Fun in North Dakota this Week

Burgum is one of Trump’s sycophants who downplayed the pandemic back in March.  Anybody remember how many times Bill DeBlasio went on TV around that time saying the same things?  Any wonder why this news conference video from March is no longer available?  Because the cocksucker is scrambling to cover his tracks and distance himself from the biggest mass murderer since Hitler, along with thousands of other fellow Republicans across the country.  Too bad it’s too late for his state.

Their blood is on your hands, mutherfucker.

With North Dakota currently leading the nation in per-capta deaths, he is now asking his people to continue working asymptomatic, through staff shortages while the death toll mounts.  Only a week ago this imbecilic excuse for an elected official finally decided to issue a mask mandate.  His stupid whore neighbor governor to the south has yet to do so.  Criminally – Negligent – Homicide.

Time to try and figure out how to clean up this mess I made.

I'll Give You 3 Guesses…

…What the incoming Covid Response Team finds if and when they ever get access to whatever the “Covid Task Force” has been doing for the past 9 months.

“Meanwhile, experts who are advising the incoming administration have raised alarms about a smooth transition, saying they need access to career officials and their data to plan — something the Trump administration has so far not allowed.”

Because in this particular case, we’ll probably find they have nothing to hide.  Literally no high-level coordination whatsoever with state and local agencies/officials to plan organize and equip our COUNTRY for the deadly onslaught of SARScoV2.  Maybe lists of blue cities/states shipping label updates and such.  Great things about the scramble to get vaccine out the door, which really only starts next week and probably only started planning in earnest a couple months ago will be trumpeted.  Information pertaining to the first phase of this tragedy during which a couple hundred thousand victims died while politicians sought re-election rather than public health will be scant.  Lots of full shredder bins, no doubt.

Existing apparatus to defend the nation was discarded for budgetary reasons by disbanding the Pandemic Response Team function within the NSC a couple years ago.  Enablers like Bolton feign covering their own tracks, relegating that move to obscurity.  Toss it on the stack of colossal timing blunders.  Divert FEMA dollars at the beginning of hurricane season?  Remember that one?  Cut off the WHO and pull out of Syria?.  Somebody get the Fuckwit a big red ribbon to tie around his Xmas gift for Vlad.

Once it’s all dissected, we’ll be seeing more really dangerous shyt like this.

Nice try, cocksuckers.

Here's the Long Pole

There are 3 or 4 poles holding up the GOP tent at this time.  We have the social media scam, which I am done writing about.  I simply will no longer tolerate anyone who believes and shares that crap.  Try telling it to me, and expect to have it thrown back in your face – literally with a fist, if it persists.  Pay attention family and friends.  Some may be walking on thin ice with me right now.  I have no use for anyone who supports the GOP in any way, shape or form whatsoever.  We’ll talk whenever you’re ready to admit your mistake, like I did.

Then we have the Wall Street/Corporate shaft running deep into all financial markets.  The man or woman behind the Oval Office face matters not, as long as business leaders and owners believe the government will support them with lower taxes, looser workplace standards and weak environmental regulations.  Can’t make as much money otherwise, so that stuff is for losers and suckers – the people and planet be damned.

There are 1 or 2 other lesser aspects to the electorate making politics the unpredictable, complex animal it is, but primary support for the inanity known as modern American Republicans comes from religion.  There’s good reason for that, going hand-in-hand with the 1st issue.  The devout are juicy, gullible targets because they have been conditioned to do and think what they are told all their lives.  Contrary to popular myth, unification -not separation- of church and state is the long pole in their tent – the Politics of Fear fits right into the culture.

This cultish, tribal behavior goes back to the beginning of recorded history, and represents the single most dangerous human behavior on the planet:  Idolatry.  It runs the gamut from pop recording artists to religious and political figures past and present – now including their boy, the Fuckwit.

Heaven awaits! Vote for me!
Anybody ever read this thing?

Two-faced hasn’t looked this deceitful since Hitler went to church.

