Loose Lips Sink Ships?

Maybe the SS Trump is goin’ down.  When your entire personna as the POTUS is built on a long-running reputation in snake-oil sales and organized crime, there’s more than a few people privy to what you’ve been up to.  Trump’s biggest problem is way too many people both in and outside of his criminal enterprise now know exactly what he’s been up to.  And there’s plenty of evidence.  The only thing keeping the Liar-in-Chief out of jail is the Presidency and tight lips.  Soon he’ll have only the gracious silence of fellow criminals.  Keep pumpin’ out those pardons!

Remember Rudy’s “I have insurance” episode?  Fucking imbeciles.

At least the Fuckwit can still sign his name – but only after bitching about it and waiting to screw people out of a week’s unemployment benefits.  What a colossal dickhead.

Idiots are Sooooo Predictable

As expected, the Orange Fuckwit announced his intention to veto the pending Coronavirus relief bill late last night.  This was expected by me, simply because it is the only thing he has left to do in any real official capacity.  So he declined, strictly for political purposes, in a feeble attempt to try making himself look better, as he departs the highest office in the land utterly disgraced, leaving the country in shambles.

After months of negotiations in which his representatives along with democratic counterparts generated a 4-foot-high pile of paperwork, the cretin once again showed his true colors.  Rather than work to help the country, his minions delayed and denied until the 11th hour where the TV conman took to YouTube for a quick broadcast to his base.
Must be getting pretty desperate, now that his German Bankers have resigned.  This was the plan all along – grabbing at one last straw in his scorched earth attack on Democracy and the US of A.  Nancy called his bluff.  Too bad we’re a little smarter than he gave us credit for.

Way to go, Girl!

The Piece ‘o Shit is pardoning murderers.

They're Missing the Point

So OK, there’s no scientific basis for any claims to Cannabis’ medical efficacy.  That is after all, the whole point for it being on the Controlled Substances list, right?  Fine.  Last time I checked, some alarmingly high percentage of all CBD products recently tested had little or in some cases even NO CBD in them.  Isn’t that an even more obvious and potentially dangerous fraudulent claim?  Anybody remember the vape scam?  Whether or not Cannabidiol holds any medical therapeutic efficacy is rather irrelevant if the medication does not even contain it. Medication efficacy is pretty much up to the patient and quite variable in the licensed pharmaceutical industry anyway.

What about that, FTC?

Feds Crack Down On ‘Deceptively Marketed’ CBD Products

FDA maybe?  I’m thinking DEA.  While we’re at it, let’s get the FBI on the case.  Maybe even the Surgeon General could help, if he’d stop sucking Trump’s dick long enough to get  anything done.

Fuck the Catholics. Just Fuck them.

Incredible.  I think some Catholic leaders need to get off their fat, lazy asses and do a few shifts down at the local ER.  These filthy bastards are exploiting the pandemic to their own ends just like Trump and the legislative arm of his criminal enterprise, the GOP.  Cocksucking Mutherfuckers, the whole lot.

Colorado bishops warn Catholics about morality of COVID-19 vaccines, citing fetal cells

Seems the bible thumpers want to leverage human reproduction as a subsidiary business.  What better way to generate demand for more babies than making plenty of room with a raging pandemic?  Brilliant!  And if the “immoral” vaccine was the only one available?  Arbiters of science now, huh?  Just pointing out a few ambiguous facts to help keep the flock guessing?

Apart from supporting their parasitic leaders, this is what religion is good for:  Fucking things up.  Watch the goalposts go clear out of the stadium on this one…

High Quality Employees

Between Giuliani, Powell and now this miscreant Ellis, under the circumstances, it appears plausible to assume Trump really should have won the election.  Because if you put these three on the case, there should be no possible way in Hell it could ever come out in your favor, regardless of evidence or anything else.

The bitch is scheduled to testify in Colorado today.  Should be interesting to see what she has to say for herself.

That’s right cocksuckers – hang your heads in shame.

The boss finally signed off – looks like it’s OK to proceed…

Late Update 12/16:  No surprises from the micropenis tweeter.  I imagine it takes a really big hawg to fill that cavern.

126 GOP Lawmakers…

Have issues.  They are either traitorous seditionists, or dumb as a box of rocks.  I’ll wager both, in most cases.  At least we have a list now.  Thanks for volunteering your time to be prosecuted for crimes against the Unites States of America.  Every single GOP member, be they legislators, donors, card-carrying activists or just dumbasses who get their opinions off Facebook – every one of you cocksucking mutherfuckers can kiss my rosie red rectum.

Yeah, I suck Trump dick – it might keep me out of jail!

The most obvious issue is the Texas cretin who started it, looking for a pardon.  People need to vote these thievin’ idiots OUT!

