Hungry Nazis

Pandering to a shrinking base will call for more extreme measures, going forward.

This Country Won’t be Safe…

…Until Benedict Dotard and his entire fucking family is in the ground.

“Can’t you just shoot them? Just shoot them in the legs or something?” -Donald J. Trump

I asked the same thing about The Fuckwit himself, but I was looking for 2-in-the-hat.

Does anybody in government actually take the oath seriously these days?

“because the divisions in the country had created political paralysis.… Better ‘an end with horror’ than ‘horror without end,’ asserted one Nazi leader.”

Health Status Update

28 APR 22: Muscle fasciculation presented in the left calf for the first time a few weeks ago. No clue on that one. Probably due to whatever I was doing just prior. The fusion procedure feels more related to some of what I’m getting now, unsurprisingly. There’s a noticeable cramp on the upper left glute by the end of the day that wasn’t there before the last surgery. Focal mononeuropathies are getting scratched on my torso, arms and legs. I think the one on the left shoulder happened while sleeping. Some sort of subcutaneous greasy spooge oozes out and crusts up on my scalp in a random pattern emanating from around the temple area on the right side of my cranium. Seems psoriatic, but doesn’t really match any of the descriptions I can find. Some reaction to all the midsection damage and prosthetics, I assume. These symptoms arisen in the past two years seem to be indications accompanying conditions setting in for the long term, or what’s left of it.

Fauci Declares Dust Settling

…on the biggest crime scene of the modern era: The United States of America. The crime? Manslaughter. The richest nation on the planet, holds the the highest total death count, #18 overall per-capita and #1 impact leader of the large industrialized nations. We are officially out of of the SARScoV2 woods, approaching a million casualties. That announcement on PBS yesterday cemented the virus in the world’s mundane pathogen portfolio.

The pandemic is over in America, but the aftermath is just getting started.

Twitter Analysis Ongoing?

It only took me two years in a little spare time to figure it out. What’s the holdup, Elon – too busy with the crypto or battery Stuff? Twitter should be a public utility like electricity or sewage. More like the latter.

I have been calling for social media user vetting for DECADES!

Kids ‘n Guns

They used to blame it on the inner city gangs. Antifa has been perpetually under-armed since it’s nebulous beginnings. Then there’s the never-ending string of nutbags with weapons, itching to make their mark on society, schools preferably it seems. Now we come to learn the real cost of America’s love affair with firearms in victim demographics.

You’re living at the wrong address if you think you need a gun for protection – and your kids are the victims.

Don’t get Sick

…Unless you have one of those “cadillac” healthcare plans, or very deep pockets.

“Total bills: Jesús Sr. was charged $3,894.86. The total bill was $107,905.80 for COVID-19 treatment. Claudia was charged $3,252.74, including $202.36 for treatment from an out-of-network physician. The total bill was $13,429.50 for less than one day of treatment. Jesús Jr. was charged $5 (70 pesos) for an outpatient visit that the family paid in cash.”

Healthcare in this country is just so fucked up, it’s ridiculous.

That goes for every legislator that ever voted for this garbage.

Courts A-Political?

Originally posted 27MAR22.

Don’t know much about the three cockpigs depicted below, but I’ve seen enough reporting now to say the bitch in the red dress can suck my dick and choke on it. That goes for her fuckwit husband and their despicable friend, fuckface McConnell, as well. The senate minority leader from Kentucky co-conspirator must be having lotsa fun with what happens after you get in bed with Trumpty Dumpty.

Go fuck yourselves, MAGA mutherfuckers.
Stop the stupid, maybe?
Cocksucking mutherfucking piece of shit.

Broke the record – five f-bombs in this one.

Third Time’s a Charm

I’ll assume impeachment counts for contempt in this context. I’ve held The Fuckwit in contempt since shortly after he was elected and began dragging the flag and this nation through the mud.

Rot in Hell, Fuckwit.

Covidiot’s Just Rewards

There could not possibly be more obviously stark, revealing evidence of natural selection in action. Certainly many of these people are totally innocent victims. But many more victims of conservative dogma’s selfish avarice stoked the Covid fire with their own stupidity.

How ironic the mandate resisters and vaccine hesitant, not to mention the full-blown qanon crazies, become the biggest demographic in the Covidiot disease and death aftermath scenario. Good luck with that, fuckwits.

I’m vaccinated, but still want you to stay away from me. -Beau of the 5th Column

QAnon Followers ‘Waking Up’ To Realize They’re Fools.

It was 90°F Here

They said 89°F at the Airport as the new all-time high record temperature seen here for the date, Friday the 22nd of April 2022, near Denver on the high desert steppe, at the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains.

Now we have a 2nd and 3rd night of freezing overnight temps looming. Driest April on record here ever. The scary part is the whipsaw roller-coaster weather patterns are only beginning their shift.

The heat is on.