Stack OverFuck

Anybody who didn’t see this coming up 6th Avenue has tons of Meta® and Google® adds popping up everywhere thanks to their sponsorship, as well. 😉

Users who disagree with having their content scraped by ChatGPT are particularly outraged by Stack Overflow’s rapid flip-flop on its policy concerning generative AI. For years, the site had a standing policy that prevented the use of generative AI in writing or rewording any questions or answers posted. Moderators were allowed and encouraged to use AI-detection software when reviewing posts.

Time to start covering your tracks, people. Gen up a good AI game-plan if you have any valuable intellectual property. Everything’s for sale somewhere. lotsa Stuff is already comprimised. Think AI hallucinations might be an issue?

Stack Overflow users sabotage their posts after OpenAI deal.

Shakedown -Bob Seger

Most Important Case?

I guess if anybody ought to know, it’s Ty Cobb. It’ll probably be awhile before my question is satisfactorily explored, much less answered.

“She has not honored the public’s interest for one day in this case, as she has sat in her office, apparently paralyzed from ruling on easily resolvable motions. And sadly, this case will not go to trial, notwithstanding the fact it’s one of the most important cases in history and could have easily been tried in advance of the election,” Cobb said.

And OBTW, go fuck urself, bitch.
For What It’s Worth -Buffalo Springfield

Frog in the Ukrainian Pot

We prefer to do most of our own cooking. And I don’t recall being asked if I want sides of religion with every goddamned thing the government seems most concerned with serving up these days. Foreign aid delay has been one of the popular entrees coming out of D.C. lately and I’ve had my fill.

Not that domestic issues are progressing either, with the possible exception of deliberately degrading healthcare and undermining basic constitutional values. All these goals are bedrock requirements of the new GOP’s platform of anti-abortion, isolationist, corrupt fascist nutbags known as the Freedom Caucus, presently crippling Congress.

The bad part is, they’re getting help from a Supreme Court packed by a criminal POTUS, enabled by like-minded scum in Congress. Their scheme seems to be going according to plan, at least to some extent.

Democracy died in Russia a long time ago. Ukraine’s is on life-support right next door.

Tom Cotton: 100% Fuckwit

A senator from the great state of Arkansas appeared on ABC This Week today to repeatedly assert the mideast conflict is 100% Hamas’ fault. I have to wonder how stupid a person needs to be to get elected to Congress. There appears to be no minimum qualification on that standard.

Then he went on to evade questions about previous, public Fuckwit statements he made. This shit-for-brains MAGA mutherfucker is a disgrace to all that is right and good.

Man On The Run

He be runnin’ from Columbia with his tail between his legs and from more political boogeymen than MTG can shake a stick at. The unsurprising outcry at college campuses across the country should be a wake-up call for fuckwits like this. But when politics by other means gets a good grip on the collective psyche, political scores carry big bonus points.

I’m hesitant to give the commensurate crime/politics tags, were it not for the regrettable, in many cases, criminal outcomes last week. The only significant crime here is MAGA mouthpieces supporting religious violence and bigotry. Everybody knows who’s fault the whole mess really is. We’ll figure it out after the Brits step up and take responsibility.

Many students who showed up to protest Johnson’s remarks also cast him as an opportunist. They interrupted him throughout his remarks, chanting “free, free Palestine,” and shouting “liar,” “get off our campus,” and “criticism of Israel is not antisemitism.” At one point, when students’ chants of “we can’t hear you” became overwhelming, Johnson paused and smirked before quipping, “enjoy your free speech.” 

That Virginia Fox fuckwit might actually be medically demented.
Man on the Run -Molly Hatchett

Don’t Hold Your Breath

The recent DOJ move to re-schedule weed is just another political ploy to kick the can down the road. Pressure from industry, medicine and the patient/user community moved the needle. But the fuckwits in power know how political points underpin the financial score, and will continue putting their backs up in the ongoing greedy war for money being waged against your health and well-being.

Cannabis and Coffee would be regulated, with alcohol and tobacco on the controlled substance list in an honestly legal marketplace. Medicine and health are just tokens in corporate America’s rigged healthcare gambling game.

Schedule III is going to leave it in this kind of amorphous, mucky middle where people are not going to understand the danger of it still being federally illegal,” he said.

Fragmentation in this space is very problematic. But they refuse to address the actual problem because too many fuckwits are banking on self-administered recreational poison drinks and pharma scams.

Jimmy Jerk-Off Jordan Again

“You’re up next, Insurrectionist,” he then added. “Remember, Donald never gave you your preemptive pardon. If SCOTUS agrees to Trump’s presidential immunity grift, that means Joe Biden sends you to a black ops site with all of your Congressional insurrectionist co-conspirators. Have a great weekend.”

This is not Dems criticizing the jr. fuckwit. It’s his own MAGA creepsters.

Fuck Alito

Mutherfucker asks alot of questions.

‘Well, you know if he makes a mistake, he makes a mistake. He’s subject to the criminal laws just like anybody else.’ You don’t think he’s in a special, a peculiarly precarious position?”

Yeah, he’s a special cocksucker, just like you. That’s why we need protection from you fuckwits. I see the Supreme Cunt’s message system seems offline today. Imagine that.

You can stick your old white guy bullshyt straight up your nazi ass.
This one got in.

The Aptly Named David Pecker

Who better to screen a rocky, decades-long run treating women as trophys and toys coming up against the hard place of a Presidential campaign, than the sensationalist soft-brain faux-news source himself?

The defense says influencing an election is just democracy in action. Strange how they obtusely continue admitting everything the Fuckwit is accused of. It makes perfect sense considering the mod-us operand-i of most criminal organizations: Lying, cheating and stealing. I have a strong opinion on lying, which says that lies of omission can be some of the worst.

If you’re the type of person who believes it’s OK to manipulate the news media in this manner, you can suck my dick and choke on it. Lots of stuff boils down to a simple matter of the difference between what you do and don’t know to be factual information in certain situations. BOLO for politicians trying to get more power with less truth.

Fake news dealer.

Slava Ukraine!

Pass this, mutherfuckers.

Some of these Twitter® faction fuckwits seem to think the Treasury Secretary‘s writing a check to Zelensky, or some shyt. At least that’s how they frame it for the base. The idea they’d have no clue how it works doesn’t seem unreasonable, so fair enough. I heard about a guy who just bought a new truck with all the overtime he banked from the ammo factory. Thought it odd how almost all reporting leaned right or far right on this. Morons.

Not So True People Search

The truth is that these people-search companies will continue to thrive unless and until Congress begins to realize it’s time for some consumer privacy and data protection laws that are relevant to life in the 21st century.

Good luck with that.

Think They Realize It Yet?

MAGA ≈ NAZI? Been sayin’ it and doing the appropriate Photoshopping with the Gimp myself for quite awhile.

On Monday, Trump ads were being served up at the beginning of a new Rumble video by the reactionary broadcaster Stew Peters. In that video, Peters touts Adolf Hitler as “a hero” for the horrific Nazi book burnings of the 1930s, calling the violent display of cultural erasure “awesome.” Peters even advocates a modern reenactment of the fiery Nazi spectacle, seeking retribution against what he falsely paints as a Jewish-led conspiracy to “make us surrender” to LGBTQ acceptance and sexual “degeneracy.”