“The Associated Press reported that the federal case relates to allegations made by seven senior lawyers in Paxton’s office who had accused him of abuse of office, bribery, and other crimes. The former colleagues have all left the office, and several brought a civil suit against Paxton as well.”

Throughout the pandemic, Republicans in government have remained steadfastly focused on one thing only:  Reelection.  Congratulations U.S. Congress!  You are now officially the most corrupt gang of morons ever to disgrace the halls of our government.  The New Confederates.

Value of a Pardon

Mike Flynn probably has a strong opinion on that topic nowadays.  Apparently it’s worth his reputation and even exceeds the value of democracy itself.  Raw selfishness in the fascist mindset of Xtian orthodoxy is telling.  None of this has anything to do with the Constitution, Democracy, elections or any of the nonstop nonsense spewing from Trump-supporting toadys in all walks of life across the country these days.

It’s only ever about one thing:  Themselves.  Flynn just doesn’t want his next walk to end in a jail cell.  So Trump leverages his weak, selfishness in furtherance of national destruction.  That’s all to be seen here.  Flynn’s words are worth exactly as much as the cretin who bought and paid for them with a pardon – nothing.

Trump lawyer Joe DiGenova, for example, said Monday that former head of U.S. election security Chris Krebs should be “taken out at dawn and shot” for saying that Trump’s defeat was not a result of voter fraud.”

Guess it depends on who’s doing the shooting – Flynn’s lawyer, or the United States of America.

I understand firing squad’s recently been re-instated at the Federal level.

Both Literally AND Figuratively…

Sick, poetic justice unfolds across the country in ways rational people imagined, and irrational Trump supporters still refuse to believe, even as the intubation process signals the approaching end of their political delusion.

“As deaths from the coronavirus have surpassed 250,000 in the U.S., new data show the pandemic has been particularly lethal in rural areas -it’s taking lives in those areas at a rate reportedly nearly 3.5 times higher than in metropolitan communities.”

Gonna be a few less Trump voters in 2024.

I saw it in May, but what the fuck do I know?

Learn from Germany

The U.S. DOJ could learn a thing or two from some of their European counterparts.  It’s high time the alt-Right becomes the alt-wrong – OFFICIALLY.  Get yourselves alternated with the wrong attitude and your ass will land in jail.

Talk about election fraud – sheesh.  Here’s the REAL Fraud.

What We Need…

…is this mutherfucker and his entire fucking family in the ground.

“I’m going to use 125 percent of my energy to do it,” Trump said when asked how he planned to prove his claims. “You need a judge that’s willing to hear a case. You need a Supreme Court that’s willing to make a real big decision.”

And people still believe his lies.

“President Trump on Sunday said his administration’s Department of Justice and the FBI could be “involved” in an alleged widespread voter fraud conspiracy plot in the 2020 presidential election.”

Starting to sound like everybody could be involved.  Unfortunately, at the highest level where it matters the most, we are all involved.  The entire nation is now one big Trump victim.  Can’t wait to see the pee-pee video.

Look Donnie – I told you we’d get away with it

Voting Trump out in the middle of the worst-case political scenario ever doesn’t mean he goes away.  But the pee-pee vid would help…

The Kind of Shyt that Goes on in PA

At least they turned blue this year.

Police chase ends in multi-vehicle crash and officer-involved shooting.

They couldn’t even say why the guy got shot.

Pennsylvania Republicans attempt to subvert the General Election.

Must be some REALLY stupid people running that state.

Most jurisdictions in CO do not engage in “police chases,” as a matter of policy.  And we’ve been doing mail-in balloting statewide since 2013.  Time to clean up your act, PA.  Three things:  Trump, racism, oil ‘n gas.  Let’s get to work, boys ‘n girls – let me know when you figure it out…

Cybersecurity Exam

Results certified and posted. Vlad and the FSB failed.

Now if Georgia could just PLEASE follow suit…

Saw That Coming Up 6th Avenue

Naming Operation Warp Speed what they did appears to refer mostly to the speed at which Federal dollars flowed into the Pharma Co’s bank accounts.

Pfizer’s refrigeration logistics tail alone makes their contribution by far the most expensive and difficult to administer.  Fortunately it will quickly reach hospitals needing it the most.  Pfizer got the biggest chunk of development money and the right to continue selling it exclusively at whatever price they choose for what will end up being the least overall impact.  Nice work Azar.

Will a vaccine help much, now that half the population has been duped?

Who is this Piece 'o Shyt?

Sidney Powell must be the stupidest whore ever to spin a political lie.  Easy to see why she’s not working elsewhere at this time.

Is there some metal detector-type machine the Trump legal team passes through at the building entrance every morning, somehow suppressing all self-awareness?  You know – like the MIB pen thing industrial size.  At least she got one thing right.  Those fuckasses trying to subvert Georgia are a bunch of idiots – just not because they’re in on some big Communist plot to steal the election.