“The consumption of mass media has had a profound effect on instilling the fear of terrorism in the United States, though acts of terror are a rare phenomenon.[20]”

Everybody enjoying being lied to?  We need freedom FROM religion – not freedom OF religion.  The tax-exempt status needs to go.  Allowing them to believe their money is better than anyone else’s all this time just feeds their ego, with politicians pandering for votes – nothing else.  Watch how fast they disappear into the rear-view mirror without the financial aspect (#2?) dovetailing nicely.

Why Attack Democracy?

Pretty simple, really:  It doesn’t work for them – in much the same way capitalism only works for the top 1%.  The treasonous vein reared it’s head in 2016, having nothing left to deal with, they turned on the country itself.  They needed help from the Russians brainwashing their base, in a sophomoric scam to propagandize social media.  Greed has no country, faith or loyalty except to the sole purpose of feeding it’s taste for suffering humanity.

Republican leadership, if you could call it that, should look up the word parasite in their favorite dictionary.  Capitalism and it’s Republican supporters are parasitic forces draining the country and economy, unwilling to recognize or admit they are killing the host.  Problem is, it’s an all-or-nothing proposition.  Running the country like a Ponzi scheme just can’t last.

Careful you don’t find a nice, cozy jail cell. Maybe a little Novichok.

Vanilla Isis

Proud Boys, Boogaloo whatever.  The neo Nationalists, if you will.  I’ll begin lumping them all together under this currently fashionable term mentioned by Malcom Nance.  Funny how if compared to the Black Panthers from the 60’s and asked what they were fighting for, they’d both say very similar things.

Billed as some sort of current national security crisis, they are not much to worry about.  Despite the war mongering and weapon brandishing, just remember their primary motivation:  Fear.  They are afraid of losing their grip on racist hegemony underwritten by the government for centuries, and the comforting schadenfreude masking their own miserable existence.

The movement really took off in 2016 for some odd reason.  Bundy proved what they were capable of then, just like the Widmer gang was about to do a few weeks ago.  Y’all Qaeida sounds about right.  They can easily learn what it’s like on the business end of a Hellfire missile if enough want to get together in one place pulling some shyt.  That for obvious reasons, is unlikely to happen in this country.  We don’t like our children growing up afraid of the sky.

There may be a few particularly dedicated stalwarts who succeed in things like the occasional robbery, bombing or murder.  But there will be no mass insurrection or the widespread clan-on-clan warfare they dream about.  We’re in a cleanup phase now.  Every so often you have to take out the trash.

“FBI Director Christopher Wray said last month that the agency has made about 100 domestic terrorism–related arrests since October, and the majority were tied to white supremacy.”

Old habits die hard. It’ll go much quicker this time around.

More VA Abuse and Negligence

I had my share.  They are overworked, underpaid and swamped with patients.  No question.  Unfortunately the response is to just not do the work.  It happened to me and now I’m crippled for the rest of my life, unable to walk or even stand up for any length of time.  This ax of mine is almost ground to the handle, but I continue seeing stuff like this and it still makes my blood boil.

“Upon discovering the low rate of diagnosis at the New Orleans VA, Sautter said he compiled a list of vets who screened positive for a possible traumatic brain injury but never got the VA-mandated follow-up. He said there were hundreds who didn’t receive the proper care.”

“You know you’re going into some bureaucracy when you enter, but nothing could prepare you for how blatantly, incredibly bad the denial of care is.”

My screening after they surgically broke my back basically involved being told there was nothing wrong with me, take some ibuprofen and go away.  The scary part is the VA or some VA-like incarnation is set to be our universal healthcare of the future.  They are already the biggest health maintenance organization in the country.  Good luck with that.

Judiciary Story Time

Looks like Lindsey is gonna be around awhile.  He’ll transition from begging for money back to spinning long yarns at the Judiciary Committee.  He was in fine form the other day where former FBI deputy McCabe continued refuting the nonstop nonsense spewing from Chairman TrumpChump’s pie hole.  The bloviating excuse for a legislator known as Lindsey Graham is definitely in the running for 2020 Toady Award winner in the Raw Imagination category.  Delusional has never looked so judiciary.

