Security Costs!

Twitter™ limiting 2-factor authentication to paid subscriptions. Nice. At a time when fraudsters are disappearing with $billions of crypto and every other nightly news day ends with some story about another TikTok or Instagram scam, we have the Chief Twit enforcing lax security on a popular social media site. Wonderful.

How to keep ur Twitter™ account secure without giving Musk any money.

Meta’s selling blue checks now, too! Get it quick, before your account gets “drowned by imposters or fake accounts.” They actually say that as a selling point, no shyt. Extra security looks real attractive, and they’ll sell it to ya for $12-15/mo. I wonder how much of that money they’re still printing gets spent on internal security rooting out the imposters and fakes? Musk just recently finished killing off the Content Moderation people at Twitter. None of the balance sheets are going in the right direction, so he’s a little impatient.

Used to be local storefronts and various other small businesses, back in the day. Organized crime shake-downs have graduated to cyber, reaching out for every potential individual customer’s pocket or purse, right up front.

Fly away birdie! Please – fly far, far away…

East Palestine

Remember the government-imposed nationwide rail strike controversy last year? Thanks Joe Biden – now we get to see how another period of shoddy railroad operations unfolds across the country. It’s not looking real good so far, starting with East Palestine, Ohio.

This evacuation zone should probably have been 5-10 times bigger. In the long run, I imagine it will be easier and cheaper to haul out the terminal cancer patients one-at-a-time, some years hence. My hindsight is 20/20 on this topic because I’ve seen it before. We’re seeing it now in vets downed from toxic exposures all across the Middle East.

A small town of 5,000 people in eastern Ohio gets offered $1k/person at ONE MILE RADIUS. Those mutherfucking Norfolk Southern fuckwits belong in jail.

First they spilled it, then they burned it – fairly common criminal cover-up tactic. Now they will deny all responsibility.
Cocksuckers didn’t show up for the town hall meeting because they “didn’t feel safe.” Ya think?
Railroad Song -Lynyrd Skynyrd

Musk Really is a Total Cocksucker

I hope his Starlink system goes the same path Twitter™ is on now. Everybody has a right to self defense. Why did they ever do it in the 1st place? The fuckwit’s just pissed he thinks he’s not making enough money with it. Total greedy, cocksucking, billionaire fuckface that twit is, fer sure.

What the FUCK did they expect? Idiot. They’ll weaponize Twitter™, given the opportunity.

Arkansas’ Leading Nazi

“The dividing line is no longer between right or left,” Sanders said. “The choice is between normal or crazy.”

You got that right. Here’s some crazy for ya:

This is what we call “Arkansas Crazy.”
This must be the “already thrown under the bus” look – as her state wallows in poverty.

Struggled for Days

…trying to make sense of the Nichols killing. Couldn’t see any analysis angle. Listened to all the pundits, same ol’ shyt. Then I stumbled across a letter to the Sentinel editor. According to Pastor Mayes, it’ all just down to misled sinners. Must be a church problem:

Problems like this work well for the church.

It’s the Internet!

Wonder why so much fraud, scam and political skullduggery seems to be going on these days? Maybe it’s just the same old shyt with me getting older noticing it more? Gaining better perspective on certain things as life goes on would be normal, methinks. I still haven’t changed my long-standing view of one common cyber denominator analogous to meatspace since the (public) Internet’s inception when I started helping build it back in the late 80s: The WIld West.

Law is always playing catch-up. Things need to go wrongly enough first before societal critical mass moves to address the issue legislatively, judicially and operationally. I suspect the real reason behind cyber-enabled white-collar crime is simply that many people are making big bank in the dark web fuckery business with impunity. More to the point, the underworld’s selling illicit drugs and legitimate business interests in the FIRE sector love it, because it’s only all on paper (drive?). Half the time they can literally do it legally with chatboxes and byzantine answering programs effectively insulating them from the customers.

You can lie, cheat and steal all you want and probably get away with it these days – as long as you’re smart enough and behind a keyboard. Hell, get enough of them typing in the same direction, and you can get this fuckwit elected POTUS.

