Internet Wide Open

No, not the security issues. That herd left the barn thirty years ago. But it’s running really good on Centurylink here in Denver. This SpeedOfMe test graph shows the connection from my perspective on an early holiday morning when most people are still in bed.

18ms latency is what makes it feel fast.

We’re paying for 60/6, so the service is clearly impressive. You can run these tests at different times of the day and week when net usage patterns change to see the congestion issues. Latency starts increasing almost daily in the evening as more people get parked in front of Netflix or whatever. Lately it’s been getting better than before, when under certain circumstances, it would nearly grind to a halt.

Phoebe’s In from Texas!

She arrived around 3pm yesterday just an hour or so before the bomb cyclone dropped. We went down 65°F from noon to midnight yesterday (50 to -15). Only about four inches of snow fell here overnight. Winds were calm this morning, so no big deal, really. They said -24°F in Denver – 32 year record.

Deep Freeze Starts Tonight

They’re saying coldest in nine years, -15°F projected for overnight Thursday. I prompted Phoebe to make an early start out of Texas. It’s gonna be wicked chilly here for a few days….

Full Circle

“China’s vaccine nationalism is deeply tied to Xi’s pride, and accepting Western assistance would not only embarrass Xi, it would also pierce his oft-propagandized narrative that China’s governance model is superior,” said Craig Singleton, deputy director of the China program at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

The opportunity to see how the difference between smart people and dumb people plays out at global scale is upon us. They reported five(?) new deaths? First they clamped down on the press and healthcare people back in late 2019. Then they implemented the most draconian suppression policies anywhere. Now, lacking effective vaccines, China descends into chaos.

They’re gonna take the death toll record from the U.S. Will they admit it?

LATE UPDATE: This Mint article is concerning.

JWST Update #18

One of our newest space-faring robots has been delivering beyond anyone’s expectations.

“About 13 billion years ago, the stars in the Universe’s earliest galaxies sent photons out into space. Some of those photons ended their epic journey on the James Webb Space Telescope’s gold-plated, beryllium mirrors in the last few months.”

Let there be light.

2022’s Most Intriguing Cannabis Research Studies

I’ve been seriously doubting why I’m still around for several years. Just perusing the titles in this Leafly Compendium suggests a possibility. I’ve personally seen positive corroboration in all these areas. The vexxing issue seems to be that there is really nothing unusual or special about me, at least medically speaking, as far as I know. The whole damned broughhaha is well documented in all it’s gory detail with the Veterans Administration. Is anybody paying attention?

Going forward, I’ll be doing the medical experiments of my own volition, thank you very much.

Twitter™ Phase Ramping Up

The Truth Social debacle called for extraordinary recourse. I have to admit, Felonius Fuckwit‘s doing a good job keeping it all about him, just not in the way he’d like.

Keith Olbermann has this Stuff figured out before it happens.

If you thought Twitter™ was bad before

Starting to look like sheltering the racist and ignorant has gone completely off the rails in this country. MAGA puppeteers like Apartheid Klyde here, know they can’t win the online debate with charlatans, creeps and morons.

The Grift that Keeps On Grifting

As I’ve suspected for quite some time, Donnie Dipshiticus is running low on cash. Can you imagine these jokers sitting around dreaming this shyt up? It just boggles the mind. Southern NY District clamps on the tax fraud case probably have him and the MAGA seriously under-funded at this point.

Disgracefully humiliating -not to mention creepy..

Former POTUS fancies himself a cowboy and astronaut? What a moron.

TikTok Banned?

I’m not writing an opinion piece on this. Not worth my time. When are these reality-challenged politicians ever gonna realize they can’t just ban Stuff they don’t like and it’ll all be hunky-dory? How’s that been workin’ out, I mean just historically speaking?

Get those IoT warning stickers out there, guys – you’re on your own.

Treatment-Resistant Depression

If I was a cat, I’d probably be at around #7 or 8.

“We found that the treatment-resistant group used outpatient resources twice as much, had twice the amount of sick leave, spent three times the number of days in hospital and had a 23 percent higher mortality rate than patients with treatment-responsive depression,” says Johan Lundberg, adjunct professor of psychiatry at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience and head of the mood disorder section at the Northern Stockholm Psychiatry Clinic.   

Aridification in Progress

Gotta love all the slow-burning emergencies we’re being subjected to these days. I guess people just aren’t motivated to do anything until they are directly, personally confronted with an imminently dangerous reality.

Southern California’s in big trouble, and I bet half the people don’t even realize what is going on.