
A foregone conclusion for any sane person who saw the video. But who or what was really on trial there? Why do we need a murder trial to determine the legality of random police killings? Answer: because we live in a police state run by racist OWG politicians. Our fundamental values as a nation and free society were on trial in Minneapolis last week. I’m no more accustomed to that state of affairs than I am with my government being held hostage by criminal conspirators. I just find it funny when they go after each other.

Would we even be having this conversation if it was 2 white guys in an alley behind a bar? Good luck Moscow Bitch and the Orange Fuckwit. It’ll be entertaining watching you jokers go down. For now we’ll have to settle for a bittersweet victory in a battle that never should have been fought.

Social Unreality

The social media crap has got to stop.

“The most popular link on Facebook about the Johnson & Johnson news was shared by a conspiracy theorist and self-described “news analyst & hip-hop artist” named An0maly who thinks the pandemic is a cover for government control.”

Free speech. What a concept.

Shut ’em down. Just shut ’em down and start over. Let’s see if the modern robber-barons can learn how to spell the goddamn word “security” before they go running around on the Internet sharing spurious bullshyt. Jezus-h-fucking krist.

I’m pretty sure Zuck belongs in prison at this point. Good luck with the non-existent law necessary to put him there.


Welcome to the first post of the year categorized “Crime” only. Sucks when the cops are out assauting random motorists with pepper spray and threats of physical violence. Oh wait – it was a black guy in that car. Like was mentioned recently in the Big Fail post, waaaaay too many of these cocksuckers have the authoritarian “ride the lighting” attitude for anybody they may wish to harass for any reason they might dream up. Fuck these assholes, they both belong in prison.

We’re having a bad day – mind if we take it out on you?
You too white boy – go fuck yourself.

You mutherfuckers can obey the order to suck my dick and choke on it.


Is it any wonder mass shootings continue un-abated? Or how everyday life stressors are directly linked with negative healthcare outcomes of all kinds? When things like Qanon enmesh with political activity at large, it becomes plainly apparent we don’t have a healthcare system – we have a sickcare system – with some of the most dangerous sickness not being cared for at all.

Social media’s contribution to this sad state of affairs is a classic example of ends-justify-the-means mindset. One good thing about their ubiquitous presence in the digital domain is how the data they keep has conclusively shown in numerous studies how social media algorithms drive sensational content, regardless of it’s veracity. Profit at all cost has taken the leading role in yet another emerging American industry.


Big Fucking Surprise

These Trumpsters can’t seem to get out of their own way betraying their true selves. Is it any wonder this shameless imbecile is now entangled in underage sex nonsense? Playin’ with the kids, selfies and all that rot sure got interesting this time around, didn’t it? Commiserating creeps:

Wait till she sees how cool and powerful I look!!

Saw This Coming Up 6th Avenue

Brazil set out to make a pandemic statement of the worst kind at the outset. At least the U.S. had the opportunity to change Presidents and shift into proper response mode. Brazil OTOH, is set to become the world’s SARScoV2 petri dish.

Bolsanaro pushed it all the way. Should be interesting to see what’s left of Brazil when the dust settles.

At least we’ll have a good source for the virologists to study all the variants.

Can’t Wait to Setup My New Account

I’m fairly well accustomed to being banned from various social media platforms and message-boards around the Internet. I dabbled in that crap for many years, no different than most I assume, in my curiosity to explore the digital horizon. But it didn’t take long to realize what it was and what it meant: Fraud, hate and bigotry. That’s what you have when like-minded Americans get together to discuss their fears and foibles online these days.

But there’s a whole new land of cyber opportunity opening soon!

“Former Trump administration senior adviser Jason Miller said Sunday that the former president plans to return to social media in the coming months with his “own platform.”

There is also NO WAY you will ever succeed in your attempts to destroy Democracy.

“Trump has a long history of bold ideas that didn’t pan out — from a faltering airline to a defunct professional football league to countless offshoot products that failed.”

Good luck with that. I encourage everyone to join, lurk and learn. Sun Tzu was right about at least one thing, and this is WAR. IP addresses are a dime a million, and I have three legitimate email addresses that will certainly become banned once again from groups of people who don’t like my politics, among other things. But they’ll get well deserved face-fulls of it before I’m done. Three times. Then I’ll go the “il”legitimate route and really crank it up. I can use my power for evil too. White-hat targets are drawn. Just waiting for the shooting range to open up, so we can start Rockin’ the Casbah on geeknet…

Redneck MAGAs Strike Again

Of course the snippets of news I’ve seen so far don’t speculate, but you can be reasonably sure this dimwit was just another hillbilly low on money, blaming his problems on the “kung flu,” when he finally snapped.

