Hacking Defense Vectors

Here’s independent local confirmation on a cybersec topic I’d been overlooking in the mass media. My biggest concerns in the network defense business were always external actors looking for big things in high-level enterprises. Everybody I worked with had a security clearance, so it was normally assumed nobody was looking to abuse the computer tools. With crypto disappearing at alarming rates and international skullduggery proceeding apace, it’s refreshing to remember people have bills to pay and the cyber n’er-do-wells are no different.

Sale of Stolen Credentials and Initial Access Dominate Dark Web Markets.

“The information stolen included the names and Social Security numbers of current and former participants in the DPS employee health plan, employee fingerprints, bank account numbers or pay card numbers, driver’s license numbers, passport numbers and health plan enrollment information.”

Then they pull this shyt.

Just hope someone doesn’t really want to break things and hurt people. You can play with annoying DOS and sinkholing crap all you want, but the best preemptive strikes are a 1-keystroke [enter] pull-of-the-pin, scripting the desired outcome. You have to already be in for that to work – longer the recon, the better. Staying on top of that good account/password management is your first line of defense, but USB sticks can walk right by. These days they can do it at the speed of light remotely from a cellphone, if you’re not careful.

Surveillance Capitalism

Masquerading as communism, China is kicking ass! I’m talking about the concept in general, not as if it hadn’t been started, expanded and perfected here in the U.S., but the Chinese are like the best imitators ever, for krissakes. The origin of SARSCOv2 are a Chinese curiosity at best, in the larger scheme of things. It came from Wuhan, they royally fucked the response, while they continue that fuckery unabated today. That much is clear. Keep imitating that communist ideology and let us know how that’s been workin’ out…

Now they’re entertaining arming Russia, because why? I really want to know. Pretty sure they understand how their politics extend both east and west, militarily as well as economically. Prosecuting it by other means must pose quite a dilemma. This was early-on speculation, and I’m pretty sure we already have evidence of Chinese ammo in Ukraine. Better think this one all the way through, mutherfuckers. We can make N-Laws and Javelins alot faster, quicker and cheaper than you can make armored vehicles.

Guns or Butter, your call.

Warning -Green Day

LATE UPDATE: Just FYI, I started seeing uTube™ ads about beard care products for the first time, two days after making this post. I use no social media accounts of any kind, apart from watching and commenting on uTube vids. Never forget: real communication is a two-way street – face-to-face, electronically or any way you like to slice it. Surveillance Capitalism is real, no joke and many will pay the price. I like to barter.

That Other Thing

Here’s a good example of the things I’ve been alluding to, WRT the Pootin Imperialist Adventure:

“The Justice Department on Thursday arrested two Kansas men on allegations that the pair illegally exported aviation-related technology to Russia and provided repair services for the equipment.”

Wanna see more things?

Corporate Greed

Enduring the occasional rail derailment and associated toxic chemical spill gets alot of attention, but we rarely hear about the day-to-day customer service features foisted upon us to scoop every possible penny. Some poor woman in Illinois experienced one of the lesser-known pitfalls of company avarice by not paying a service bill. I’d like to know if that $150 was for the last three $50 monthly installments, or just exactly how it breaks down in terms of the child’s life’s value? Couple bucks a year by most projections probably.

We’re not supposed to behave like that in this country. Now go sit in the corner and think about what you’ve done.

U.S. Insecurities

China says TikTok ban reflects U.S. insecurities. Ya think? Like foreign surveillance overflights are banned, so is state-sponsored malware, designed for cultural subversion and espionage. They stretched it out quite a ways, but the truth was apparent. Largely similar to Fuckbook™ and Twitwhore™, the Chinese use their digital fingers to dig into not just the customer’s pockets, but the government’s interests, as well.

Don’t know who’s really paying attention on the cyber front, what with the Marshall’s hacked and the FBI cyber help desk currently offline due to bad actors. Not mentioning what I’m seeing here recently in this little corner of the Internet.

Chinese mutherfuckers have another thing comin’

Dotard Does Ohio

Crime, Work and Politics – starting to look like a more popular category combo. The Fuckwit was passing out red MAGA ballcaps to the locals with his newest GOP sycophant, Vance. Wonder if they mentioned the regulation rollback executed under his administration is the most clearly identifiable cause of this entirely avoidable tragedy? Biden throwing the workers under the bus in their contract negotiations is no less culpable.

Cocksuckers don’t like spending money on maintenance. Fuck Corporate America.

Benedict Dotard is practically Corporate America personified.

Blame Democrats

Don’t know how many are aware of Margarine Trailer Queen’s latest televised screed(s) against Democracy and the Rule of Law, but the malignant bitch is totally off the rails. Somebody needs to figure out what’s going on in that Georgia district. Must be some seriously dangerous toxic spills all around that place. Widespread dementia has clearly affected the voting population.

Quality candidates? Long Covid?

My Message to Putin

Been tellin’ myself this for years, but it never happens. Let’s hope Putin wises up before too much longer. Maybe our Strike Eagles won’t need to really ask in person.

Get Over It -Eagles
Push -Matchbox Twenty

A uTube interview with a group of Chechen soldiers somewhere in the Donbas a couple months ago was very telling, to me. At the end of an oft-repeated story lamenting lack of supplies, equipment and ammunition, one simply said “…nothing has changed in the Russian Army since the Great War.” Probably a fair assessment from his perspective, with one vital exception he might be un-aware of. They’re fighting for the nazis this time.

Fear + Guns = GOP

Don’t know if anyone else noticed the trend, but it’s pretty obvious, to me:

A record 6,542 guns – 18 a day – were intercepted at U.S. airport security in 2022.

According to conservative leaders in this country, here is the list of things you need to be afraid of, and why you need more guns:

1) Immigrants/brown people

2) Knowledge (especially books about anything involving #1)

3) Gawd – because you might get some dangerous, new ideas about sex, or something equally sinful.

As if getting on an airplane wasn’t dangerous enough already.

The Week In Cartoons

I like posting a cartoon every so often because those people seem to have the best way of encapsulating bigger issues into smaller bites suitable for my consumption. Sometimes even the little grazing bites add up to an information firehose. Dailycartoonist has it covered. FOX entertained a call-in interview with the Fuckwit January 6th during the insurrection.

Murdoch, below all, represents the most reprehensible of the slimy cocksuckers. Fuck the country, who cares – it’s just business, right? Rot in Hell, miserable scum.

How’s it feel being lied to and robbed, MAGA nation?