More Chilling Than Imagined

I certainly cannot imagine how Dick Cheney’s daughter seems to be the only thing standing between fascism and democracy in this country. All you MAGA mutherfuckers are on notice. Anybody who even suspects they may have one word of support for Spraytan Stalin or any election lie nonsense is my mortal enemy. I’ll be thrilled to help some of you cocksuckers carry your lies and beliefs to the grave. That is something you can really believe.

Repeating myself to this wholly regrettable degree. is getting tiring.

Why Now?

If recent history is any indication, it should be obvious. Republican margins of victory have been steadily declining in Presidential elections for decades. It was pretty important to hang on to it last time, even if it just happened to be with ya know, Scammy Davis Jr. Ironically, the future voter’s lives they seek to protect with today’s Supreme Court ruling will certainly add to that same untenable electoral trend amplified by the pandemic’s wrath. A new, dark chapter in America’s legal history is now underway, leading to things like raging pandemics, widespread gun violence and insurrections – little stuff like that.

Wanna bet they deliberately leaked it, in a soften-the-blow tactic to mitigate an expected potentially seismic backlash? How’s that investigation going, John Roberts? Expect the bible-thumping zealots to start going after contraception at the state level next. The patriarchal authoritarian medieval religious bullshyt has got to stop. No social entity, be it a government – Federal, State, or Local, Religion, Court or interests thereof hold authority over a free man or woman’s control of their own body.

All aboard!! We are headed towards a failed State, on the authoritarian train to civil war.

As long as it fits whatever definition your medieval superstition calls for.

The Definition of Integrity

I’m not devout enough to get the Gawd connection, but despite being a staunch right-winger, I believe Arizona House Speaker Mr. Rusty Bowers and me might see eye-to-eye on a few things.

Right and wrong don’t play politics.

“It was part of the terrifying and far-reaching conspiracy orchestrated from the Oval Office that began soon after the election. Trump illegally interfered with the Electoral College. He put the lives of ordinary Americans in danger. He sent a mob to the Capitol on Jan 6 threatening his Vice President. And to this day he remains a clear and present danger to American democracy.”

Coup Heroes
Treason’s Victims

The Grift Goes On

I’ll certainly never forget my Mom. Once on the Internet, always on the Internet – even if someone is unwittingly spoofing your email. She got ahold of my Yahoo address about twenty years ago. That is one of the reasons I’m now normally known online as, rather than the OG

It’s pretty incredible, the crap they are selling: Dinner with Trump, 900% match, pure fear mongering on every talking point – even social engineering for more personal details. I check that inbox to clean it out once a month or so nowadays. It’s been mostly spam, now accompanied by an equally large volume of MAGA bullshyt.

It goes on up from there, but not wasting any more space on my page.

Random Acts of Violence

It’s difficult to adapt, improvise and overcome when it gets this random:

“The man apparently was driving when two cars street racing on the interstate drove near him, firing “several” shots into the man’s truck and striking him.”

An Aurora family’s wife and three kids now left without a father

Round 3, Part III

I’m quite certain the Secretary’s minions have plenty to do without a surviving malpractice victim’s incessant whining. But assuming “shortly” means around three months in VA time, I figured it best to just go ahead and delineate exactly what we’re talking about here:

They pull this crap on the Vets ALL THE TIME.