Defend Democracy

Russia is too weak to cogently respond and China is too economically intertwined with the west for serious political skulduggery. Now if we could just take the GOP out of the picture, it’d be clear sailing for awhile…

Body Count

It’s been reaching epic levels in Ukraine, so I guess the Palestinians figued WTF, Politics been veering off into that other means category way too strong lately.

CHATSUM’s leaning hard right: The bumbling Biden administration has reacted predictably to the brutal attack on Israel by Hamas, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken issuing a despicable statement that was later deleted.

Go ahead, church it up… Looks like that fuckwit Abbott down in Texas suddenly has more money for the Jews, but he can’t seem to secure his own border. These assholes on both sides know full well how electronic surveillance technology has advanced somewhat since the Great Wall of China was built. Telegram channels out of Russia and Ukraine clearly illustrate how easy and inexpensive overhead IR technology has become. AI has the potential to meld them into impenetrable defenses. But valuable political footballs make great running mates, depending on how well your voters view the narrative control.

The Jews need to ask themselves why they are at war today? It’s not because of the worst terrorist rampage ever in Israeli history three days ago. Netanyahu’s an evil cocksucker, no question, but they been fighting religious wars over that pile of sand for millennia. They need to lose the religious zealots fueling this madness on both sides and integrate society to some satisfactory level. It’s a real mouthful, but Biden should tell them to expect a bill for the carrier task force next time. Treating symptoms is a fool’s errand – I ought ta know.

Israelis are gonna massacre everybody in Gaza.

Spend a few minutes on the streets in cities and towns all across the USA today and observe our version of the Palestinian problem. We just keep it down to the individual level, on the street.

In America -Charlie Daniels

Buck Plans Private GOP Takeover

Buck the Cuck went on ABC This Week™ today to elaborate on his vision for how a Speaker of the House gets elected. First they privately decide who’s gonna win the vote, then they hold the vote. It’s the fascist way, dont’cha know!

No, this POS (now former?) Trump dick sucker thinks they can just circle the wagons, start over and everything will be OK. Cut the crap and stop talking out both sides of your political mouth, mutherfucker. He was wrong then, he’s wrong now and he’ll be wrong until he spits that MAGA dick out of his mouth.

“They brought a primary two years ago, I won 75-25,” Buck said. “I am comfortable that the people in my district know that I’m a conservative and know that I want to make sure we don’t ruin this institution over a tit-for-tat impeachment.”

Who’s talkin bout’ ruining what now? Just a stone’s throw north of here, collecting all those Weld county farmer votes, tellin’ em’ whatever they wanna hear…

The day Liz Cheney became the only thing standing between democracy and fascism marked the end of the GOP.

Sign the petition to disqualify the Mango Menace.

Chinese Running Wild on the Net

No news to me, really. I been blocking new addresses coming out of mainland China and Hong Kong on an almost daily basis for years. That activity is currently on a sharp uptick. It’s varied from time-to-time, but I view the current trend as alarming.

Russia’s little Ukraine adventure had the odd side effect of emboldening the Chinese not to support them, but rather to slip right into the power vacuum it created and move in their own direction towards world domination. Make no mistake – the current network-wide security situation is no different than Ukrainian artillery softening up Russian trench lines.

Like a scared mobik hugging his AK in one of those trenches somewhere, I’m just waiting to see what direction they go from here.

Group Attacking iPhone Encryption Backed by U.S. Political Dark-Money Network.

Anybody who doesn’t recognize network control as the linchpin for alot of Stuff needs to wise the fuck up.

Better Suggestion

I recommend get an actual life for the likes of Bobitch, Gaetz, that cunt from GA and the rest of the Fuckass Freedom Caucus. Try starting with self-immolation – make a real statement this time. Don’t fuck it up. You need constant reminders on that habit.

These morons couldn’t find their own ass with both hands and a flashlight.


Looks to be pointed at Windoze. Imagine that. Cyber security’s taking on a whole new paradigm now that M$ basically owns and controls Open-AI™.

Micro$oft has been the biggest risk to online security since day one.

Muskovite Continues to Strike

Musk’s Neuralink to Start Human Trial of Brain Implant. Probably just trying to figure out how to shut it down for space travel.

CHATSUM: Elon Musk’s brain-chip startup Neuralink has received approval to begin recruitment for the first human trial of its brain implant for paralysis patients, targeting those with cervical spinal cord injury or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

The UAW needs some better backend …if Twitter messaging is anything important to the cause. Musk’s general outlook on life has become pretty clear. MAGA Spaceboy is out to create havoc and doing a damn good job of it.

I should sign up for the trial!

Rupert Murdoch

Hope the cocksucker enjoys intense suffering the few short days he has left in retirement. Building the biggest propaganda machine since nazi Germany must’ve kept him quite busy over the years. I imagine he was slowly pushed out due to accelerating dementia by the spawn who will quickly dismantle his evil empire with any luck at all.

Die a long, painful death.

Everyone On That Land Mass

… needs to be aware WRT greater Eurasia, just know alot of these mutherfuckers are ruthless bastards with no regard for human life whatsoever. The SMO casualty toll represents a whole new level in this fuckery, and the Russians know it. They just don’t know how to get out of it now.

Any number of recent events from Kashoggi’s killing to the never ending stream of missing Chinese officials to the current dust-up between Canada and India clearly demonstrates what evil monsters some of these megalomaniacs on the other side of the planet are. I guess it kInda sucks when dwindling resources meet expanding populations.

We’re done with that offshore help desk crap.