Don’t waste your time, unless a pending case hinges on it.  I skipped through it a few minutes here and there just to confirm my suspicion it was another rehash of everything we’ve already heard.  The only common theme is Russian, whether you apply it to Trump’s buddies, Hillary’s emails or any other angle, the upshot is clear.  Political skulduggery now frolics in the internationally un-regulated cyber realm.

The sad part is the government has been gutted of decent, hard-working public servants like Mr. McCabe.  I don’t believe they have to worry much about unemployment running out if they can make it to February.

Punchlist for Joe's Term

  1.  Statehood for Puerto Rico and DC
  2.   Impeach Coney and Kavanaugh
  3.   25th Updates
  4.   ERA Ratified
  5.   Terror List Updates (Qanon, Proud Boys, etc.)
  6.   FBI, CIA, State, Justice Purges
  7.   Remaining Agency / Dept. firing-reorgs

There’s plenty to do, but that would be a good, minimum starting point.  The difference between a firing and a purge is the criminal charges that go along with it.  How about using the smart lawyers to  ferret out the constitutional crises’ BEFORE they start, instead of plying their tongue-twisting trade to acquit treasonous criminals?

Let’s get to work boys ‘n girls!

Here's Your Election Rigging Evidence

The 2020 election season was interesting for me on a different level than most.  This little blog site started six years ago while I was still working for Lockheed on the SBIRS program.  I’d previously done Systems Security there before flying Ikonos almost nine years with them and DG-Geoeye.  Knowledge of Facebook foibles and other shared social media platforms gave me pause.  So with the tools and skills to go it on my own, that’s exactly what I did.  What I did not realize was it gave me a telling clandestine cyberspace POV, as t’were.

The Blogs are just sort of an online personal journal.  Retirement was approaching, the girls were growing up with lots of changes to keep track of appearing on the horizon.  I’ve never been much for talking on the phone, introverted, so it’s also a good way for family and friends to stay in touch with minimal intervention on anyone’s part.  One of the really cool things for me tho, was exercising enterprise-class network security – sort of a pro-to-hobby transition thing.

Going back even further in my professional history to the early 2000 time-frame, I helped operate a little system called ASIM for HQ AF Space Command at Peterson, along with another box called “the honeypot.”  At that time we were tracking the Russians in Moonlight Maze.  Twenty years later, I have a new pot sitting on the shelf above my desk here at home in Frederick, Colorado.  Things on the CyberSec front were mundane and boring for the most part, with normal background scanning and generic ‘sploit noise.  But the email bots increased dramatically in 2016, along with an alarming number of Russian subscribers!

It was pretty obvious what was going on, with reports starting to pop up in the mainstream media, so I just ignored it with normal user maintenance.  Then Mueller, and the rest is history.  Fast forward to 2020, and it’s time for another go.  I kept close tabs on them this time around and the results were conclusive.  At least one abuse report I submitted pointed to the Microsoft Azure gang of electioneering hackers, taken down just weeks before the election.  Somebody in Russia downloaded my entire site the day after Trump went to Walter Reed.  APTs (Advanced Persistent Threats) based in France, Romania, Hong Kong and others made repeated attempts to compromise my WordPress site – a site hosting demonstrably anti-Trump content.

So what?  It almost completely stopped on 3 November 2020.  I guess the money ran out, maybe?  Or the contract only ran until election day?  Today the Orange Fuckwit will be seen on National TV once again decrying election meddling and fraud.  Donny Boy, the biggest liar of them all – Emperor Trump – wears no clothes.

Yep – my word against his.  Not alot of links and supporting evidence.  Actual forensically-preserved relevant data could be released to the appropriate authorities upon request, but I imagine they probably know way more about it than I do by now.  People been having a hard time re-writing authentic digitally-recorded history of accounts for things that actually happened lately – eh Rudy?  Who you gonna believe?

EPILOGUE – Don’t ever forget how this election transpired remains in evidence painting a large swath of people living in the USA today being fine with White Supremacy, Racism, Corruption, Treason and other GOP-hosted niceties, regardless of the veracity of the information they so irresponsibly consume.  That’s just the unwitting supporters.  I’ll always wonder what percentage of ALL voters realized just how close we came to losing this thing – not the election.

