Josh Hawley – Supreme Sack-o-Shit

Repuglican fuckwits in America spent a year stalling Merrick Garland’s legitimate appointment. Then at the first opportunity, swooped in to seat a drunken misogynist and a free-fucking baby-maker, right under the wire. So when it comes time to appoint a liberal judge, we get cock-sucking nazi mutherfuckers like Jerk-off Josh here, asking questions only a bona-fide nazi moron could dream up.

Regardless of any truth to his disdain for sex offenders, jack-hole Josh thought those sentencing guidelines and policies applicable to all judges might be a good topic to attack judge Jackson on. Fist-pumping nazi pricks like this need barred from ever holding public office in this country ever again.

Josh Hawley is a Napoleon Bonespurs dick-sucking nazi.

Gaetz’ Big Lie

Foolius Ceasar fealty makes these political theater performative artists discard any semblance of self respect. There should be an annual contest to crown the champion slimy cocksucking liar, by tabulating the most blatantly false utterances in various categories: Personal Finance, Sexual Pastimes, Dictator Preferences, etc.

If only Trump’s Big Lie was his biggest legal problem.

I suppose that happened unwittingly when he decided to start banging underage girls. This Epstein wanna-be is gonna get to experience Federal lockup, with pedophile background. The mutherfucker will get some extra special asshole stretching with that street cred going for him.

Gaetz running for reelection amid investigation.

Putin Lovers

Haven’t seen this long a pause in the Faux/OAN/CrapMax crew’s fawning authoritarianism ever. The walk-backs will be epic. Watching Tucker grovel is particularly satisfying.

They sold us out to the Russians, and the grift goes on….

Greene Goes Full Retard

Eatin’s not gonna make it go away, darlin’

Goddamned right this war is gonna be prolonged – until Pootin is either dead or in prison, along with half his incompetent, criminal army. This stinking Kremlin whore needs raped by baboons and deported to Russia.

Shitstain McAssface and all his strap-hangers belong in prison. MTG’s one of them. Here’s a partial list of current American Traitors to Democracy.

“The eight GOP “no” votes were Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), Matt Gaetz (Fla.), Lauren Boebert (Colo.), Thomas Massie (Ky.), Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Dan Bishop (N.C.), Glenn Grothman (Wis.) and Chip Roy (Texas).”

Russian Cleansing

Pootin has a penchant for Stalinist demagoguery. He is probably getting those old WW-II Holocaust ovens warmed up for some Russians this time…

Killing is the only way authoritarians remain in power – until the propaganda fails.

Putin’s Puppet

It’s formally documented at this point. I’m no longer wondering if this depraved incel actually knows what he is doing. Told ya these Faux news mutherfuckers were just a bunch of Kumquat Caligula cocksuckers.

His speech is free. You get not only what you pay for, but bonus Russian propaganda for good measure.

Cawthorn Lies

Disgraced car crasher from the great state of North Carolina sent an email update brimming with big numbers about all the work he’s done for the citizens of North Carolina.

You can learn more about what a lyin’ POS he is.

Click on the pic and it goes to the same HERE. link to his DC homepage, containing literally almost nothing about the lies stated in his update email. He knows most don’t look far past his pleasantly slimy persona. This mutherfucker is a traitorous, lyin’ cocksucker.

A Betrayal

Retired Air Force Colonel Seth Brtescher wrote a letter to Air Force magazine a couple months ago. It contained a very accurately characterized and poignant description of the Afghan debacle.

“But the honor stopped at the gates of the airfield. As our defeat unfolded, nothing good came from the decisions made by our leaders at CENTCOM, the Pentagon, or in Washington, DC. The decision to close Bagram Air Base and abandon the Afghans to terrorists and fanatical fascists was naïve and abhorrent. The White House turned their backs on our 20-year Afghan allies, NATO, and the coalition partner nations who served with us. They betrayed the Americans who didn’t come home from Afghanistan, 13 of whom were added to the count on Aug. 26. They betrayed our wounded who still carry the scars of the battlefield. They betrayed not only our Gold Star families, but also the families of the 800,000 of us who served in Afghanistan; all of whom are left wondering “… why …?” They sentenced Afghan girls, 1.6M of whom were in school in 2008, to a life of poverty, enslavement, and illiteracy as many of them are sold into marriage.”

Trump and everyone connected to his administration in a high-level executive function belongs either in prison or barred from holding public office ever again.

Full text here.

The Story of the Afghan Airlift

It’s All Relative

Einstein had a trick or two up his sleeve. A few weeks ago I posted a little screed about how I viewed Twitter’s posting policies, based on a long-running analysis of personally-provided hate speech. Those conclusions about how social media drives it’s revenue numbers, now get backed up by the Meta™ monster, previously known as Facebook, once again. The interesting thing this time is, who’s pointing the finger:

That’s right: DIE mutherfuckers!

Having cheated the grim reaper more than my fair share of times over the years, I can tell you with absolute certainty, there are far too many alive today who believe their life is somehow more important than somebody else’s. We all get to talk about it online these days, but guess who decides the rightness or wrongness of any of it?

Wendy Rogers is a Certifiable Nut Job

The GOP lunatic fringe has grown dangerously aggressive. This right-wing whore glady spews whatever vile, xenophobic horsehit the Arizona knuckle-draggers want to hear, as long as the campaign contributions keep coming in.

The mass psychosis has delusional leaders. Whodathunkit?

“So today is the day where we find out if the Communists in the GOP throw the sweet grandma under the bus for being white,” she wrote on her Telegram channel prior to Tuesday’s vote. Telegram is a messaging app favored by conservatives.

They did – the Arizona Senate censured her nazi ass.

Colorado Karen Repug Goin’ Down

Political posts also tagged with the “crime” category here refer to alleged crimes, for the most part. But !!DING-DING-DING!! we got a winner up here with an actual indictment in the great state of Colorado. Maybe the lower levels at elevation were starving her brain for oxygen. Whatever the problem, this cunt won’t be running for anything but cell block monitor after justice gets served.

Check out the arrest video, to see just exactly what we’re dealin’ with. Must feel good gettin’ walked out by your own jackboot troopers.

No worries on the voting machines, sweetie. I don’t think they let convicted felons vote in prison.

The indictment, filed in Mesa County District Court, alleges that Peters and Knisley participated in a plan designed to “breach security protocols, exceed permissible access to voting equipment, and set in motion the eventual distribution of confidential information to unauthorized people.”

Expectations Proven Epically Wrong

Crimea was one thing. That affair was a total blunder on the West’s part. It’s almost like they are in denial. We’ve had intel sources accurately pinpointing and valuing state-level military capabilities and intentions to a remarkably fine grain for decades. So we watched the military buildup expecting what(?) and doing nothing to counter it until it was too late. We’ll just assume it was a trap, and our spooks won this time.

So when the Olympics were over with Putin emboldened by Xi’s support, he did what everyone expected, in perfectly predictable ways, clearly narrated with hostile rhetoric at every step. Maybe it was the recent debacle in the ‘Stan, or simple complacency perhaps? For whatever reason, pundits gave me the distinct impression this was going to be a quick, decisive affair if and when the Kremlin Killer decided to go for it. Anybody outside Ukraine thinking otherwise wasn’t talking much.

This could have been avoided, but all is not lost. There’s a common-denominator on those battlefields: soldiers. They’re there for one reason: to kill each other. The big difference in this case is, their officers are telling the Russian troops civilians are combatants. The tide turned against Moscow in Putin’s war the moment Volodymyr Zelenskyy made his first broadcast after the shooting started. Alot of people are gonna be unnecessarily killed while we watch what happens when a powerful dictator gets in over his head.