Code Monkeys Gettin’ Antsy

Like 9-11, when we couldn’t find the Shanksville jet because all the radars were pointing in the wrong direction?

“This is a reminder that any organization can be affected by a cyber vulnerability and having an incident response plan in place is a necessary component of resilience.”

In-house guy who forgot to check those boxes, right?

Tik Fucking Tok My Ass

Money for Nothing -Dire Straits

If there’s one thing the Chinese are really good at, it’s imitation. We been through it already with Zuckerboy, Musky, et al, busily evading responsibility for exploiting social media’s dark side since forever. I guess the government only gets really worried about it when the threat becomes existential to themselves.

In Small Part…

Mandiant Threat Intelligence reported in June 2019 that the People’s Republic of China created a network of hundreds of inauthentic multilanguage accounts across social media, including on TikTok, and attempted to “physically mobilize protesters in the U.S.”

As part of this campaign, short videos on TikTok and other platforms discrediting Chinese dissidents and U.S. officials were created and promoted to the feeds of U.S. citizens. Many of the videos provided the targeted individuals’ contact information and home addresses, Mandiant said.

In 2021, the PRC sponsored a campaign that targeted Asian Americans with thousands of posts urging them to protest the profiling of Asians in the U.S. on April 24 in New York City. The posts, illustrated with a large wrist smashing the “whites,” urged Asian Americans to “fight back.” Mandiant observed later reports saying that the protest was “successful,” with other minority groups joining the Asian Americans.

There’s no end to the options and opportunities out there if you need an Internet platform to advertise some product, good or service. Free access to a big user base certainly is valuable, but free is never REALLY free. Just figure out what it’s worth to you, personally.

Free Ride -Edgar Winter

Bob Hur: MAGA Cockpig

I can see why people might not want the job, but this is getting ridiculous…

Hur’s testimony an exercise in 2024 political messaging.

Accusations of cognitive impairment were launched by lawmakers from both sides of the aisle against the other party’s presidential nominee.

The only impairment evident to me in the U.S. government is the group-think, power-hungry lunacy demonstrated by some of the elected officials inhabiting it.

Hard Up Case -Walter Becker

Nancy Mace: It’s All About Her

This little POS fucksack sat on ABC This Week literally simply refusing to answer questions, repeatedly referring to nothing but herself in every single response. The hubris and condescending immoral inanity is just amazing.

Repeatedly bleating about being Stephanopolous’ shame target, the bitch rightly ought to be ashamed. Her demeanor and low-info political whoring is IMHO, well beyond shameless. It’s disgusting, un-American, and downright traitorous at this point. I totally get how declining to confirm your support for a convicted rapist with 91 felony counts against him must feel pretty goddamned shameful. Were you asking for it when the Liar-in-Chief laid a little infrastructure pipe down your tonsils after that one rally?

The MAGA whore shame is palatable.

Fuck the Pope V

What, no surrender suggestions for the Palestinians, yet? Jews not worthy of your full support for some reason? Looks like the Catholics have taken sides with Russia. Stupid curmudgeon can take his white flag straight to Hell. He sits on his throne pontificating while the world burns. What a fuckwit.

ROME, March 9 (Reuters) – Pope Francis has said in an interview that Ukraine should have what he called the courage of the “white flag” and negotiate an end to the war with Russia that followed Moscow’s full-scale invasion two years ago and that has killed tens of thousands.

The only courage this piece of shit knows is how to hide his dishonesty, begging for money from his poor followers.

Keep suckin’ hard on that Putin cock, mutherfucker. Dictating the Gawd stuff is so much easier than dictating the real stuff, with illusory mortal fear at your behest, eh?

For the Benefit of All Humanity

Quizzical skepticism is always my first reaction when i hear Elon is up to no good again. It’s like, aw crap, what’s he tryin’ to pull now? At least alot of the other leading MAGA fuckwits seem to stay in their respective lanes of dis-ingenuity. Didn’t take long for some of the underpinning details to surface. Seems Musky‘s idea of beneficence to mankind focuses mostly on his $Billions and how it benefits him personally.

SpaceX fosters serial sexual abuse.

Go away, raging billionaire incel – for the benefit of all humanity, for fuck’s sake!
Scared Ketchup rocks.

Now We’re Really in a Pickle

Been outta the biz professionally for almost ten years, so honestly have no real clue what’s going on at the zero line these days. Back in the day, sharp keyboard jockeys would be careful un-zipping stuff. Now it’s in a pickle. Same shyt, different day?

Supply chain vulnerabilities are so ubiquitous and insidious it’s just amazing, to me. Am I wrong to feel like my whole career was based on a big house of cards? I find the Github issues particularly disturbing. Apart from the state-sponsored espionage world, impactful malware and cybercrime effects have traditionally been quite imminently tangible. Trying to remember around when/where it was people might have begun suspecting they were even working with a clean code-base?

FROM THE COMMENTS: Considering that AI models are black boxes generally lacking source code or documentation… It can’t be considered surprising that there’s malware lurking in some of them.

AI pervades everyday life with almost no oversight. States scramble to catch up.

BUCKLE UP: Trump supporters ‘share AI-generated images’ of ex-president with Black voters.

One of Several Reasons I Hate M$

They’ve always been they’re own worst enemy. Long story short:

Microsoft patched a high-severity Windows Kernel privilege escalation vulnerability in February, six months after being informed that the flaw was being exploited as a zero-day.

Windows users are advised to install the February 2024 Patch Tuesday updates as soon as possible to block Lazarus’ CVE-2024-21338 attacks.

Hyde-Smith: Embryonic Imbecile

“I support the ability for mothers and fathers to have total access to IVF and bringing new life into the world. I also believe human life should be protected,” Hyde-Smith said.

Cunt seems a bit confused about some of the more fundamental concepts surrounding life on this planet. Wonder if that chicken-before-the-egg riddle ever ran through her low bandwidth, politically-crippled mind?

I don’t see the stinking bitch’s name on this list.

Probably be the first one to vote against funding continued Gaza airdrops.

Baron von Fatfuck Pumps the Bo-Bitch

“Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is a Proven Conservative and Effective Leader who delivers for Colorado, and our America First agenda,” Trump said…

Should’ve mentioned how she effectively led her marriage to divorce and son’s delinquency to a full-fledged crime spree, only just recently. What’s left after the guns, groping and generally shameful behavior?

Makes total sense. Birds of a feather, eh?