Fuck You, Elon. POS.

Must be hiring Tump’s old lawyers. Stay tuned – catastrophic failures are looming elsewhere.

Legal experts are laughing at Musk. It’s a desperate move with no chance of success. Musk’s lawsuit alleges a conspiracy among advertisers to boycott X because, obviously, the only reason companies wouldn’t want to advertise on a platform rapidly descending into irrelevance is a cabal of mean advertisers out to get Elon. I’m sure it has nothing to do with Musk’s chaotic management.

Gaslight and Grifting

Think he actually has anything like a speechwriter?

Trump doesn’t give speeches. He tells long fake stories that provide an alternate reality in which he’s the hero, allowing his audience to conflate themselves with him as he pretends to vanquish imaginary enemies like “Sleepy Joe” “Crooked Hillary” “the Deep State” & “Fake News”

Tell Me About It

On April 30, Finch finally heard from the VA saying the investigation is about to begin. Just two weeks later on May 15 she received a letter saying her claim was being denied.

They never planned on doing anything except protecting the staff and denying the claim – exact same thing they did to me. But there’s one problem this time around: I’m not Vivien Finch, and they failed to complete the job, in my case.

The Veterans Administration is dug into such a deep financial hole, any high-level resolution seems unlikely. Benefit cuts are coming. Have you seen Project 2025’s proposals on that topic? That’s not even the main healthcare portion. Let’s just hope damage control safety nets don’t continue failing right along with the rest of it. What a category combo – crime and health – whodathunkit?!

We can fuck up every and anything we want and just ignore it because we’re the government and/or we have all the money.

Relying on Un-Witting Americans

It not just the Russians. The Chinese need us to buy their junk and the oligarchs need us to buy their petro and software products. The government and business wonks need us to continue working for slave wages. The Russians fancy themselves information peddlers, for their part.

And don’t forget the politicians with power broker requirements for monetary manipulation only the rich might understand, enabled by one thing only: Voting. Only problem is stupidity – the opposite of guess what? (woke.)

Once again…

Called It In 2016

I have a bit different perspective than most – not just politically. People seeing and understanding the writing on the wall are working earnestly towards their goals on both sides.

“I think for the first time in my professional life, I felt physically ill reading something,” he says. The feeling was mutual. It’s been a recurring nightmare of mine for decades.

Russia continues to pose the greatest threat when it comes to election disinformation, authorities said, while there are indications that Iran is expanding its efforts and China is proceeding cautiously when it comes to 2024.

These mutherfuckers been playing in the same band since day 1.

Netanyahu: Religious Zealot Cockpig

He’s suckin’ that Zionist dick real hard. Fuckwit thinks he can stop in at the Capitol voicing a buttload of violent rhetoric and grievances in order to get away with genocide. Fuck him, fuck Israel and fuck every goddamned piece of religious shit anywhere on this planet who believes it’s gotta be their way or the high-way.

I suddenly realized these fuckwits are just using their religion to get whatever they want, after learning the orthodox Jews are draft-exempt. Pretty typical, after all – right, MAGA Mike?

His words appeared aimed at an audience back home.

Just wait till the protests get to Tel-Aviv. Funny the contact form on their web site seems out of order today. Imagine that.

Religion Can Get Ya Killed

“I rebuke you in the name of Jesus…” were the last words Sonya Massey uttered before the nutbag cop decided to kill her in her own home for absolutely no reason. That appeared to be one of the things tipping him into shooting her, from what I could discern in the bodycam video. The callous disregard for what he’d just done was almost as horrific as the killing itself.

Some of these assholes go around just looking for reasons to give people a hard time. This guy, on his 6th job in 4 years, took it to the extreme. There’s no question in my mind it was plain old cold blooded murder. Trigger-happy fuckwit looking for an excuse. Whoever hired him got some splainin’ to do.

Grayson’s list of prior personnel issues demonstrating a total lack of discipline and training in his recent employment history is stunning. That bad apple is certainly rotten to the core.

Must be getting really difficult filling the ranks on the beat these days.

“JD” Stands for Jerkoff Dickhead

If you’re letting him jerk you off with the ongoing deceit, then you are the dickhead, for real.

The 39-year-old Ohio senator said during a rally in Michigan that under Harris’ leadership, the U.S. border has been the “biggest disaster, open border we’ve ever had in this country.”

Seems odd how GOP issues are mostly vague, non-specific cultural topics hanging around for literally centuries. Dumb people have short memories. It’s kinda like religion. Stick with the reliable old-school stuff we’ve already got drilled into their stupid heads.

Have fun suckin’ that Trump cock.

Assassination Motive Remains Elusive

Are you shitting me? Apparently there’s still alot of fuckwits out there who don’t understand Napoleon Bonespurs is the slimiest piece of shit to ever crawl out of a NYC subway. Ultimately responsible for millions of Covid deaths worldwide just for starters, him and the MAGA movement are looming democracy’s demise.

Remember how they reacted to the Pelosi attack? Fuck Trump, fuck MAGA, and the entire GOP can suck my dick and choke on it.

How about this: Some people just need killin’? Eat shit and die, you lousy cocksucker.

Justice Denied

It’s been delayed for so long, denial is a foregone conclusion. It’s all part of the Christo-fascist MAGA plan.

Project 2025’s plans for capitalizing on the Supreme Court’s recent decisions show that the Court’s Republicans aren’t just extending invitations to the conservative movement—they’re drawing maps for where it should go next. While the Republican justices may not have written Project 2025, it wouldn’t exist without them.

The Truth Shall Make You Free -Hannibalism!

Three Teenage Girls

Three teenage girls shot, one fatally, during party in Aurora park Saturday. Guns, guns, guns – everybody needs more guns, and less gun control, right?

Aurora cops shot another guy with a cellphone in his hand just a couple months ago. I believe the police are now more afraid of the guns than the criminals wielding them. Here’s ur sign.

It’s not just stupid – it’s greedy and stupid. Double gun whammy. Gun makers need to find new jobs. Military already has plenty.

Officially Criminal

We’re so fucked…

The only reason this never came up is because it all got started with a goddamned king they specifically wrote the Constitution to protect against. No President ever got away with packing the court so he could proceed to go rogue with impunity, before now.

Remember My Lei? Nixon? Rule 303 can be a new MAGA campaign chant! I bet most of those FBI and CIA spy mutherfuckers doing time for playing with the Russians really thought they were doing the right thing at the time. The list goes on.

WTF do we need the Supreme Cunts for when half the cases get kicked back for standing? Others require new definitions for old crimes before their oft-pleaded platitudes for political fellatio are even up for consideration. Will they be keeping a running list of the offenses explicitly considered immune under what conditions, going forward?

Supreme Court’s Radical Immunity Ruling Shields Lawbreaking Presidents and Undermines Democracy.

They’re pulling this shyt because they somehow became confident they can win in November. It’s now or never.