The Last Straw?

It goddamned well better be. The dam was one thing. Somehow the Russians always seem to make the unthinkable a real option. If they sabotage the nuke plant, it’s gotta be game over. Anyone who continues overlooking the ongoing string of atrocities and terrorist crimes perpetrated against Ukraine will have to look at themselves in the mirror.

The Ukrainian leader’s nighttime remarks Thursday on a possible attack on the nuclear power plant carried a tone of frustration with “countries that are pretending to be neutral even now” in the war. He accused “anyone who turns a blind eye to Russia’s occupation of such a facility” of enabling Moscow to commit an act of evil and terror.

Called It Five Years Ago

Didn’t get around to actually documenting it until a little over a year ago. It is interesting to note how the marketing rhetoric tracks the financial downturn(s). Generating interest in time-wasting, money-sucking, mind-numbing bullshyt must be getting more difficult these days.

Wasting time and money is a national pastime around here. Just please don’t keep fucking up our fun like you have been ever since the media control program got out of hand in the run-up to Benedict Dotard’s new govern-by-tweet system, now established in the malleable minds of MAGA meatheads everywhere.

Ms. Grant should probably just look at the evidence and make a call. Waiting for Elon to do anything will only continue serving their purpose.

Took Awhile

..but people connected the dots after they eventually decided to board the social media greed train. Only problem for Reddit™ is they have a little different sort of clientele, some of whom take exception to it when greedy technoprenuers stick their fingers in pockets where they don’t belong. This feline ain’t no pussycat. What’s the one thing tech companies tolerate the least?

“BlackCat says that the data will be made public unless Reddit pays $4.5 million and withdraws the API pricing changes that will go into effect on July 1.”

Wonder if Huffman realizes how thin the ice under his position really is? APIs are irrelevant if nobody uses them.

Corcoran Flipped

The Aileen Cannon question is next up on my list of quandarys in this case. Even the government can’t hold enough selfish, traitorous fuckwits to keep Benedict Dotard‘s ass covered forever. Get enough of ’em working on a coup, and there’s no telling where it’ll lead.

“This is going to be very interesting and very unpleasant for Donald Trump, and it’s already off to a very bad start for him.”

The mutherfucker’s mind can’t be far behind now.

Stupidest Gun Control Measure Ever

Ghost guns banned under new Colorado law. OBTW, how’s those TikTok bans workin’ out? There was the alcohol prohibition ‘n the weed stuff now. Getting alot of compliance there these days? Just wondering…

Criminals are what they are. Un-traceable weapons are just tools of the trade. Wonder how many will be lining up to get them serialized along with all their PII? 3D printing? Seriously? What do you think they’re doing with that shyt?

“Under the new law, those who have such guns will be able to get them serialized at a licensed dealership by 2024.”

Ban? Good luck with that. Tell me about some hard time penalties, then we’ll talk…

Bedminster Post Arraignment

It only takes one juror – just one MAGA fuckwit to let this bastard walk scott free. I guess that’s the beauty of our legal system. Regardless of your political proclivities, this guy’s living in a fantasy world. Wait till they see what I text to 88022…

MTGeeezus H Fucking Krist

Ten times. Ten times the disgraceful slut mentions Biden in her most recent little email compendium. Apparently this gym jezebelle reject thinks there’s little more important in government these days than promulgating slanderous lies about the POTUS and his family. And her Twitter™ posts – lawdy what a load of bloviating bullshyt. Governing by Tweet might be the leading GOP lunatic‘s enduring legacy.

It’s nice to reflect on this shyt knowing the stupid cunt puts it all down in the email herself and transmits it to followers everywhere. What happens when the audience isn’t just your Twit following and mouth-breathing Georgia troglodytes Margarine Trailer Queen? Bald-faced lyin’ bitch.

“In a statement Wednesday, Jamie Raskin, D-Md., the member of the Oversight Committee, said the FBI team that briefed him and Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., on Monday said “that the Department of Justice team of prosecutors and FBI agents under U.S. Attorney Scott Brady determined that there were no grounds to escalate their probe from an initial assessment of the allegations surfaced by Rudy Giuliani to a preliminary or full-blown investigation and that it was therefore closed down.”

