Yesterday’s NFL Games

Steelers been out-suckin’ the Broncos so far this season. The biggest thing I noticed was empty seats in the stadium. Field looked crappy as ever. Boswell set a new long field goal record for whatever the place is named now. The only thing about it I liked was the rookie QB Pickett, despite two int’s. Lots of mistakes in an embarrassing loss to the Jets at home pretty much sums it up. Broncos didn’t do much better in Vegas. Probably won’t expect to see alot of NFL bragging on here this season.

It was just a bad day all around in Pittsburgh.

Alternative Facts

I see your gaslight, and raise you 100 facts.

“These include the preparation of an executive order dated Dec. 16, 2020, by which Trump was to order the U.S. military “to seize ballot boxes and declare a national emergency – all to preserve his presidency.”

“Facts,” Adams told the jury, “are stubborn things. And whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

What should we expect with political campaigns based on pure stupidity?


Let’s cut to the chase. The entire current GOP/MAGA political approach rests on false propaganda and resultant brainwashing. It’s a little embarrassing to see the overall intelligence level of U.S. society, under these circumstances. It follows simply, logically, to assume you are lying to me if you are a dishonest cocksucker looking to get elected.

I recognized this decades ago. But I also assumed the “both sides do it” excuse, falling for that verbal cover-up. No doubt there’s truth and lies on both sides. But when the entire platform is based on one BIg Lie, with a plethora of smaller, supporting lies, the truth becomes clear to people with un-washed brains.

This dangerous psychopath and anybody who supports him or his candidates has me to deal with now.

It’s Not Funny

Trump really was a useful idiot – just not like I suspected. The puppeteers were not conservative politicos, but treasonous criminals. It’s easy to see how the Teflon Con is at the center of this conspiracy. But you’re gonna have a hard time convincing me he’s any sort of mastermind.

Fusion (not music)

Being a lowly DoD contractor, I never got close to the Skunkworks and some of the other incredibly high-tech stuff going on in the company. I had my hands full with piddly little satellite and security Stuff. Our formidable scientific and technology capabilities are second to none.

‘Bout time for a new breakthrough. That was 5 years ago, according to the Daily Beast.

Rocky NFL Start

Three weeks in and it’s not lookin’ good. Russell does look good, to me at least – under the circumstances. They will either gel into a formidable unit or not. Too early to tell. OTOH, I have no idea what to make of the Steelers at this point. At least ABC and Amazon are getting Mondays and Thursdays covered this season.

Denver Broncos quarterback Russell Wilson celebrates after the Broncos defeated the San Francisco 49ers in an NFL football game in Denver, Sunday, Sept. 25, 2022. (AP Photo/Jack Dempsey)

Russian Draft

Wonder if the Russian Army is looking for tech workers to plus up the cyber attacks?Russians need to wise up, kill that fuckwit Putin, and pull out of Ukraine.

Like Herr Dumpsterfire, Snowden is just a traitor who though he could get away with this shyt.


Wonder which Q-inspired rock this shit-for-brains MAGA enabler crawled out from under? There’s alot of choices depending on your conspiracy theory subscriptions. Her election-focused idiocy is now front-and-center of the Select Committee. Politicians and un-elected government officials get paid for screwing up the government. Ordinary citizens been doing a great pro-bono job of it on their own, these days.

After all, I married that fat fuckwit Clarence, didn’t I?

SBIRS Really Is Done

at least the part I knew. Cost overruns were getting so common and inflationary it was almost expected by the time I left the program. I was a little surprised the last GEO got built and launched. But the mission lives on, and so does the next gen space-based missile warning system-of-systems.

Be careful about sources like Bollyinside, where the distinctions between LEO, MEO and details thereof are not really concerned with accuracy and facts. It’s a good synopsis for the layman.

This Is What I Want

Probably need to wait for the M2 version next year. Fastest Bimmer to ever lap The Ring. – and arguably faster than many cars costing more than twice as much. The 335D is a weapon of a car with the Ohlins coilovers, but it grows long in the tooth, and I can’t find anybody besides me to work on it around here anymore.

“And it sure seems like there’s more speed on deck before the Bimmer runs out of steam. Acceleration slows above 300 km/h (186 mph), but it remains steady up to the top speed. Provided the limiter doesn’t kick in, could the M4 reach 200 mph given enough room to run?”

Those PSC-2s must grip like a vise

Benedict Dotard

The comb-over’s only gonna go so far. This mutherfucker is nothing but a clown living on credit.

Here’s your exalted leader, MAGA fools.

The Tangelo Turdworm even goes on to suggest the FBI might be looking for Hillary’s emails at Mar-a-Lago. Somebody please just make it stop.

Scum of the Nation

Nice job, Tish! We’ll build on this for the main event Merrick Garland is planning. These cocksucker’s should only be seen showing their lyin’ cheatin’ faces from behind bars after the criminal trials are over. Watch Trumpworld start going bankrupt, right behind Infowars.

Treasonous, miserable scum-sucking cockpigs.

Lindell sues FBI for confiscated phone. I’m pretty sure you gotta wait till after the trial, once it’s tagged for evidence. The freak show joke’s on us.