Government Weaponization

Just know the real purpose of this subcommittee is to continue doing nothing to stop the blatantly amoral MAGA movement.

The definition of U.S. Government – WEAPON: a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage

Tac Sat

Here’s one of the crazy stories about what I did in Bosnia:

My Army Staff Sergeant partner was showing me around the MIB compound shortly after arrival for my first day’s work at Butmir. There was a storage area in the top floor of the main building containing among other things, ten brand new high-gain Tac Sat antennas, unopened in the shipping crates. Asked what was up with them, he simply replied: “They don’t work.” More in-briefing included plans for the upcoming week and a road trip ferrying floppy disks around the country by Land Rover, and I already knew what my 1st challenge was going to be.

Inter-service coordination has always been a challenge, but the U.S. sets the example to follow in that military regard, at least as long as I’m the one on the phone. The only reason Tac Sat was not up and running in Bosnia was nobody seemed to be able to figure out how to get crypto and point the antennas. The Army is great at shooting people and blowing stuff up, but satcom was a different story at this location. Their idea of secure comm was us driving floppy disks around with M-16s to protect them. It certainly was one of the more egregious government foibles I’ve disagreed with over the years. Only took about a week to locate the bird (Navy) and get crypto issued out of HQ for the radios.

We spent another week playing around, doing a little training. Started by taking one over behind the gym on the other side of the base and setup one day. I had the Lieutenant transmit a file, making sure not to tell me what was on it and read it back to her ten seconds later over the phone. She said “So you can take those anywhere and do that?” We started taking those antennas with us to the COYS, thankful to leave them and the radios behind, departing with hopefully the last of those HUMINT reports on floppy disks.

Here’s a guy who did some of the real work there before my arrival.

U.S. Air Force communications Airmen assigned to the 23rd Air Expeditionary Wing set up radio equipment during contingency location operations at the Rafael Hernández International Airport, Puerto Rico, Feb. 25, 2023. The Airmen were supporting Operation Forward Tiger, an Air Forces Southern exercise designed to increase combat readiness alongside humanitarian assistance and disaster response capabilities with U.S. partners and allies throughout the Caribbean. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Courtney Sebastianelli)
Used to be the world’s biggest collection of deployed landmines, back in my day.

Amoral Grifters

That goes for the churches, as well. Fuck ALLyou MAGA mutherfuckers.

So I contacted Nikki Haley’s gang just to let them know what was on my mind concerning her candidacy, providing all the necessary details for the campaign machine to kick in, and I was not disappointed. The cunt has Felonius Fuckwit’s game down pat. Makes sense, having worked for him, sucking his dick plenty in the past. She learned well. In less than two days, mostly soliciting contributions. What scum.

JDAMs Starting to Fall

With Prigozhyn portending Wagner’s demise, and the air superiority question remaining unanswered, the booms still get bigger. I was surprised to see these things getting fitted to MIGs. The wiring is probably fairly trivial, so if they can put them on target, the Russians are through – as if they weren’t already.

Good luck, mutherfuckers. JDAM – Precision Bombing for Dummies! 😉

Keep it up – we have plenty more tricks up our sleeve….

New Workstation

The AMD 5000G workstation I built almost three years ago has performed remarkably well, but It’s lost a step. I’d be quite happy running it another year at least, but it developed an unsolved random hang bug about a year ago. It appears to lock up, but just loses the trackball, accepting keyboard input only, requiring a soft reset to get things going again. I’ve replaced literally every user-serviceable component connected to the mainboard in the past couple of months. Now it’s to the point where sometimes it won’t come back up without a hard reset and getting worse – a daily if not multiple times-a-day occurrence.

Error messages typically point to ethernet, wifi or NVME drive issues, but it seems they are just complaining because the system is hung. No other indication in any logs anywhere I can find. So it’s down to the processor itself, and/or the onboard APU graphics. With a new W6400 graphics adapter on order, I suddenly realized I was wasting my time again. So I ordered the rest of the parts to outfit an empty case sitting on the floor here in the workshop. Waiting for the power supply to fire up this new 7700X.

Eight Zen4 cores with 128Gig RAM. Should be a real screamer.

With chip prices receding from pre-holiday and pandemic levels, this comes in at about half the cost of a similarly spec’d machine off the shelf. The case is a little dirty and scratched, but it will run just the same. I switched sides in the Intel/AMD war on that last cycle as mentioned and haven’t looked back. Intel’s response to the malware issue over the years just left too sour a taste in my mouth. It’s starting to look like Intel will rule the gamer market and AMD will supply the corporate server customers. Okie Dokie.

