Fuck Youtube™

Youtube might have been one of the few social media-type services that could be a legitimate people’s media platform if they just cleaned up a little and started vetting users like they all should be doing. That is clearly no longer the case. They’ll say it’s only competition in a free market, tough shyt.

I just un-subscribed from a couple channels degrading into the same sensational so-called news reporting afflicting the more traditional news outlets for decades. If there’s nothing screaming crime, crises, calamity or politics that day do a human interest piece instead of twisting nonsense and making mountains out of molehills. Ad revenue is king. Veracity, perspective and facts be damned.

“YouTube and the other platforms that preceded it in weakening their election misinformation policies, like Facebook, have made it clear that one attempted insurrection wasn’t enough. They’re setting the stage for an encore,” said its vice president Julie Millican in a statement.

LATE UPDATE: This was a story those TYT assholes thought was so sensational from the fuckwit who so deceptively started it, as to break the whole AI issue wide open. US air force denies running simulation in which AI drone ‘killed’ operator.

Fear-mongering fuckwits. Getting tired of doing your homework. They should ask Boozbag how she walks back that run up the Capitol steps. 🙂

How Many Smoking Guns?

Why is half the electorate not keenly disturbed by the idea that someone might go about believing they can rule the world by just lying their ass off and getting enough people to believe it?

All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.

It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. — Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X[1]

MAGA: Make Attorneys get Attorneys I rekon around a half dozen smoking guns should suffice for putting this former POTUS POS in prison.

Benedict Dotard‘s got a dressing down coming up. Hope he gets it from a judge he appointed himself.

Stupid Coloradans

Between Lowrent Boozbag and that senile cowboy Buck the Cuck, Coloradans ought to be ashamed of themselves. Once again – let ’em do a default. Go ahead, I dare ’em. Hard lessons tend to be the most well learned.

They ought to be old enough to know what happens when you let a cunt like this open her mouth in front of a microphone.

Try It On For Size

I’d really like to see them try the Default option on for size this time around. They’ve raised the debt ceiling what, umpteen times in recent decades? The only difference in any of these stunts over the years is the political sensitivity and economic heat driving the rhetoric.

It’s literally a terrorist political tactic. We don’t negotiate with terrorists. Try it, I dare you.

Let’s see how stupid they really are – it’s not even an election year.

They Do It With Impunity

“They described the attacks in 2023 as one of the largest known Chinese cyber-espionage campaigns against American critical infrastructure.”

Ever wonder why the J-20 looks alot like an F-22? All the data captured in that library was stored and analyzed. I could’ve sworn there were a handful of Russkies actually indicted at the conclusion of that investigation. Maybe it didn’t make the news. The only question then was as it remains today: Who is looking at what data? It’s all out there somewhere.

Florida’s Best

No doubt I’ll throw up another DeSuckass attack soon as his foregone failed POTUS bid begins materializing. In the meantime, we’ll deal with one of the other known Florida quantities of corporate GOP greed by the name of Rick Scott. This fuckass seems to think the socialism buzzword is all he needs to motivate dwindling numbers of senile MAGA mutherfuckers inhabiting his state.

Over thirty percent of all Florida government expenditures come from Federal government funds.

What this bastard is, is a greedy cocksucking capitalist pig, thanking FDR and the New Deal for plenty of strong workers to oppress under the yoke of a brutally ignorant gang of government-sponsored Capitalist cocksuckers.

Stupid enough to vote for me, lay in that Florida bed you’ve made for yourself.

Turning Point

Bakhmut has been a contested city in Eastern Ukraine for many months. Assuming the Uke plan was to exhaust Wagner and the Russians in a costly attempt to take a ruined town, it worked spectacularly. Now we’re waiting to learn just exactly how overstretched, confused and demoralized the Russian forces have become at this point. It’s going to be a bloody Ukrainian summer for alot of unlucky Russians.

KYIV, May 21 (Reuters) – Ukraine said on Sunday that its forces were still advancing around the edges of Bakhmut, aiming to encircle the ruined eastern city after Moscow congratulated the Wagner private army and Russian troops for capturing it.

It’s on now. “Meanwhile, the “Freedom of Russia Legion” took responsibility for the attack and claimed it had even ‘liberated’ a settlement.”

Congratulations to the Russkies! You occupied a destroyed city, for a few days.

Saturday Night Special

Getting all jazzed up about an assault weapons ban seems a bit misguided to me. Perhaps consider the facts, if you’re really worried about gun crime generally speaking. I haven’t looked into the overall crime stats vs. just homicides or vetted the data presented by the Columbus Law Firm, but it’s cited as of 2019 below, so likely legit.

Saturday Night Special – Lynyrd Skynyrd

So She Admits It

White supremacists are out there, and it might be OK to call somebody a nigger? Thanks for the confirmation. The lowest of the stinking lowlife congressional bigots is on record.

Name-calling must be one of her specialties. Pig-faced GOP whore looks to be chubbin’ up with nothing better to do than run her mouth.

Biden Crime Family

This snap from the Ground News™ feed on my web browser tells you alot about the story, without reading a single one of them. I been using GN more lately because they seem to give a decent high-level 1st pass on the media misinformation parse. In this case, I have to wonder what happened to a rating conspicuously absent from the list? A high factuality rating for a story fabricated from whole cloth might be a somewhat difficult oxymoron of a journalistic exercise to achieve, in my view.

The only relevant fact in this case is a lack thereof.