
Influencer in this case – worst kind – fuckwit type, thinks he’ll cash in some popularity for a little more influence. What a total piece ‘o shyt.

A popular social media streamer faced a charge of inciting a riot on Friday when an event at Manhattan’s Union Square Park where he planned to give away video game consoles descended into mayhem, drawing a crowd estimated at several thousand young people.

The avenues for social media to run down dangerous rabbit holes are many and varied. Politics and entertainment are facades on expanding networking capabilities in the realm of mind fuckery. Can’t wait for The Church to embrace it.

3rd Indictment, To Me

Trump’s gonna get everything he has coming sooner or later. But that’s not my main concern. What this means in the larger scheme of things is, the rest of the world can now recognize us as a nation not necessarily predominantly comprised of the Ugly Americans they think we might be. And just as importantly closer to home, we are not really as divided as we are being told.

I understand some very close associates are indicted co-conspirators. Time for 2-in-the-hat. Again. Save everybody alot of trouble.
Better In the USA -Glenn Frey
You have the right to be lied to. Works even better when you finance it for him.

What Was That About Regulating AI Again?

You’ve been warned. As if bad actors on the net weren’t already doing a damn good job destroying online society, now their bots are gonna be smarter than the rest of us.

I know, I know – that regulation stuff is just for the people using it legally. Fine.

Streaming reality is not digital, and computers don’t know anything we don’t tell them. Analog’s the new frontier for fighting these fuckers. Just a hint.

I’m Guessing They Have The Video

Apparently Felonius Fuckstump fancies himself some sort of mafia boss. Probably does feel that way how “The Boss” runs things under his purview in that vein. Problem is, these DOJ guys are not the Keystone Cops.

I repeatedly offered my mantra “it takes a long time to organize this much bullshyt” at various junctures over the past couple years while media and entertainment wonks everywhere bleated about the lack of progress in pursuit of justice for Benedict Dotard. That time-frame now appears to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 2-3 years in this case. Don’t expect closure, and don’t expect endless loose ends (small-time co-conspirators, various related perps and ongoing appeals) to resolve quickly. This democracy is not going down that easy.

Prosecutors also said they recovered the document involved in an incident in which Trump, bragged about a “plan of attack” against another country in an interview at his New Jersey golf resort.

The price for freedom will be paid.

Get comfy and get your story straight, fuckwit. You have alot of court appearances coming up…
Nothing like being given enough rope to hang yourself.
Up next…

Chip Roy vs. the VA

I don’t know where these jackholes get off opposing every and anything that comes up outside the MAGA sphere of interest, but this one just really needs to go fuck himself.

Chip Roy is a shameless MAGA piece ‘o shyt.

Glitch McConnell

Everybody thinks Biden’s too old, but this geriatric sack ‘o shyt can no longer even muster the words. Guess we’ll have another brain-dead representative sitting around in Washington waiting to die in office.

The cocksucker stood in front of a joint session of Congress proclaiming “We all were here. We saw what happened. It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election, from one administration to the next…” Then he proceeded to participate in the cover-up. Miserable piece of traitorous shyt – every goddamned last one of them.

There was the whole Garland holdup, among other dubious political parlor tricks over the years. This well-curated piece of MAGA shyt can fuck off and die. Hopefully we won’t have much longer to wait before he kicks the can in office, eventually joining Feinstein, Grassley and that moron from Maine at the big political fuckery show in the sky.

Term limits now! That goes for everybody from the Chief Justice on down the fucking line. People been clamoring for term limits decades now, but they insist on continuing to embarrass themselves.

Lackeys got a link. Have a nice day.

I recommend Cannabis therapy and rest with minimal stressful political activity.

Now Charge the Mutherfucker

Aggravated assault might be a good place to start. Any DA worth his weight in salt should be able to come up with a half dozen more. We’ll see…

“While we certainly respect Gov. DeWine’s views and are always ready to discuss how to improve police training, Circleville’s canine teams of dogs and officers are trained and certified to meet current Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission-recognized standards,” police said.

Oh they’re good, alright. Those dogs will rip you to pieces.