4 more years! 4 more years! for fraud, (in the NY State Penn)

Fuck the Pope IV

“When I said it is a sin, I was simply referring to Catholic moral teaching, which says that every sexual act outside of marriage is a sin,” Francis wrote in Spanish, underlining the final phrase.

I imagine if the Pope had his way, sex would be a subscription service you sign up with for a fee, supporting summer bible camp where priests get an exception for priming the minors.

Keep fuckin’ just as long as we know about it -and we don’t like that gay stuff.

Anti-VAX cult offshoot outcomes.

Here’s where this rant started. Connect the dots.

Putin’s Gamble

New category combo – Crime and Work. I always tried to avoid it when the rules and laws didn’t quite cover things, but at the end of the day you still have to deal with these people. Vladimir Putin made any number of gross miscalculations in his formula to take Ukraine. Gambling with other people’s lives and money at the mundane, street crime and bank fraud levels is easy. Take it to war, and you’ll have another type of gambler to deal with.

Probably gonna need to shift north here a bit pretty soon. Big bets on the table now. Our guys, shooters or not, go with air cover.

A U.S. Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon pilot flies within the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility, Jan. 4, 2023. The F-16’s mission is to deliver airpower, fortify U.S. commitment to partner nations, and provide regional stability within the AOR. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Kirby Turbak)

Patriarchal Neo-Fascism

It’s an age-old political ideology recently re-imagined by people in organizations like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. Of course they don’t call it that. To them it is Xtian Nationalism or some flavor thereof, including a whole plethora of sub-genres running the gamut from anti-government to homophobia to gun culture to economic elitism all rolled up in misogyny. The GOP took all the worst attributes of U.S. culture and declared a war rational people are now obliged to oppose.

Benedict Dotard is their leader. For now. But there will be others. The evil will to subjugate and oppress society for personal gain is inherent in human nature. History is replete with shining examples of kings, dictators, emperors and priests who managed to get enough naive followers to do their hateful, violent bidding. Not today, not in this country, not here ever.

Join the military if you want to dress up in uniforms and play with guns. Stop pretending and learn something about the monopoly on violence.

Rot in prison, fuckwits.
Neighbor -Ugly Kid Joe

Looks Like a Bang-Up 2023 Comin’

“The new year has brought a shocking string of mass killings in the U.S. – six in less than three weeks, accounting for 39 deaths.”

My main concerns with our ongoing sporadic, random civil massacre circumstances are two-fold. To start with, de-sensitization has taken place. The sheer number and frequency of these occurrences now means only the the victims and close acquaintances are being directly affected by this nonsense. So remediation will continue to go largely un-addressed.

The second thing I find particularly disturbing about this whole rotten situation is the typical LE response. Stop repeating the same old “danger to the public” refrain. Maybe even some actual public relations? NOT making announcements about ongoing manhunts is very counter-productive.

The danger posed by a growing number of prospective mass shooters is real and imminent, it’s not going away, and we don’t want any more lies to that effect every time you apprehend a suspect.

Same old story, huh?

Donalds Update

These mutherfuckers seem to think it’s OK to take the country back to the dark ages as long as everybody goes to church and keeps voting for them. So I took a minute this morning to pen a quick update to one of the Florida fuckwits:

Or just keep flappin’ your gums on Fox News, fuckwit.

Chips are Starting to Fall

…in one of the biggest political poker games this side of the pond since Castro thought it might be a good idea to start playing with nukes. A big fatal flaw in arrogant, conceited people is their perception of somehow being smarter and better than others, by default. It leads them to make foolish assumptions, at times. Gangs of sharp lawyers can assume whatever they want to argue a point and accomplish literally almost anything in this litigious, business-oriented society. But words still have meaning, and reality is a tough proposition when pitting truth against lies in a U.S. courtroom.

A Florida-based federal judge has ordered nearly $1 million in sanctions against Donald Trump and his attorney Alina Habba, calling the former president a “mastermind of strategic abuse of the judicial process.”