Blue on Black

Tennessee lawmakers suck. The only difference between their little expulsion exercise and the next police brutality episode is which end of the authoritarian pecking order commits it. But every cloud has a silver lining. This event illustrates how the level of tolerance for it has reached new lows.

I’m calling this one the New Group Award for best stepping on your own damn government dick. Ron Johnson holds the individual record. But taken together, theses mutherfuckers really put the ass in asshole. Fuck them. Election time’s always coming somewhere…

Backfired would be an understatement.
Blue on Black -Five Finger Death Punch

Think Stoplight Cams Are Bad?

“But although risking arrest for defying the obligatory dress code, women are still widely seen unveiled in malls, restaurants, shops and streets around the country. Videos of unveiled women resisting the morality police have flooded social media.”

The mutherfuckers calling themselves “the Taliban,” these zealots and other Xtian splinter cults closer to home are about to run up against some seriously anti-religious cultural conundrums.

This is what religion is good for: Fucking things up.

Noticed Last Year

I have a flair for stating the obvious: There was alot of hullabaloo surrounding Russia’Ukraine invasion last year. It wasn’t your typically expected Russian invasion, by any stretch. I surmised egregious intelligence failures myself, and now Russian sources themselves have confirmed my suspicions.

“U.S. intelligence appears to have penetrated nearly every Russian military body including the General Staff, the Defense Ministry and the GRU military intelligence agency, as well as the private mercenary group Wagner.”

Thinking the wrong thing all the way through doesn’t help matters.

Clarence Thomas

It was just a matter of time before the biggest Uncle Tom ever got called all the way out. We knew he was compromised after attempting to help Trump’s legal problems. Now we know the depth and extent of Thomas’ deceitful life. Ginni the Qanon Queen must be so proud.

Uncle Thomas’ vacation schedule.

My rich Republican friends just think I’m a lot of fun. -Justice Clarence Thomas

If our entire fucking government doesn’t look alot different in the next couple years, I’m gonna be ready to start killing some people.

Operation Cookie Monster

I read about the lead-up to this in a Wired™ article last year. Seems like Law Enforcement is making progress, but it’s hard to tell who is winning what Cyber War. Cyber analogies to meatspace are many and varied. The one I remember telling my Dad while home on a visit re-loading his borked laptop was: “Imagine the computer is like your cyber house. There are dozens of burglars waiting right outside for you to leave a window unlocked.”

Enter an email address you own and see how it was looking for you over recent years of malicious cyber activity…

Baltimore This Week

It was the homegrown catholic cocksuckers in Italy last week.

“The staggering pervasiveness of the abuse itself underscores the culpability of the Church hierarchy,” the report said. “The sheer number of abusers and victims, the depravity of the abusers’ conduct, and the frequency with which known abusers were given the opportunity to continue preying upon children are astonishing.”

These mutherfuckers operate using similar methods corrupt politicians employ bowing to Felonius Fuckwit and the like: Deny, delay, lie and steal. Fuck the church(es). Just fuck them to their Hell.

Fuck the Pope, the Church and every one of these mutherfuckers that’s been raping society for centuries.

It’s so incredibly annoying to me how they push this abortion crap, anti-LGBTQ, etc. It filters out through all the white-supremacist-nazi-misogynist-racist-authoritarian sub-cults from there.

Fuck Rupert Murdoch to Hell and Back

That goes for the cast of talking-head clowns, as well. In fact ANYONE associated in any way with floating this deceitful excuse for a news program needs some civics lessons and restricted from social media until they can learn how to use it responsibly.

As a retired Air Force Master Sergeant who spent the best years of his life overseas defending this country at the tip of the spear, I take particular exception to the evolution of Fox News over the years. It is sooooooooooo disgustingly rotten and vile.

Trump lashes out, resorting to old tactics after arraignment hearing.

Menace to Society

Referring to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, uttered by The Florida governor yesterday. DeSuckass knows he’s just a piss-ant politician with a state full of MAGA retirees keeping him in office. The GOP fear is palpable.

“However, despite DeSantis’ visits to the north, a new Yahoo News survey shows that former President Donald Trump is now polling 26 points ahead of DeSantis, more than tripling his previous lead over the Florida leader since his indictment last week.”

The Mango Menace himself will be in town this week to start an administrative process. His latest idiot lawyer was on ABC This Week just now, failing to answer a single question, bloviating the same irrelevant talking points about how this should never happen in America. The trial was held in the court of public opinion over the past six years. This first phase of the Fuckwit’s prosecution is just a formality. Up first, New York: No job is finished, until the paperwork is done.

Working our way up The People’s chain of retribution.

Like I said…

Any number of times on this blog: Fuck the church.

“The nearly 900-page forensic history of the scandal is remarkable, providing perhaps the best documented case of a phenomenon that has existed in the Catholic Church for centuries but is increasingly coming to the public fore: spiritual charlatans using false mysticism to manipulate their victims and abuse them sexually.”

If you’re submitting to a higher power, you’ve given up. Who is screaming about the “groomers?” Connect the dots.

You Think They Realize?

….how fucking stupid they are? Trying to remember how many times I killed a weed by pulling the top off. I’m pretty sure it’s zero – just like every other failed attempt at banning things throughout history. Problem will only get worse in Utah, once the kids find out.

You’re gonna need to outlaw cellphones and PCs, if this is your planned path to resolution.

Social Media Again?

I’ve been harping on this for going on twenty years. Social media platforms are nothing but disruptive, amoral, cash-generating online scams. Yes -plenty of mundane messaging and entertainment also gets done. But Meta, Twitter and Youtube’s primary and only important objective is monetizing the private information of it’s users.

Still think it’s worth it?

“Reports on social media during the week of March 6 that some venture capital firms, including influential investor Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund, were advising companies to pull cash from tech-focused SVB snowballed into a stock rout and sent customers scrambling for the exit. Authorities shut SVB on March 10.”

Social media exposes all sorts of flaws – in mostly unpredictable and unintended ways.

Here’s just one of many examples of the small-print warning you might see on literally any legitimate business website today. Communication is a 2-way street. You’ve been warned:

“This site is being monitored by one or more third-party software(s), and may capture information about you and your visit. You may opt-out from the data collection on your visit through a universal consumer options page located at”

Anybody want to guess what that “collectionoptoutservices” page does? It saves GoDaddy™ from collecting it themselves. Social media’s just one of the quick, easy modern vectors – lettin’ ya drive yourselves crazy, while robbing you behind your back.