Sunny D

The effects of marijuana legalization across the country are beginning to have real impact. As expected, some of those effects will be indirect and unintended. Lots of people are getting off opiates and the alcoholic beverage companies are losing sales. Those companies are looking for new products and markets, with their version of insobriety now trailing economic indicators in the competition with weed .

It ain’t just your father’s Sunny-D anymore. It’s the tip of another iceberg, and alot of kids are gonna get drunk.

Not Exactly Punishment

Budget is really the only tool the government wields in these conflicts. As usual, the impact will be to just make it worse. Schedule moves right, cost goes up, quality and predictability go down. It’s an oft-repeated refrain in the defense contracting business and we are doing it to ourselves. Maybe Boeing will think it all the way through this time.

“The Air Force is cutting in half the number of tankers it planned to buy as an interim step, as part of a move to rethink its overall aerial refueling modernization strategy, the service’s acquisition chief said Monday.”

They’ve already started a new tanker program. Wonderful.

Nazi Piece of Shit

Notice the spelling. I mostly use my colloquial shyt spelling around here, generally referring to objectionable, dirty or repellent things, people or concepts. Carlson is the REAL deal. He decided to continue doubling down on the big lie, after McCarthy gave FOX the Capitol riot video footage. The cocksuckers are still trying to cover their tracks, hoping for another chance to do a better coup next time.

Bet we find big MAGA money hidden in illegal or otherwise dubious FOX-related transactions. They must be under pressure to continue doing this. Him, his colleagues, FOX and the entire GOP are nothing but cocksucking traitors.

Eat shit and die, cockpig.
Not that he was gonna get anything done with it, anyway. Tucker Carlson Gaslights America.
I don’t give a SHIT what kind of Republican you think you might be. If you are not openly denouncing Trump, his supporters and the entire MAGA movement, you can suck my dick and choke on it.

Healthcare? Seriously?

Four kidnapped Americans crossed into Mexico for health care. Don’t know what more evidence you need to know how seriously fucked healthcare is in this country today.

My current healthcare plan involves dying at home sans any professional medical intervention of any kind.

LATE UPDATE: Two shot to death, two returned, along with the purported five Gulf Cartel members who did it, with a letter of apology. Ooops, sorry wrong place, wrong time, better luck next time!

Five is My Number

…but the U.S. tables are now turned.

“In 2022, Russian president Vladimir Putin called Russian citizens who are against the invasion of Ukraine as fifth columnists and “national traitors.”[45]

This is the critically important miscalculation Pootin failed to account for. The fact citizenry are unhappy about the war is expected. That it now amounts to any number of internal struggles is telling.

There is an outside chance his invasion would have succeeded at least initially, without western support to Ukraine. Lack of U.S. intervention, either indirectly through inaction, or directly through Trump was lost in 2020. Now we have some business to finish at home.

Goddamn right history repeats itself. Stuff reaches high up in this column.

Gary Rossington 1951-2023

These guys were my first big music crush. Juxtaposed with my current anti-southern political views, back in the day, I was a true southern-fried country rocker. Skynyrd, Outlaws, Credence Clearwater, Allman Brothers, Young, ZZ Top and the endless list of various blues artists were always favorites.

Possibly the earliest known version of Free Bird – Live Demo 1973
One side of the definition of dueling guitars.
And here we are today: Sweet Home Alabama -by Gabriella Quevedo

Alabama Misogyny

Crime, Politics ‘n Play – whodathunkit? Not that I would expect much different in a state where the dottering old woman governor is just one of many unabashed racists in that position all across the country. Her lack of interest in the misogyny topic likely aligns with her political support in that southern-fried attitude, deeply embedded all across the southern U.S. At the end of the U.S. Civil War, after finally realizing slavery was over, they decided to just sit on their money and fuck everybody else. Maybe steal a bit from welfare.

“Sexism is taught and reinforced in American society in a myriad of ways every day, big and small. It’s long past time we realized how young we start teaching children the message that boys are always, always superior and more deserving than girls, no matter the circumstances. The Hoover girls’ 5th-grade team is owed an apology from every single adult involved in this buffoonery.”

Those Alabama fuckwit senators Tuberville and Britt can go to Hell right along with their poverty-stricken state.