back before the impeachment started.  Now we have a POTUS that probably owes a half billion dollars to Putin standing in front of the nation on live TV refusing to denounce white supremacy.  Oh wait – now I remember!  We don’t use the Constitution any more.  I guess the framers never anticipated an entire cabinet full of criminals surrounding some fool like this would conspire with half the government in a bungled authoritarian power grab.  What a shitshow – debate, administration, court, government and all.

Just listen to the discourse.  Last evening was a culmination of the rotary-oscillator impelled excrement that’s been floating around Washing DC all term.  That’s the problem – people don’t listen to contrary information after they get a particularly comforting idea seated in their head.  All I’ve heard through the impeachment and countless media interviews with everyone on all sides ever since amounts to a complete disregard for all norms of decorum – legally, Constitutionally and morally.  In the backdrop of a pandemic, American politics vainly slashes at itself in the throes of a cartoonish death match.

The GOP strategy has been around forever and it’s called FUD – fear, uncertainty and doubt.  You can wrap up literally any and all cockamamie utterances emanating from the Fuckwit-in-Chief under this category.  That’s all they got.  But it sure is enough to create the mess of my lifetime when the President of the United States uses it as his only tool.  When all you got is a hammer…

Colbert nailed it – forget fact checking, they couldn’t do sentence finding:

IRS Refund

“Trump claimed a $72.9 million refund and that refund is the prime subject of an IRS audit.”

No shyt.  BIG fucking surprise.  The list of criminal complaints against this cocksucker just keeps growing.  It’s not even time for the October surprise yet.  Can’t wait for THAT one.  Nice to know your average disabled vet is paying more Federal Income Tax than the Orange Fuckwit.

Somebody’s got a big, fat throbbing cigar for your ass, mutherfucker.

"The Law is not Adequate"

Of course it’s not adequate to penalize rogue police officers.  it’s designed to protect them.  What did anybody expect?

“What the Kentucky prosecutor said today is that, when three police officers barge into your house in the middle of the night, and shoot you six times, that’s not a crime.”

The scary part is, oppressing minorities might be one of the less critical aspects of “the Law’s” deficiencies.  We have some other niggling issues like pandemics and starvation to consider when treasonous criminals are encouraged in laying waste to our society by “law-abiding” legislators.

Yeah, we definitely have an adequacy issue here.  More than 1.

Careful! We have guns and we’re not real smart.

Here We Go

I’m almost tempted to guess this might be a bolt of brilliance right out of the blue. But if you’re gonna do the herd immunity thing, all this half-assed DIY whatever only prolongs the problem.  On about a millisecond’s consideration, it’s likely more of the same – either just willful ignorance *or* another deed in the ongoing plot to destabilize and eventually overthrow the U.S. government.  Maybe DeSantis thinks the Swedish experiment needs another go in Florida?  After all, it didn’t work the first time around, either in Sweden or Florida.  What was that thing about the difference between smart and dumb people again?

The idiot Kemp from Georgia tried similar shenanigans with the Atlanta mask restriction a couple months ago.  It was pretty clear he was just kowtowing to Trump at the time.  No, what we have here is the beginning of the end for Florida – a state with one of the highest elderly population densities.  They are either too stupid or too ignorant to realize what DeSantis is doing to them and the healthcare system.  Can’t wait to hear Beau’s take on this.

We’ve already seen how pandemic regulatory confusion plays out in countless episodes across the country.  It’s really pretty simple:  Bad things happen and more people get sick and die.  People don’t like being told “livelihood” takes a backseat to “life.”  And there’s still a couple problems with a free society we haven’t quite worked out yet.  Right or wrong, people do what they want, believe what they want, and they see what they want.  Too bad you can’t see Coronavirus.

We’re comin’ to get ya!!

And if the NFL has issues with insurance costs and potential liability, DeSantis said that “maybe we’ll address that after the election here in Florida with the new Legislature.”
Late Update:  Yeah, the 5th Column Perspective was priceless.

The U.S. Senate is Lost

The cocksuckers are totally corrupt.  There is little hope of this ending well, now that Trump has already openly declined to follow the bedrock American principle of free and fair elections.  Keep your powder dry.

It’s no longer a government. It’s an oppressive, dictatorial regime. Not my country.

Seth covers it pretty well.  Dark humor.

Now We Know…

…Why the CDC was impotent to do anything about the virus early in the year.  The one, single MOST important viral outbreak mitigation is testing.  In this case, it was non-existent and slow-rolled, right from the start.  It’s the CDC’s whole reason for being – unless it’s being run by some sort of religious fuckass.

Redfield rejected the medical norms for handling the (AIDS) epidemic and called for a more faith-based approach:

“It is time to reject the temptation of denial of the AIDS/HIV crisis; to reject false prophets who preach the quick-fix strategies of condoms and free needles; to reject those who preach prejudice; and to reject those who try to replace God as judge. The time has come for the Christian community—members and leaders alike—to confront the epidemic,” he wrote. Redfield named the breakdown of family values and increasing number of single-parent households as key factors responsible for the spread of AIDS.”

This useless fatass needs a good case of covid himself, so we can look at filling a new vacancy at the CDC.

Hey cocksucker!! How about giving Gawd a call for us, huh?

