Dotard Does Ohio

Crime, Work and Politics – starting to look like a more popular category combo. The Fuckwit was passing out red MAGA ballcaps to the locals with his newest GOP sycophant, Vance. Wonder if they mentioned the regulation rollback executed under his administration is the most clearly identifiable cause of this entirely avoidable tragedy? Biden throwing the workers under the bus in their contract negotiations is no less culpable.

Cocksuckers don’t like spending money on maintenance. Fuck Corporate America.

Benedict Dotard is practically Corporate America personified.

Blame Democrats

Don’t know how many are aware of Margarine Trailer Queen’s latest televised screed(s) against Democracy and the Rule of Law, but the malignant bitch is totally off the rails. Somebody needs to figure out what’s going on in that Georgia district. Must be some seriously dangerous toxic spills all around that place. Widespread dementia has clearly affected the voting population.

Quality candidates? Long Covid?

My Message to Putin

Been tellin’ myself this for years, but it never happens. Let’s hope Putin wises up before too much longer. Maybe our Strike Eagles won’t need to really ask in person.

Get Over It -Eagles
Push -Matchbox Twenty

A uTube interview with a group of Chechen soldiers somewhere in the Donbas a couple months ago was very telling, to me. At the end of an oft-repeated story lamenting lack of supplies, equipment and ammunition, one simply said “…nothing has changed in the Russian Army since the Great War.” Probably a fair assessment from his perspective, with one vital exception he might be un-aware of. They’re fighting for the nazis this time.

Fear + Guns = GOP

Don’t know if anyone else noticed the trend, but it’s pretty obvious, to me:

A record 6,542 guns – 18 a day – were intercepted at U.S. airport security in 2022.

According to conservative leaders in this country, here is the list of things you need to be afraid of, and why you need more guns:

1) Immigrants/brown people

2) Knowledge (especially books about anything involving #1)

3) Gawd – because you might get some dangerous, new ideas about sex, or something equally sinful.

As if getting on an airplane wasn’t dangerous enough already.

The Week In Cartoons

I like posting a cartoon every so often because those people seem to have the best way of encapsulating bigger issues into smaller bites suitable for my consumption. Sometimes even the little grazing bites add up to an information firehose. Dailycartoonist has it covered. FOX entertained a call-in interview with the Fuckwit January 6th during the insurrection.

Murdoch, below all, represents the most reprehensible of the slimy cocksuckers. Fuck the country, who cares – it’s just business, right? Rot in Hell, miserable scum.

How’s it feel being lied to and robbed, MAGA nation?

Security Costs!

Twitter™ limiting 2-factor authentication to paid subscriptions. Nice. At a time when fraudsters are disappearing with $billions of crypto and every other nightly news day ends with some story about another TikTok or Instagram scam, we have the Chief Twit enforcing lax security on a popular social media site. Wonderful.

How to keep ur Twitter™ account secure without giving Musk any money.

Meta’s selling blue checks now, too! Get it quick, before your account gets “drowned by imposters or fake accounts.” They actually say that as a selling point, no shyt. Extra security looks real attractive, and they’ll sell it to ya for $12-15/mo. I wonder how much of that money they’re still printing gets spent on internal security rooting out the imposters and fakes? Musk just recently finished killing off the Content Moderation people at Twitter. None of the balance sheets are going in the right direction, so he’s a little impatient.

Used to be local storefronts and various other small businesses, back in the day. Organized crime shake-downs have graduated to cyber, reaching out for every potential individual customer’s pocket or purse, right up front.

Fly away birdie! Please – fly far, far away…


The Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt-II holds a special place in the hearts of many U.S. soldiers and airmen. Count me among them, being lucky enough to get stationed with Detachment 2 of the 81st Tac Fighter Wing at Leipheim Germany in the early 90s. Being one of the few conventional Soviet deterrents at the time, we were also lucky enough to stay behind, keeping an eye on the Russians.

I’m still unsure if those years in Leipheim weren’t the best of all. Living in an idyllic small German town was almost like getting paid to be on vacay. We did get a quite nice little BHA (housing allowance) bump for the local economy. Volksmarching, Oktoberfest – tourist jackpot all the way. I think I put more miles on the bike paths than I did going back and forth to work in the car, just a few miles up the road at the base. Becoming a dedicated beer-a-holic has it’s drawbacks, but there is no better place in the world to do it. The brewery across the street from where we lived in Günzburg sealed that deal.

But the A-10 is why we were there, and I got to know her up close and personal. It’s basically obsolete in all but the most permissive environments now, but every dog has his day. The A-10’s days were long and boring because no Russian tank ever needed shot up with that GAU-8 auto-cannon. Best 1-man aerial gun truck ever.

Airman 1st Class Delaney E. Smith and Staff Sgt. Andrew Squadrito, Indiana Air National Guard aircraft maintenance crew chiefs, perform a post-flight inspection on an A-10C Thunderbolt II during exercise Guardian Blitz at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla., Feb. 2, 2023. During the final exercise with the A-10C before converting to the F-16 Fighting Falcon, the 122nd FW trained on maneuvers and logistics in a deployed environment with the main force positioned at MacDill AFB and a contingency force at Moody AFB, Ga. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Kathleen LaCorte)

East Palestine

Remember the government-imposed nationwide rail strike controversy last year? Thanks Joe Biden – now we get to see how another period of shoddy railroad operations unfolds across the country. It’s not looking real good so far, starting with East Palestine, Ohio.

This evacuation zone should probably have been 5-10 times bigger. In the long run, I imagine it will be easier and cheaper to haul out the terminal cancer patients one-at-a-time, some years hence. My hindsight is 20/20 on this topic because I’ve seen it before. We’re seeing it now in vets downed from toxic exposures all across the Middle East.

A small town of 5,000 people in eastern Ohio gets offered $1k/person at ONE MILE RADIUS. Those mutherfucking Norfolk Southern fuckwits belong in jail.

First they spilled it, then they burned it – fairly common criminal cover-up tactic. Now they will deny all responsibility.
Cocksuckers didn’t show up for the town hall meeting because they “didn’t feel safe.” Ya think?
Railroad Song -Lynyrd Skynyrd