Journalism’s Miserable Failure

After a momentous week of GOP debate, Trump’s arrest gets “horse race” coverage when the story’s not about an election, but authoritarianism.

I don’t think alot of people realize the danger posed by propagandized stupidity at scale.

Can’t Understand Ramaswamy

…with Trump’s dick crammed down his throat. Anybody who saw him on Meet the Press today now knows he’s just another Trump apologist, pandering for MAGA votes. His policy and ethical about-faces amount to 360° spins in some cases. Most disgusting demonstration of political fast-talking fuckery I’ve seen in awhile. But I didn’t watch the debate.

“During a chaotic interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Republican presidential nomination contender Vivek Ramaswamy accused host Dana Bash of not being “intellectually honest” as she grilled him for equating Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) — who is black — with “the modern grand wizards of the modern KKK.”Asking if he wanted to walk back his inflammatory comments, he refused and what ensued was a back and forth where he refused to stop talking.”

What makes him think the MAGA mutherfuckers gonna vote for him? His name doesn’t even sound right, to them.

Pence Has “No Knowledge”

Left at that, it might be the first Mike Dense public utterance I ever actually agreed with. The list of things this spineless weasel has no knowledge of is long and comprehensive. Why the cowardy POS didn’t blow the lid off it weeks or months before probably lines up. He was just a toady stooge, told only enough to keep him in line.

CHATSUM: Former Vice President Mike Pence stated that he was not aware of any broad-based effort by Donald Trump to declassify documents before leaving the White House, although he acknowledged that the White House does have a process for declassifying materials.

Ya think? Mum’s the word, eh mutherfucker?

Keep your fingers crossed indictment material against your sorry cocksucking ass doesn’t turn up in the process of ongoing investigations, fuckwit.

Bargaining Chip

North Korea says US soldier fled because of racism in army.

Well of course they’re gonna say that, or something similar. It’s enough of a generalized hot-button topic half the people are gonna believe no matter what anyway. We already know that’s false, because the U.S. Army demographic leans more heavily into the people of color than all the rest, just to start. I’m the proud owner of a newly minted black USAF Chief. They’ve got to be kidding.

No, I’m afraid whatever Travis got into was bad enough to get him sent home. Alot of people don’t seem to understand how one of the biggest military bills we have to pay is just moving people around. So yeah, he stepped on it big time with some assault charge and decided to do a runner. Now he’s a bargaining chip. Good luck with that. There’s at least a couple I know of sitting in Russia right now worth far more than young Mr. King.

If he was feeling butthurt in the Army, he’s got another thing comin’.

Who’s kiddin’ more – the BBC or the DPRK?

The Beginning of Humpty’s End

Wouldn’t be surprised to see another couple pop up elsewhere across the country before he’s through. Humpty Trumpty will be genning up new charges going forward, most likely. All I have to say about it now is, if this mutherfucking piece of shit doesn’t end up behind bars, there’s something fundamentally wrong with this country.

All I need is a passport photo, and I’m on my way to Costa Rica. That’s a fucking promise.

Trump’s Atlanta Gang

Televise Trump’s Trials

Must be a buttload ‘o crap waiting to surface out of AZ, WI & MI.

Oh Wait – We Need That!

I been toying with the idea of starting a Telegram™ feed to get better updates on the Ukraine situation, but it’s Russian roots give me pause. Regardless, ya think these craven religious fanatics and greedy capitalists will ever learn how real communication is a two-way street? It’s a big issue surrounding alot of problems. Some seem to believe they can just broadcast whatever the fuck and the rest of the world will compliantly fall in line.

People should think twice about all this banning crap. Free markets certainly do have certain benefits and drawbacks. But authoritarianism in all it’s forms both foreign and domestic, is a different story.

With Twitter on the ropes, Telegram’s poised for a big run if Putin doesn’t fuck that up too.

Russia Vows Retaliation

“There can be no justification for such barbaric actions and they will not go unanswered,” ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement on the Telegram messaging app.

It’s almost like the way Humpty Trumpty hurls accusations and insults at his opponents, projecting his own vile, disgusting actions on others. It would be truth uttered by Volodymyr Zelenskyy. His statement to DL opening the winter war last December stands true today.

Truth is a concept totally foreign to the Russian MOD.

Lessons in barbarism tend to be well learned…

Clarence Cocksucker Thomas

‘Nuff said. Still waitin’ to see what Roberts and the gang gonna do with their nigger…

CHATSUM: Calls are growing for Justice Clarence Thomas to resign from the U.S. Supreme Court following a report revealing previously undisclosed gifts he received, including 38 vacations, private jet flights, and yacht cruises.

More Thomas Corruption Revealed But No Investigations In Sight.

Looks like this asshole had more time for vacationing than lawyering. Eat shit and die, fuckface.

Military Promotions

I touched on this topic when it first bubbled to the top of the GOP cesspool. This Tuberville toady gives us a great view into the MAGA mindset of the mentally-challenged. Can’t get what you want? Just take it from somebody else with a little extortion under duress. It’s the same selfish attitude that makes people believe they are saved by Jezus with the gawd-given right to control your procreation activities. And don’t forget: Trump was anointed by Gawd. That’s what I heard.

In this particular case, Tuberville can’t seem to get enough military support for the right-to-lifers constituting the majority of his voting bloc. What the cretin fails to calculate in his moronic political grandstanding is the military’s lack of concern with his antics. It’s just another bump in the road.

Political perversion aside, they have important work to do, and doing it under difficult conditions is one of their hallmarks the coach would never understand. Acting commanders will get things done, taking longer with lowered effectiveness. The real upshot will take longer to process. Redstone Arsenal’s anticipated expansion is only the beginning of the economic impact. Our military doesn’t have time to deal with this type nonsense. Personnel assignments get trickier and so forth.

Haven’t heard anything out of him WRT that brawl on the Mongomery docks yet. I’m sure he believes it’s just fine, whatever. Expect to see Alabama’s participation in this nation’s defense in retrograde for a long time to come.

Mississippi Kid -Lynyrd Skynyrd