Fauci Declares Dust Settling

…on the biggest crime scene of the modern era: The United States of America. The crime? Manslaughter. The richest nation on the planet, holds the the highest total death count, #18 overall per-capita and #1 impact leader of the large industrialized nations. We are officially out of of the SARScoV2 woods, approaching a million casualties. That announcement on PBS yesterday cemented the virus in the world’s mundane pathogen portfolio.

The pandemic is over in America, but the aftermath is just getting started.

Kids ‘n Guns

They used to blame it on the inner city gangs. Antifa has been perpetually under-armed since it’s nebulous beginnings. Then there’s the never-ending string of nutbags with weapons, itching to make their mark on society, schools preferably it seems. Now we come to learn the real cost of America’s love affair with firearms in victim demographics.

You’re living at the wrong address if you think you need a gun for protection – and your kids are the victims.

Don’t get Sick

…Unless you have one of those “cadillac” healthcare plans, or very deep pockets.

“Total bills: Jesús Sr. was charged $3,894.86. The total bill was $107,905.80 for COVID-19 treatment. Claudia was charged $3,252.74, including $202.36 for treatment from an out-of-network physician. The total bill was $13,429.50 for less than one day of treatment. Jesús Jr. was charged $5 (70 pesos) for an outpatient visit that the family paid in cash.”

Healthcare in this country is just so fucked up, it’s ridiculous.

That goes for every legislator that ever voted for this garbage.

Courts A-Political?

Originally posted 27MAR22.

Don’t know much about the three cockpigs depicted below, but I’ve seen enough reporting now to say the bitch in the red dress can suck my dick and choke on it. That goes for her fuckwit husband and their despicable friend, fuckface McConnell, as well. The senate minority leader from Kentucky co-conspirator must be having lotsa fun with what happens after you get in bed with Trumpty Dumpty.

Go fuck yourselves, MAGA mutherfuckers.
Stop the stupid, maybe?
Cocksucking mutherfucking piece of shit.

Broke the record – five f-bombs in this one.

Third Time’s a Charm

I’ll assume impeachment counts for contempt in this context. I’ve held The Fuckwit in contempt since shortly after he was elected and began dragging the flag and this nation through the mud.

Rot in Hell, Fuckwit.

New Nazi

Apparently this little Trumplican sycophant decided to become a nazi sometime on or about the 6th of January, 2021. That would be the point at which he realized the Fuckwit’s cock was so far up his deceitful, traitorous ass, there was no other choice.

Eat shit and die, mutherfucker.

Courts Trashed

A question about the general political status of the courts in this country was asked here a few weeks ago. It was answered in full song by this cunt in Florida named Kathryn Mizelle. Now we get to see what decades of unqualified Trump-appointed judges brings.

Maybe the CDC did overstep it’s authority. Maybe some procedural rule was broken. All the early evidence indicates not. One thing is certain. The CDC’s very agency itself is now in question and public health is officially a political football.

Official nazi, officially not qualified.
Fuck Trump, the courts, the GOP and every goddamned MAGA mutherfucker out there.

Hannity: Fox Fuckwit #2

As entertaining as it is to watch the whiny Tucker twit endlessly circling his logic, Hannity is simply preposterous, with that air of authoritative alternate factology.

At least Ivermectin made people believe the virus was REALLY bad. 🤪

Expose an irrational belief, keep a person rational for a day. Expose irrational thinking, keep a person rational for a lifetime.

-Bo Bennett, Author of Logically Fallacious

Jail Money

Apparently there is no scenario on earth where greedy bastards won’t fight over money. It’s probably more like a multi-player human cockfight than a jail at the DC lockup these days.

Legal bills are the least of your worries moron.

Abbott Really Puts the Ass in Jackass

Whether it’s stalking prospective abortion candidates, propping up energy oligarchs or just dumping storekeeper’s liquor, this fuckass from the great state of Texas is a total moron.

“Even some members of Abbott’s own party oppose the decision. Bottom line: Truckers are waiting over a day in their trucks, in high temperatures, to bring goods into the U.S, per the Texas Tribune. Some have been protesting. Others have started driving to New Mexico to avoid the snarl.”

Busing migrants to DC? Seriously?

The self-inflicted stuff hurts worse after you realize how stupid it was.
It’s YOUR border – WTF you gonna do?

You jackholes really should be friendlier with Mexico. It won’t be long before that is the only place you can afford to get healthcare.

No Morals

How ironic these fuckwits rely so completely on what used to be the so-called bible-thumping moral majority. Now they are the nazi white supremacists, with Jeezus in their pocket, led by a gang of cheats.

You need a good asshole stretching, mutherfucker.

Cotton Unhinged

“You know, the last Judge Jackson left the Supreme Court to go to Nuremberg to prosecute the case against the Nazis,” Cotton appallingly said, according to the Washington Post. “This Judge Jackson might have gone there to defend them.”

Their propensity to accuse opponents of the same crimes they themselves seek to perpetrate is evidenced once again. This fuckass from the great state of Arkansas is as nazi as they come.

The damage reported here appears to be right between those ears.