New Nazi

Apparently this little Trumplican sycophant decided to become a nazi sometime on or about the 6th of January, 2021. That would be the point at which he realized the Fuckwit’s cock was so far up his deceitful, traitorous ass, there was no other choice.

Eat shit and die, mutherfucker.

Courts Trashed

A question about the general political status of the courts in this country was asked here a few weeks ago. It was answered in full song by this cunt in Florida named Kathryn Mizelle. Now we get to see what decades of unqualified Trump-appointed judges brings.

Maybe the CDC did overstep it’s authority. Maybe some procedural rule was broken. All the early evidence indicates not. One thing is certain. The CDC’s very agency itself is now in question and public health is officially a political football.

Official nazi, officially not qualified.
Fuck Trump, the courts, the GOP and every goddamned MAGA mutherfucker out there.

JWST Update #006

I heard that last instrument was just shy of absolute zero a couple days ago. It’s a new dawn in space exploration.

The first project for JWST is to look at an exoplanet system called TRAPPIST-1, which is 40 light years away from us. This consists of seven rocky Earth-sized planets in orbit around a cool red dwarf star. Three of the rocky planets are in the so-called habitable zone, which means they could have liquid water on their surfaces. The TRAPPIST-1 star is only 1/10 the mass of our sun and is much cooler, but the planets orbit close to the star so they receive light levels similar to here on Earth.

Mallory McMorrow is a Badass

You go girl.

ALL these mutherfucking xenophobic MAGA assholes need to sit down, shut up and wait to die. It’s LONG past time dems started adopting this attitude. Speak truth to hate and greed.

Petro Dump North

Finally completed a long-running prepper job on the north side of the garage. I got the barrels from an eBay seller down in Commerce City 17 years ago. Fuel storage is a high priority due to cold winter temps and related aquatic life support issues around here. Reliance on the power grid and natural gas makes home heating a single point of failure without a backup heat source. Old school wick-style kerosene oil burners are great, and their fuel supply was properly established a couple years ago.

Then I heard about these diesel heaters and decided to give them a go. We already had the hardest part of that project completed by the people who built the house. The second barrel sat unused all these years, while the first gradually filled with waste motor oil (WMO). I put a hand pump on the 2nd after getting it filled for the first time yesterday, now holding up to 55 gallons of diesel for the Webastos.

Not sure why I decided to do a tap-and-drain on the first one, but the hand pump seems to work quite well. Probably a cost saving measure at the time. It should be enough hydrocarbons to get us through any winter utility interruption, regardless of how long it lasts, if (big if) I can get the Webastos running on a decent WMO/diesel blend. The diesel alone would keep them running for up to a month, depending on their batteries.

40-gallon auxiliary tank under the truck toolbox makes re-supply fairly trivial. It’s a fully-independent dual-tank setup. Electric pump offloads the aux tank with a valve flip.

Frederick Nazis

Just a little snippet from my gMail sent folder:

The five people running for Town of Frederick Trustee this cycle got an email from me a few weeks ago. Only one, Adam Mahan, had the nerve to respond. It contained a simple inquiry, requesting a simple yes/no response. The question is repeated verbatim here, for clarity:

“Do you believe the 2020 Presidential was fair and lawful?”

It’s also a pretty simple litmus test to quickly and easily determine if you’re dealing with idiots these days. All you nazi mutherfuckers down the street, around the bend and across the country better keep quiet and stay the fuck away from me, if you know what’s good for you.

Halfway Through April…

…and the never-ending fire season is already picking up. Oklahoma and Texas are burning and we have a good one going near Lyons again, where the Cameron Peak fire laid waste to that entire region two years ago. Perhaps swirling winds will turn it to completely wipe out the northern mountains this time.

Started weekly watering a month earlier this year.

Hannity: Fox Fuckwit #2

As entertaining as it is to watch the whiny Tucker twit endlessly circling his logic, Hannity is simply preposterous, with that air of authoritative alternate factology.

At least Ivermectin made people believe the virus was REALLY bad. 🤪

Expose an irrational belief, keep a person rational for a day. Expose irrational thinking, keep a person rational for a lifetime.

-Bo Bennett, Author of Logically Fallacious

Jail Money

Apparently there is no scenario on earth where greedy bastards won’t fight over money. It’s probably more like a multi-player human cockfight than a jail at the DC lockup these days.

Legal bills are the least of your worries moron.

Abbott Really Puts the Ass in Jackass

Whether it’s stalking prospective abortion candidates, propping up energy oligarchs or just dumping storekeeper’s liquor, this fuckass from the great state of Texas is a total moron.

“Even some members of Abbott’s own party oppose the decision. Bottom line: Truckers are waiting over a day in their trucks, in high temperatures, to bring goods into the U.S, per the Texas Tribune. Some have been protesting. Others have started driving to New Mexico to avoid the snarl.”

Busing migrants to DC? Seriously?

The self-inflicted stuff hurts worse after you realize how stupid it was.
It’s YOUR border – WTF you gonna do?

You jackholes really should be friendlier with Mexico. It won’t be long before that is the only place you can afford to get healthcare.

Another Temp Record Falls in April

The new record low for April in this locale just dropped by 5°F. Untimely hard freezes have been kiling trees around here. Should be interesting to see what’s still alive in a few weeks. If that wasn’t bad enough, it’s getting to the point where it’s not even fit to breathe downtown.

The Denver skyline as the sun sets behind the Rocky Mountains. The U.S. EPA is proposing to downgrade Colorado’s biggest city from “serious” to “severe” in violation of federal ozone standards.