Full Circle

“China’s vaccine nationalism is deeply tied to Xi’s pride, and accepting Western assistance would not only embarrass Xi, it would also pierce his oft-propagandized narrative that China’s governance model is superior,” said Craig Singleton, deputy director of the China program at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

The opportunity to see how the difference between smart people and dumb people plays out at global scale is upon us. They reported five(?) new deaths? First they clamped down on the press and healthcare people back in late 2019. Then they implemented the most draconian suppression policies anywhere. Now, lacking effective vaccines, China descends into chaos.

They’re gonna take the death toll record from the U.S. Will they admit it?

LATE UPDATE: This Mint article is concerning.

The Grift that Keeps On Grifting

As I’ve suspected for quite some time, Donnie Dipshiticus is running low on cash. Can you imagine these jokers sitting around dreaming this shyt up? It just boggles the mind. Southern NY District clamps on the tax fraud case probably have him and the MAGA seriously under-funded at this point.

Disgracefully humiliating -not to mention creepy..

Former POTUS fancies himself a cowboy and astronaut? What a moron.

Morality Police

Forgive me for not following Iranian society more closely, but seriously? The Mullahs are just plainly overt about the same bullshyt the xtians are harping on here: Authoritarian Control. Iranians started hanging people from cranes in the street yesterday.

Iranian Islamic fundamentalist definition of morality is anything but.

Another Big Fucking Surprise

It’s been obvious to me for years. These people really suck bad.

“The board said Meta appeared to be more concerned with avoiding “provoking” VIPs and evading accusations of censorship than balancing tricky questions of free speech and safety.”

1 Hacker Way? Presumptuous little twit.

Ukrainian Children

War-borne atrocities are many and horrific. The Russian animals committing these examples set the tone for prosecutions to follow. The Russian socio-military awareness level is almost to the point where Putin will no longer be tolerated. Exactly who and how many go down with him remains to be seen.

“The Institute for the Study of War, a Washington-based think tank, says Russian officials are conducting a deliberate depopulation campaign in occupied parts of Ukraine and deporting children under the guise of medical rehabilitation schemes and adoption programs.”

The thing Russians don’t get is how their own children’s future is now so much bleaker.

I was Right about Musk

…just didn’t know for sure exactly why until today. Lyin’s just what he does. Fraud would be more what he is. Yeah, it makes alot more sense now. Funny, I was leaning the Elon fanboi way when they launched Starman. Information, lack thereof or misinformation. WTinfoF!

The scent of Musk follows the fecal strain in this example.

And so what’s next? Neuralink? You’ve gotta be shittin’ me.

Good Thing I’m not a Soccer Fan

I have enough stress to deal with. How many more reminders do we need to get it through our thick heads, that authoritarian regimes like found in Qatar need some FIFA shoved so far up their ass their balls turn blue. I won’t waste any more of my time on this except to say Fuck FIFA and Fuck Qatar.

“Denying us the armband is the same as denying us a voice”

Germany players cover mouths in team photo amid armband row.

FIFA and the Qatati government can suck my dick and choke on it.