PA Must Be MAGA’d Big-time

We’re gonna recycle this just once, for a little personalized message.

Did we get lucky with them going blue for Biden? I can confirm my family appears to be lost to it. Wider effects are now becoming apparent. This type candidacy, one of many across country, portends further descent into the Trumpian political rabbit hole.

“Mastriano marched on the U.S. Capital on Jan. 6, 2021, following the presidential election in which Joe Biden defeated Trump, but says he did not break the law.”

Government should be set up like a fiduciary, with appropriate penalties for breaching the public trust.
I’m comin’ home again someday. You might wanna get a few things straight with me 1st.

Trashed AND Corrupted

This one cycled for six weeks after being originally published 3 MAY 22. Some things are just too important to allow the 24×7 news cycle mass memory expiration effect to take place.

NEW RULE: Only women get to rule on abortion cases.

Maybe they just have a penchant for getting it wrong?
Unimaginably regrettable stupidity.

“Egregiously wrong from the start.” Yet stood for fifty years. Easy to see how it was still in wordplay draft – kinda hard to justify in plain language. These science-denying assholes drag us through a years-long pandemic, now this. The nazi pricks have been waiting to strike for decades. It’s just the beginning.

Keep it up, mutherfuckers | Trae Crowder’s “tyrannical hellscape

Beau of the 5th Column’s take | Thomas disgraced

Impeach Kavanaugh and Comey | Pack this bitch.

See what the Supreme Crackpots are up to today

Thomas’ eMails Deepen Election Involvement

Thomas’ Scandal Unprecedented | SCOTUS Scandal for Foriegners

Patriot(?) Front

There’s more of these cocksuckers all over the goddamned place. Like I told the Frederick Nazis a few weeks ago, better keep quiet and stay the fuck away from me. I will relish the opportunity to stomp some of these fuckass shitbags into the ground.

Better bring more than smoke bombs and scary masks to my house, mutherfuckers.

Jurassic Party

Will the Committee Hearings scheduled to begin tomorrow finally send the GOP into extinction? If the Impeachment Hearings were any indication, we’re probably still fucked. Getting enough Americans to pay attention to anything at the same time is probably next to impossible.

It’s gonna be satisfying watching them wallow around in the tar pit.

Fuck the Police

I’ve always been a big backer of the cops. I actually expected to get to meet some Marshals the other day. But that’s gonna be a qualified support going forward, kinda like qualified immunity. It’s goes right up until somebody who’s not supposed to gets shot. This is the epitome of the one oh shyt, that erases a thousand atta boys. And it’s an ongoing fucking shitstorm.

I don’t want to hear any more about proposals to enhance school safety. Full Stop. The schools are demonstrably unsafe. Just exactly how does anybody think they got this way? It’s almost to the gaslighting stage.

LATE UPDATE: I really mean it.

Russian State Media

Farron often has a cool way of getting to the central issue. No doubt the confusion factor in politics is huge these days. Even so, some things are just fundamental. If you don’t get it, that’s your problem.

I must represent the radical lefties they talk about. Maybe Antifa? 🙄

DeSuckass Gets His Due

“A three-judge panel of the Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously concluded that it was overreach for DeSantis and the Republican-led Florida Legislature to tell the social media companies how to conduct their work under the Constitution’s free speech guarantee.”

Not that the social media companies aren’t a huge problem. It’s just that one fuckwit governor from Florida doesn’t dictate that.

The election will hurt alot more, cocksucker.

Question for Ted Cruz

Do you really think anyone, be they a law officer, those “good guys with guns,” or the goddamned 82nd Airborne is gonna stop a deranged teenager from doing whatever the fuck they want? Please believe me, I know. I was one, and did some pretty crazy shyt, some of which I don’t ever brag about.

Abbot sits in a press conference bragging about all the school safety laws he passed. The cops brag about their quick reaction with show of force (while waiting outside until most of the killing was over). Then some sycophant makes comments about limiting entrance access – at an elementary school. Fucking idiots, every stinking one of them.

The problem’s been known for decades. Conservatives want authoritarian control. Guns are a big factor in the means to that end, along with plenty of bloodthirsty dumb-asses to pull the triggers. Crazy people shouldn’t have access to deadly weapons. Should’ve mentioned that to the Repugs before they closed all the mental hospitals in the 60s, leading us gunned-down this garden path.

You need a .45 caliber enema, mutherfucker..
Updated 26 MAY to suggest a full AR mag on auto up the poop chute.

America’s Gun Crises. -Seth Meyers, 25 MAY 22

Abortion Would Have Been Too Good

At least it would have preempted all the pain they’ve inflicted on others. I’d recommend sterilization for every pulpit holder in this particular cult.

“In service of this goal, survivors and others who reported abuse were ignored, disbelieved, or met with the constant refrain that the SBC could take no action due to its policy regarding church autonomy – even if it meant that convicted molesters continued in ministry with no notice or warning to their current church or congregation,” the report added.”

Medevil superstition in the church is the best-ever cover for illegal sexy child fun!

Cut the fucking tax line. This is bullshyt.

Healthcare and Cops

I addressed this issue back in the first pandemic year. The truth was laid bare to anyone observant enough to witness society’s public health and safety factions scrambling to save their own asses. Now a more specific case comes to light illustrating part of the problem. Apparently some of these people want to be able to get away with killing their clients in order to carelessly proceed with their own dangerous, public-facing jobs sans any personal risk. No more.

“It was not motivated by any intent to violate the law, but through oversight and gross negligence and neglect, as the jury concluded.”

Criminal negligence in healthcare situations is far too common and typically goes unpunished, if not entirely unreported. Getting into the car for a drive to work might be the riskiest thing most people ever do. But if you want to go into public safety – healthcare, law enforcement or related fields – you goddamned well better learn to manage alot more risk, and get it right.

RELATED: Insurance scam crap they pull all the time.

Lamborn Attempts WHO Agency Abortion

The other Colorado Congressional fuckwit rep seemed real proud of his sign-on with others in the legislature having nothing better to do than share their opinions on science with the World Health Organization:

This what we’re paying these people’s salaries for?

I take a rather dim view of that. The important thing to note here is this is not any sort of official government act. It is the coordinated ramblings of bible-thumping politicians busily generating campaign plugs, paid for with taxpayer dollars. I’m sure it will find it’s way to the bottom of the round file, not long after arrival in Geneva.

Starting to look like politicians are around 45% unsafe and probably should be aborted.