At least these bad boys were still leashed.

VA Disability

The Veterans Administration has the best long-term disability insurance program anywhere on the planet. It’s sort of a requirement, when the employees keep getting killed and maimed in armed conflicts. The non-combat and off-duty crap gets nasty sometimes, too. I see stuff like this and wonder how in the hell they denied my claim. Guess there’s multiple paths to fucking up the VA disability stuff.

I swear they were following me around Costco one day. But I’m naturally paranoid.

Woke ≠ Dead in FL & OH

That’s the formula for vaccine politics. Deja vu. Basic observation and simple math tell the story when you’re talking about stuff seems like everybody’s doing. The entire COVID response and resultant travesty from the death of that first Chinese doctor to the media lynching of Dr. Fauci was nothing less than a widespread exercise in government negligence.

Trump is guilty of Mass Manslaughter. Lesser covidiot villians pepper the planet.

Excess death rates for Republican and Democratic registered voters in Florida and Ohio during pandemic.

Mutherfuckers still trying to cover it up, even run him again. It’s just fucking insane.

Biden the Strawman

I guess Grassley’s goin’ for Impeachment I Redux. Being senile is no excuse for his staffers and MAGA stick-pokers to assume the general public’s memory is really that short. His form of dementia must be pretty suggestive when somebody gives him a piece of paper like that for a press release. This was all hashed out while they were screaming about the Bidens back during Bendict Dotard‘s first impeachment. You can almost blame the war in Ukraine on these cocksuckers, based on some of that crap. Nobody seemed stupid enough to try getting voters to fall for it then. Time marches on…

The tip revolves around an allegation pushed by former President Trump involving Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden, and a Ukrainian prosecutor, although there is no hard evidence to support this claim.

With Margarine Trailer Queen flashing Hunter’s dick pics in committee hearings, it’s really just all become so much bald-faced stupidity. These mutherfuckers are being paid to run the country and all they do is vie for power.

And on January 5, 2021, Grassley suggested he didn’t believe that Mike Pence would preside over the certification of Joe Biden’s electoral victory, that if Pence didn’t show up, he, as president pro tempore of the Senate, would preside over the process, and that “it would be really wrong for me to say I have my mind made up” about the election results.

Chuck Grassley can keep suckin’ that limp Trump cock.

Keep swingin’ fuckwit. Biden’s not the one goin’ down.

Chickens vs. Albatross

Should be enough of ’em to handle one big, fat, useless Albatross that’s been hanging around the neck of this country since 2016.

From this arose the image of an albatross around the neck as metaphor for a burden that is difficult to escape.

Dropped into the nearest minimum-security white-collar Federal holding pen, would be just fine with me. Consecutive sentences for the Covid dead is appropriate.

Mitnick Dead at 59

Doubt if many today remember where the whole hacker thing got started. And I don’t recall ever hearing if we determined whether or not he turned out to actually be a good guy or a bad guy, overall. One thing’s for sure: He had the balls to go up against those mutherfuckers, right or wrong.

In the end, Mitnick would joke online about his early escapades like men his age who laugh about their own juvenile delinquency, and the Internet is loaded with his tips for avoiding foiling online predators.

Cyberspace’s most-wanted hacker and his unlikely capture in Raleigh in 1995.

Attackers find new ways to deliver DDoSes with “alarming” sophistication.

The Gubmit and Big Tech – gotta watch those fuckers all the time…

I still snicker reading the old accounts of how he penetrated security in the systems at all these big tech giants of the time. It’s only because they had none. It wasn’t even on the radar then. He was a clueful opportunist.

No Sail Zone

Just a suggestion. We did it in the sky over Iraq. Establish the corridors, run the mine-layers up and down a couple times, set up the RC-135/Global Hawk orbits with CAP‘s, notify the Russians and any threat to civilian shipping in the Black Sea will be dealt with accordingly, insurance underwritten by NATO. I’m pretty sure all the Navy(s) will need to do is pick up survivors. Maybe warm up the SeaRAMs to knock down a Russian missile or two.

Ergodan better get his deals on the table quicker. Sweden took way too long.