Some More of what Four Years of MAGA Gets Ya

Anybody not directly correlating the jump in hate crime and gun violence (both, in this case) with emboldened, deranged Trump supporters has their head so far up their ass, external stimuli is no longer a thing. Should be interesting to see if that holy-rollin’ cocksucker Lamborn has anything to say about it. Crickets would be my expectation.

Gunman kills 5 at gay nightclub, subdued by patrons.

“I’m just glad he’s not gay,” says father of alleged Club Q shooter.

When the U.S. sneezes, Euorpe catches a cold.

Ukraine War Toll

People will be discussing the cost of this war for decades, if not longer. Physical destruction is clearly devastating and widespread. The question of grain shipments will become moot when there is no grain to ship. The biggest line item on the bill will undoubtedly end up being the children.

It’s a complicated topic and a long sit for 40 minutes, but if you really want to know the story, Neil platforms the man who’s been there and is doing it now.

Cryptocurrency Industry?

“Four lawyers said the fact that Bankman-Fried was courting regulators while taking massive risks with customer funds without anyone noticing exposes a yawning regulatory gap in the cryptocurrency industry.”

Daaaaaang! A whole industry that exists nowhere except on computers – imagine that. Now we’ll need to re-imagine the FIRE acronym (F)inance, (I)nsurance, and (R)eal (E)state), with crypto cronies busily scamming away billion$ from unwitting investors. As if the money-for-nothing people needed any help robbing the populace of their hard-earned cash.

Crypto is not actually a “thing,” with the possible exception of the irreversible math behind it.

We Have Teeth

“This isn’t like a single web server is being taken offline,” he said, citing monitoring records that he shared with Reuters. “The network stress is so great their Domain Name System (DNS) servers have been taken offline and eventually the key routers allowing traffic in and out of the country entirely.”

Sharpening all the time….

I spent a little time in Korea – it’s personal.

Don’t Use the Phone

…at least not any more than absolutely necessary. People should understand the simple fact that everything they do online gets recorded somewhere to some extent. Privacy controls are weak, and people of all colors scramble all day long every day to cash in on that data. From legitimate sellers trying to keep your pantry stocked to electronically-induced criminal thieves and everybody in between wants your money, one way or the other.

I’m not suggesting any sort of off-grid prepper extremes. Just be aware that you are being tracked everywhere you go online, and droves of people are vying to use that information for profit. Hell, depending on your Google Map™ settings, you are literally being tracked in meatspace. That may or may not be important to you, from a privacy perspective. Personally, I kinda like reviewing my whereabouts every month, and I’m not hiding from anyone.

Easy Internet-enabled money is hard to resist. Some types of online activity like social media and the entertainment stuff is designed specifically for marketing purposes – nothing else. Politics falls into that bucket. Ever wonder why the FAANGs aren’t doing more to protect their business?


“But look at that: Social media is now shot through with sketches and music videos made by rich personal brands and consumed by a passive audience that gets iron-skilleted with ads. The convergence I once cheered on has reinvented a medium that reminds me of something from my youth. It’s almost like network TV. Like the idiot box. Like a “vast wasteland,” as the FCC chair called American television, in 1961.”

Google pays nearly $392 million to settle sweeping location-tracking case.

Apple isn’t the only threat – just the one who got caught this time.

Mike Pence: Cocksucking Mutherfucker

Like I’ve been saying all along, that son-of-a-bitch was totally complicit, if not fully participatory. He was just waiting to see if he could collect some book money, like the rest of the rotten parasites infecting the previous administration.

Cowardly bastard Mike Pence can suck my dick and choke on it.

The Terrorist News Network

Maj Ojeda (Ret.) tells it like it is.

“It’s in the news!” Guy’s just not smart enough to evaluate information. How much more sedition and insurrection we gonna keep feeding him?

FAANG’s Comeuppance?

How long will it take for Linkedin, Youtube, TikTok and other social media monstrosities out there to join the implosion? What’s Apple and Amazon’s social media angle? Linkedin might be a legitimate niche, so we’ll see how they fare. Not sure where Youtube sits in the conspiracy/hate/scam game. Dorsey started it and Zuckerboy was quick to jump on the bandwagon. Was the Internet comms revolution really all it’s cracked up to be?

People don’t like being lied to, fooled and taken advantage of. It’s ingrained in politics and Internet business revenue. Meta lays off 11,000 employees.

Amazon 1st company to lose a $Trillion in stock value.

What the hell were all those employees doing? Half the Twitter workforce? Seriously?

Electronic Election Rigging

Despite Lindell’s claim of cyber monitoring, it looks like the 2022 election cyber threat was nothing new, unusual or even worse than before. My limited POV actually saw a decrease in election meddling. Email bots previously abundant in election season were almost non-existent. Maybe the Russians were too busy with Ukraine.

There were a few high-threat targeted APTs, maybe 10% of the level it was two years ago. We had one significant DOS attack (that I’m aware of) Monday night, but that might have been more football than election-related, for all I know.

Echo this chamber, mutherfuckers.

Dorsey the Drama Queen

“I realize many are angry with me. I own the responsibility for why everyone is in this situation: I grew the company size too quickly. I apologize for that.”

No – what you did was fail to properly manage a burgeoning new communications paradigm shift to cash in on politics, hate and crime at the expense of common decency.

Fuck you and the binary bullshit you rode in on.

Hope you had lotsa fun with it, fuckwit.