Law enforcement personnel are seen outside a massage parlor where a person was shot and killed on March 16, 2021, in Atlanta, Georgia. – Eight people were killed in shootings at three different spas in the US state of Georgia on March 16 and a 21-year-old male suspect was in custody, police and local media reported, though it was unclear if the attacks were related. (Photo by Elijah Nouvelage / AFP) (Photo by ELIJAH NOUVELAGE/AFP via Getty Images)

Fortunately they are not smart enough to organize under anything more convincing than the GOP’s delusions of political relevance. I’m more than a little shocked the police chief there stood in front of the TV cameras claiming the attack was not racially motivated and the shooter “had a bad day.” Un-fucking-believe-able. Only accurate reporting thus far:

The Phone Call

As much as some might recoil from the thought, they should recognize that Britain’s royalty problem has disturbing parallels to America’s Trump problem. Thousands of British soldiers valiantly stormed trenches in the Great War “for the Crown!” …with no more knowledge of GeorgeV, than their own sphincters. Similarly, on January 6th, 2021, thousands of violent agitators stormed the United States Capitol in Washington D.C. with no more knowledge of Trump than what appears in their Facebook feed. That’s not to say the Germans weren’t a huge problem, but the motivation is the same: once properly indoctrinated, people will do anything for the exalted leader.

Leading up to that fateful day, the Fuckwit made a last ditch desperate attempt to commit election fraud himself, with some phone calls to officials in a couple states that would ordinarily seem shocking to most people. It’s almost like speed-dial corruption after the Ukranian fiasco. What else would we expect after the Senate’s 1st impeachment judicial malpractice?

This is why government runs neck-and-neck with the police and healthcare as the biggest abject failures of 2020. Because “it” truly believes there are no consequences (to itself) for it’s negligent, criminal behavior. We the people of corporations, by the church and for the criminals becomes just a twisted caricature of their selfish intent.

Whether or not justice ever gets served to the Fuckwit remains to be seen. Justice for a half million Covid victims seems improbable, if not impossible.

Big Fail 2020

Seems like every news outlet, social media pundit and YouTube™ channel ran a missive marking the anniversary of the pandemic yesterday. I guess the trouble started here around that time, so that’s probably as good a date as we’ll ever get. I’ll be no different, except to expand on the theme and place my journalistic exclamation mark. Let’s not forget influencer and influenza have the same etymological root.

Three things simmering in failure just below society’s surface were dramatically revealed to our country last year. They are three of the biggest, most important institutions in our society. Taken together in the face of a pandemic, they form an ominous warning.

The Government portion of the failure will be briefly commented in the following post tomorrow. Suffice to say for the purpose of this list, they caused more problems than they solved. I won’t bore anybody with a litany of egregious missteps, already extensively documented, except to say any Repuglican remaining in support of The Fuckwit at this time, is an enemy of the State. Being too stupid to know any better just makes me hate them more. Being an elected representative in that group puts you in my crosshairs.

The Police, as an institution, have been working in earnest towards their big fail for decades. The slow march to widespread public disgrace was enabled and mostly supported by the government over the years, so they can claim ignorance – as a group. But the individuals perpetrating the ongoing subjugation of our society, starting with that piece-‘o-shyt Chauvin will be punished – over and over again, until they learn their job and start respecting human rights. FUCK THE POLICE.

Last, but certainly not least is The Healthcare System. There must be plenty of quality doctors out there trying to do good, but with pharma, insurance and big HMO’s in cahoots with the legal system to extract financial blood from their customers at the expense of basic PPE supplies, there is no hope. The CDC’s performance does not even rate a mention for the purpose of this post. I will always sing the praises of the front-line workers, and they certainly are the big heroes in all this. But the people they work for are greedy cocksuckers who will drive this country into the dirt. FUCK THEM TOO.

Cyber Insecurity

It’s gonna get worse, before it gets better. Solarwinds fallout is looking to be so widespread, it’ll end up lumped into dozens if not more discreet attack vectors before it’s in the books for good. Of course M$ ends up being a primary target, due to their perennially weak security posture. I wonder what it will take to make Republicans realize working treasonous deals with our enemies is a short term-gain, at best – long term debacle, in all reality.

There’s two infections raging across the planet right now.

Fuck Texas – Just Fuck Them.

Mississippi, too. Remember that stupid whore from South Dakota bragging how they never had a mask mandate? Funny the bitch never mentioned how they also have the highest per-ca pita death rate in the country. Fucking idiots. The whole – goddamn – GOP.

Fuck the Republicans and to Hell with the government.
We’ll see what Hickeyloopy has up his sleeve…

Boise ID, you too – go fuck yourselves.

The Politics of Fear are Munching Ass

That’s what it sounded like to me coming from Lindsey Graham at FBI testimony this morning. Implying the ease with which really dangerous foreign terrorists could have infiltrated The Capitol on January 6th along with an overt offer of additional resources in his opening questions to Mr. Wray, made Lindsey sound worried his own fat ass now seems somehow more liable to get blown off right where it sits one of these days.

Graham should rest easy knowing The BoBitch and MTG will be right there brandishing their Glock™ in either defense against or(?) in support of an armed insurrection at The Country’s hallowed halls. We’ll never know the difference if Repugs succeed obfuscating history.

At least Kennedy reliably delivered a meandering, pointless line of questioning illustrating one thing beyond any doubt: The Capitol building inhabitants themselves are pretty clueless about either the country’s or their own personal security.