I was unsure what his dry, sarcastic demeanor masked at first, but it’s all clear now.   Instead of using the WHO kit like South Korea and other sensible people, we waited for this moron’s garbage that did not work, while the virus spread uncontrolled around the country.  The idiot is a long-standing political appointee with a bible up his ass, and no intention of “directing” the CDC towards anything but a morass of confusion.

The Battle is Joined

Let’s do this, mutherfuckers!

Never thought I’d team up with Microsoft. I hate those fuckers, too.  Fucking rat bastards everywhere.  Funny how a common enemy brings people together.  Shifting attention to the ones we can see today…

The Banana Republicans

This is what happens when you make everything political.  Chaos and confusion reign.  It’s no longer about government, governing or anything resembling managing the country.  The following compendium identifies a few perps as co-colluders in the United States’ first concerted attempt to overthrow the government with overt, authoritarian tactics:

Fuck FaceBook

It's Almost Over

Solution, or Root of All Evil?

Kellyanne Cuntway

Nunes the Nincompoop

You Can('t) Make this Shyt Up

Pompeo the Prick


Buck the Russian Cuck

Monkey See…

Boot-Lickin' Barr

The Gentleman from Georgia

Sackless Trump Toady

The Honorable Lyin' Piece 'o Shyt

Fuckassery 101

A "Real" Trump Bitch

Here It Is

Current White House Talking Whore

Well-Cured Excrement

The New 3 Stooges

Chad Wolf is a Servile Little Bitch

HHS Secretary Alex Azar is a Lyin' CockPig

Trump the Fuckwit

So we have the U.S. Attorney General publicly declining to acknowledge the simple fact it is blatantly illegal in every municipal, state and federal law where the topic appears, to vote more than once in an election.   This guy is a real piece o’ work.  It boils down to a bungled overthrow attempt.  Wittingly or not, that’s what they’ve done either directly or in oblivion.

Once these wheels are in motion, they cannot be safely stopped. We are at the tipping point of a failed state.  What it’s about is staying in power by any means necessary.   Corrupting the judiciary was their fail-safe, but quickly spiraled out of control.  The means they have chosen to inform the base is simple, reliable, long-standing and well understood:  Propaganda.  But it needs a receptive audience to be effective.

That last part about understanding propaganda refers to any receptive listeners still on the Trump train.  They are gonna find a bridge out at the end of this tunnel.

HHS Secretary Alex Azar is a Lyin' CockPig

Operation Warp Speed should have been named Operation Warped Politics.  All you need to know this fact is see  Fauci’s demeanor in his most recent interviews compared to Azar’s reaction to pertinent questioning from the media.  I guess they forgot to hit the igniter before turning the gas all the way up on that light – I could almost smell the stench coming from the TV.

The Senate minority leader finally had enough, calling for Azar’s resignation last week.  At least the CDC Director finally grew a pair.  If it’s not a widespread conspiracy to club America into submission with the uncontrolled spread of a deadly virus, it sure looks like one.

“The department defended the actions of Caputo and a top aide, Paul Alexander, after POLITICO first reported that they sought to alter key CDC scientific bulletins and prevent top infectious disease doctor Anthony Fauci from discussing the impact of Covid-19 on children.”

Joblessness impacts mortgages. Better be independently wealthy, mutherfucker.

Thanks for the Confirmation

The never-ending back-and-forth between Trump and the media came to a head yesterday, with more unsurprising stories about POTUS’ comments regarding our military.   The debate over truth and reality will rage on, but the facts are clear to those not willfully ignorant enough to ignore them.  One of the tried and true principles I apply in many aspects of life is pattern recognition.  It holds all sorts of benefits for creatures able to exploit the knowledge advantage it offers.  Trump is a textbook case in pattern recognition.  Wish I’d seen it sooner.

“it could have been a guy like” his former chief of staff, John Kelly, said the Fuckwit-in-Chief, responding to questions at yesterday’s press briefing.  Thanks for the confirmation on that one.  We have the McCain comments on video, former assistant SecDef on the USS Roosevelt, and others well documented.  It’s a clear pattern, to me.  Cabinet officials in denial means just more confirmation.

Do I trust the media?  Yes and no – it depends.  That’s a big part of the problem now.  There are far too many people in this country who either do not or cannot effectively evaluate the information they receive, for various reasons.  That creates a pretty big problem when things like voting for POTUS boil down to a binary choice.  This state of affairs plays right into the hands of dishonest criminals fleecing the world with credit card and phishing scams over the Internet for decades.  Now they run in well-financed state-sponsored gangs brokering botnets from operationally optimized locations across the globe.  Cyber crime has risen to the level of global political corruption.

Trump is just a symptom of the digital security apparition invading our lives.  Everybody wants to be an “influencer” on social media.  But the influence they push may or may not be the direction you want or need, with truth and veracity often difficult to distinguish.  I’d still like to see this fucker with 2-in-the-hat.

Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity. Time to get to work on this list.

Switching to Offense

The election season is underway in the cyber realm.  I won’t be just deleting and ignoring the cocksuckers this time.  Wish I had a government connection suitable for real retaliation.

Bring it on mutherfuckers!

Wonder if Bill knows what some of his people are up to?

“we’re increasingly seeing attempts to undermine the legitimacy of our elections from within our own borders.”  One of Zuck’s problems is he still does not yet realize the Internet does not have borders.