Menace to Society

Referring to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, uttered by The Florida governor yesterday. DeSuckass knows he’s just a piss-ant politician with a state full of MAGA retirees keeping him in office. The GOP fear is palpable.

“However, despite DeSantis’ visits to the north, a new Yahoo News survey shows that former President Donald Trump is now polling 26 points ahead of DeSantis, more than tripling his previous lead over the Florida leader since his indictment last week.”

The Mango Menace himself will be in town this week to start an administrative process. His latest idiot lawyer was on ABC This Week just now, failing to answer a single question, bloviating the same irrelevant talking points about how this should never happen in America. The trial was held in the court of public opinion over the past six years. This first phase of the Fuckwit’s prosecution is just a formality. Up first, New York: No job is finished, until the paperwork is done.

Working our way up The People’s chain of retribution.

Took a Russian Invasion

The Rapist-in-Chief was right about at least one thing: NATO is an issue. It’s been a growing problem for thirty years, just not a baby-out-with-the-bath-type thing, as MAGA morons might have you believe. Seeing T-72’s rolling towards Kyiv must’ve made an impression. Wonder how that war in Ukraine would be unfolding now if the aspiring dicktator had managed to assuage Pootin with a NATO coup-de-grace?

“One of these priorities is the protection of the eastern flank of NATO. For us, that means we first set up a fully equipped division by 2025 and adequately contribute to NATO’s Response Force,” he told the Welt am Sonntag.”

Guess they’re lucky Trump was defeated in 2020, or they might be looking for Russians.
Spoilin’ for a Fight -ACDC

Every Damn Day

Teen’s Make-A-Wish soars from Buckley Space Force Base. This is also one of the things I like about the NFL. Not alot of organizations go the extra mile for this type Stuff.

An F-16 takes off from Buckley Space Force Base, March 31, as J.P. and Maj. Joseph “Stinger” Valdez look on during J.P.’s Top Gun experience wish granted by Buckley and Make-A-Wish. Photo by PHILIP B. POSTON/Sentinel Colorado


Berate people for being aware. This type misinformation gets amplified and re-hashed over the years, so you really need to go back to where and how it got started to see what actually happened before having any hope of understanding it. The first person ever using woke in the current U.S. political vernacular was referring to someone who accepted awareness of the previously unseen reality standing before their very eyes.

What can be done when the obvious reality apparent to all paints your politics in an inconvenient way? Berate them using an easy catchphrase or terminology people don’t need to think about too much. Simple notions like this readily migrate to various talking points. But be careful getting too caught up in your own deceit. Reality can be a mean bitch sometimes.

This concept parallels early childhood experiences. Inconvenient truths distill into things like “problem child,” “troublemaker,” and worse, as they grow older. Reflecting on the outcomes of challenging personal hardships finally sorted it out. I’m four years older than my only younger sibling. They tried again, but got a stillbirth. Look at that picture of us sitting on the stone wall in Rocky Mountain National park. You might need to zoom in. Tell me that’s not an autistic little boy. Just like there’s no bad dogs, there’s alot of Stuff you don’t know.

The Last GEO

Undershot this one a bit. In retrospect, I now remember how long the lead times on this stuff are. They were probably already buying parts for GEO-6 when I made that last prognostication. So good – we have a full GEO constellation to work with, going forward.

The Space Based Infrared System Geosynchronous Earth Orbit – Satellite-6 (SBIRS GEO-6) was formally transferred from Space Systems Command (SSC) to Space Operations Command (SpOC), March 24, 2023.”

You never know who’s lookin’ on…

Plan for Armageddon

First we build a platform spanning the globe enabling unfettered, un-regulated real-time electronic communication between individuals of any persuasion. Then we spend decades stuffing it full of all sorts of data about everyone and everything. Finish up by coding software that analyzes and re-combobulates that data in unpredictable ways. Voila!

Europol sounds alarm about criminal use of ChatGPT, sees grim outlook. Elon’s worried Micro$oft has the lead and lackeys he has left at Twitter™ aren’t training his bots fast enough to replace the workers he’s trying to do away with.

Ai Working Out Real Good So Far? You mutherfuckers better get this right.
They were writing malware for Windoze back in the 90s when Micro$oft didn’t even know how it worked.

Like I said…

Any number of times on this blog: Fuck the church.

“The nearly 900-page forensic history of the scandal is remarkable, providing perhaps the best documented case of a phenomenon that has existed in the Catholic Church for centuries but is increasingly coming to the public fore: spiritual charlatans using false mysticism to manipulate their victims and abuse them sexually.”

If you’re submitting to a higher power, you’ve given up. Who is screaming about the “groomers?” Connect the dots.

WTF Do They Expect?

They want to play the royalty game, being every man’s everything or famous entertainers with millions of fans, and regret rags like The Mail hounding them.

Starting to run low on cash, after being formally expelled from the family by his deceased grandma?

Stuff Access: Note to the Readers

I’ve received a couple of legitimate complaints/inquiries this year. The nature of this little blog WRT Internet-facing ops calls for a blunt instrument security approach. You might lose access on one net, say for example a PC somewhere, but still see the site on another endpoint like maybe your phone. If that happens, you can assume your local network neighborhood has a higher-than-average amount of ne’re-do-wells on it.

If that is inconvenient or unacceptable in any way, please submit a by-IP whitelist request. Otherwise, perhaps talk to your ISP about cleaning up their act.

Der Komissar -Falco (After the Fire version) 3 formats, 3 different versions -to start with. Audio track lyrics tell the story. Kinda like malware protocol analysis.

The Internet We Don’t See

It’s just a bunch of wire and fiber optics and microwaves connecting everybody and everything. Most of it is laying on the bottom of the ocean.

“Washington’s decision to nix any Hong Kong terminus for the four planned subsea cable deals upended the plans of Google, Meta and Amazon. These tech titans have been among the biggest investors in new cables over the last decade as they seek to link up a network of data centers in the United States and Asia that underpin their fast-growing Cloud computing businesses, according to TeleGeography.”

Connecting is just the start. Controlling is the objective. Information flow is key. Control is king.

Relative Terms

I can’t fathom how Randall’s mind works, but it’s pretty damn funny sometimes. This one caught my attention because it perfectly explains how I characterize my car. It just defies comprehension how it’s so middle-of-the-road in virtually every respect. It’s an innocuous, small grey sedan with an aftermarket exhaust that is louder, but not much. Tooling around in normal ops, the accelerator pedal could be confused with the floor pedal on a sewing machine, just based on the auditory and tactile feedback.

OTOH, if it had an industrial grade needle-and-thread mechanism belted-in somewhere under the hood, it would be the world’s largest, most powerful sewing machine on four wheels. 😜