Keep it up, sweetie – we’ll see you in court again real soon.

Spoilin’ for a Fight

Stoltenberg’s trip to D.C., ostensibly about leadership succession matters, is just one facet of a multi-part message to Valdimir Putin. That won’t be the only item on the agenda.

The “Air Defender 23” exercise will run until 23 June, bringing together some 250 military aircraft from 25 NATO members and partner states, including Japan and Sweden.

NATO’s Biggest Air Exercise Ever Kicks Off, Led by Germany. One thing we know for sure about the Russian military now: Their tanks have soft tops. A-10s Back in Europe for NATO’s Defender ’23.

We’re comin’ for ya Vlad. Cozy up to Kim real close. There’s not many places left for a tin pot dictator to hide.
Spoilin’ for a Fight -AC/DC


You’d think the richest guy in the world might be a bit more spendy with the moola, at least in terms of paying his bills. This isn’t the first episode. They have Amazon billing issues, as well. We saw the rent thing out in California right off the bat. You can be sure many other smaller debtors await non-payment.

Twitter is refusing to pay Google Cloud.

Advertisers are in refusal mode. Users are lining up to get out, presently organizing their exit strategies…

Lindsey Graham Is a TOTAL POS

This Trump toady just had a little interview on ABC This Week, where he failed to answer a single question. I kept waiting for the host to reply with something like “well senator, we’re asking about Donald Trump. The subject of this interview is the former President, not the Clintons and Bidens, laptops and all.” That is literally all Lindsey could bleat about in response to every single question. Pathetic.

If this bloviating fuckwit had two brain cells to rub together, he’d know the only people presently in trouble for former POTUS’ classified mishandling, are the custodians who failed to properly process their inventories at first blush, Trump’s included. DOJ is just climbing to the top of the steaming pile of political excrement I started calling Trumpomania back in 2017.

The most sensational part of this case the general public, media, probably 99.9% of all the people following the story including this fuckwit obviously seem unaware of: Classified information at all levels is continuously tracked and accounted for on a daily basis. How brazenly stupid could Napoleon Bonespurs have been to ever believe he’d get away with it?

And the enablers? Puhleeeez. Politics is like the definition of sleaze.

Keep suckin’ that Trump dick, mutherfucker.

Weaponizing the DOJ

As one of the fashionable mantras supporting many repug talking points these days, it’s important to note the eminently lemming-like remarks coming from GOP candidates regarding Il Douche Trumpollini‘s latest indictment. With Paxton going down hard in Tejas, and MAGA tears raining everywhere, Sympathy For the Devil is waning all across the country.

There’s a good reason politicos still wax faithful to The Fuckwit. Just watch Pence squirm in his recent CNN town hall. They don’t want accountability. It doesn’t matter who or what white collar crime we’re talking about, if it’s sexual harassment, real estate/bank/tax fraud or trashing the military and intel communities with unforgivable criminally traitorous acts of deceit.

Weaponizing the DOJ? Goddamned right, mutherfuckers.

Sympathy for the Devil -Rolling Stones

Overwatch Never Looked So Good

Combat Control goes viral. We been doing it around the globe for decades at altitudes up to geosynchronous orbit. It’s nice to know Stuff scales down well in some use cases. The power of photo and video surveillance from spy satellites to the smartphone in your pocket and lots of little flyers in between lead Ukraine into battle.

Russian Forces Retreat from Positions Near Storozheve, Zaporizhia.

Sick People

Reporting indicates Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has given Team Crazy written notice of their targeting in the classified documents investigation. At least the Tangerine Traitor seems to have a good memory for the long list of crimes he’s committed. The high-level citation given himself below sums it up pretty well. I can’t wait to see this son-of-a-bitch in tears begging for his freedom.

Feeling a bit politically under the weather myself, actually.