Root Cause in Your Dreams

This piece ‘o Shyt was outed literally decades ago, yet remains at the helm of the Federal Agency behind the most incompetent, politically perverted pandemic response the world has ever seen.  These fools, including the NIH and other Federal accomplices are responsible for the uncontrolled spread of a deadly virus throughout the country.  Trump is the root cause, with listening to him just the excuse.

FILE – This undated file photo provided by U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows CDC’s laboratory test kit for the new coronavirus. (CDC via AP, File)

The fuckers should have been testing the tests in January instead of listening to bloviating fuckwits.  I’d call it dereliction of duty and negligent homicide under a more focused jurisprudence view.  Guess this is just how it goes under authoritarian regimes run by idiots.

Behind the Power Curve

Despite my best efforts to remain hopelessly depressed, deeply buried in the 24×7 news cycle, I somehow missed at least half the Administration’s recent Toady Award-winning antics.  YouTube™ to the rescue!

I lived through the Ugly American thing overseas all over the world with the Air Force for >14 years.  I cannot imagine what the current crop of troops has to look forward to.

Pack that Mutherfucker

The Supreme Court, that is.  Building on yesterday’s little high court law lesson leaves us at an interesting judicial juncture.  Installing that Coney cunt the other day calls for a long overdue reckoning.  The old saying “absolute power corrupts absolutely” has been demonstrated true in the U.S. Federal Government.

The Court’s integrity as a discussion point is no longer on the table.  Bitch McConnell and his treasonous senate compatriots have seen to that.  Chief Justice John Roberts once rebuked President Trump’s partisan view of the courts by insisting that “we do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges”  Nice sentiment if only it were true.  Naiveté on the part of a Chief Justice seems so last century.

The Law only means what the people in power want it to mean.

Now it’s time to pack that mutherfucker and get down to business.  I don’t mean even it up.  NO – PACK THAT MUTHERFUCKER!  …WIth a lopsided majority, then start gunning down every goddamned bullshyt Trumpian piece of nonsense flouted through the system in the past 4 years – and make it stick this time.

Guess I Forgot Ratcliffe

Where do these people come from?  Guy gets rejected for lying on his bio and still ends up DNI (acting?) a couple years later?  Then this clown has the temerity to participate in partisan election meddling in his official DNI capacity.  I’m pretty sure there’s no reason left to trust anything coming out of the government at this point.

Think I’ll spend a little time doing some Ratcliffe review before posting his newly embellished bio intro here…

The Pointy-Haired President

Scott Adams guided my professional endeavors for decades and continues nailing it to this day:

To stay out of Jail maybe?

We have prison cells awaiting these fuckers and several close cronies:

Extra lube please – my butthole’s been puckered for so long it may never open again!

The FIRST thing most knowledgeable people consider when it comes to digital crime/forensics of this nature is something called “chain of custody.”  Without it, no crime could possibly be proven.  The YouTube video of Giuliani’s interview is basically just a long explanation about why there is no chain of custody.  Case closed.  These people are just vile scum.

Breathtaking Hypocrisy

It was unclear to me exactly what sort of hypocrisy we were talking about, but Mike reliably attributed it.  Extreme hyperbole sufficient to illustrate the dastardly depth of this bastard’s deeds escapes me.  It’s times like this I wish Hell was a real thing true believers faced, because if so, Moscow Mitch has a front row seat reserved with his name on it.

All we got left now is the court after Trump ruined everything! Waaaaa!

This Is What You Get

…for a Trump SCOTUS nomination.  Last time it was a beer-swilling womanizer, now it’s a bible-thumpin’ baby factory that cannot even recite the 5 points in the 1st article of the document defining the job.  It was a softball question from Sasse(R).  The Trump Presidency is no longer just your typical travesty.  It’s the indelible stain of greed and hubris on a lifetime of American Democracy – maybe the last.

Constitution? You mean that thing with Articles?  Bitch couldn’t give a straight answer if her ovaries depended on it.

Female members of the human race should be worried.