
You’d think the richest guy in the world might be a bit more spendy with the moola, at least in terms of paying his bills. This isn’t the first episode. They have Amazon billing issues, as well. We saw the rent thing out in California right off the bat. You can be sure many other smaller debtors await non-payment.

Twitter is refusing to pay Google Cloud.

Advertisers are in refusal mode. Users are lining up to get out, presently organizing their exit strategies…

Lindsey Graham Is a TOTAL POS

This Trump toady just had a little interview on ABC This Week, where he failed to answer a single question. I kept waiting for the host to reply with something like “well senator, we’re asking about Donald Trump. The subject of this interview is the former President, not the Clintons and Bidens, laptops and all.” That is literally all Lindsey could bleat about in response to every single question. Pathetic.

If this bloviating fuckwit had two brain cells to rub together, he’d know the only people presently in trouble for former POTUS’ classified mishandling, are the custodians who failed to properly process their inventories at first blush, Trump’s included. DOJ is just climbing to the top of the steaming pile of political excrement I started calling Trumpomania back in 2017.

The most sensational part of this case the general public, media, probably 99.9% of all the people following the story including this fuckwit obviously seem unaware of: Classified information at all levels is continuously tracked and accounted for on a daily basis. How brazenly stupid could Napoleon Bonespurs have been to ever believe he’d get away with it?

And the enablers? Puhleeeez. Politics is like the definition of sleaze.

Keep suckin’ that Trump dick, mutherfucker.

Tip of the Spear

I couldn’t do it – jumping out of a perfectly good aircraft. These guys take badass to the next level.

U.S. Air Force personnel jump out the back of an HC-130J Combat King II assigned to the 81st Expeditionary Rescue Squadron (ERQS) over Djibouti, May 9, 2023. The 81st ERQS is a rapidly deployable combat search and rescue force that can conduct tactical air refueling, airdrop and airland of personnel and/or equipment during day or night operations in support of combat personnel recovery within Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa area of responsibility. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Aaron Irvin)

Weaponizing the DOJ

As one of the fashionable mantras supporting many repug talking points these days, it’s important to note the eminently lemming-like remarks coming from GOP candidates regarding Il Douche Trumpollini‘s latest indictment. With Paxton going down hard in Tejas, and MAGA tears raining everywhere, Sympathy For the Devil is waning all across the country.

There’s a good reason politicos still wax faithful to The Fuckwit. Just watch Pence squirm in his recent CNN town hall. They don’t want accountability. It doesn’t matter who or what white collar crime we’re talking about, if it’s sexual harassment, real estate/bank/tax fraud or trashing the military and intel communities with unforgivable criminally traitorous acts of deceit.

Weaponizing the DOJ? Goddamned right, mutherfuckers.

Sympathy for the Devil -Rolling Stones

Colorado Pet Equality

Greedy landlords never run out of reasons and excuses to grift and rob. They’ll have a harder time doing it to pet-loving renters in Colorado going forward. HB23-1068 removes the formerly legal option of gouging pet owners for increased rent rates and security deposit fraud.

There’s no bad dogs – only bad owners.

Overwatch Never Looked So Good

Combat Control goes viral. We been doing it around the globe for decades at altitudes up to geosynchronous orbit. It’s nice to know Stuff scales down well in some use cases. The power of photo and video surveillance from spy satellites to the smartphone in your pocket and lots of little flyers in between lead Ukraine into battle.

Russian Forces Retreat from Positions Near Storozheve, Zaporizhia.

Sick People

Reporting indicates Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has given Team Crazy written notice of their targeting in the classified documents investigation. At least the Tangerine Traitor seems to have a good memory for the long list of crimes he’s committed. The high-level citation given himself below sums it up pretty well. I can’t wait to see this son-of-a-bitch in tears begging for his freedom.

Feeling a bit politically under the weather myself, actually.


It’s interesting to note how Christie continued sucking the Trump dick for years during appearances on ABC This Week and so forth.

Fun Times Over Now!

A few days late on this, but I been busy trying to get the pond started – lots of maintenance needed this year…

The U.S. Air Force Academy Class of 2023 graduates toss their hats into the sky as the U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron “the Thunderbirds” roar overhead at the Academy’s Falcon Stadium in Colorado Springs, Colo., June 1, 2023. Nine-hundred twenty-one cadets crossed the stage to become the Air Force and Space Force’s newest second lieutenants. (U.S. Air Force photo by Trevor Cokley)

The Other Time Bosnia Tried to Kill Me

My first trip to Banja Luka in the UK sector was a real hoot. It was the longest drive, taking most of the day, so everybody’s already in a bad mood and behind schedule upon arrival. As usual, no pre-coordination had been done, so we waited outside the Brit’s HQ while our French Lieutenant played catch-up. We located the U.S. contingent in short order, drove over there, unloaded and started setting up in the clearing behind their area. Ten minutes later the Lieutenant returns and says to stop, they didn’t know where they wanted it. So we decided to just get some grub, find a place to crash and try again in the morning. They seemed to be in full NATO mode at this location.

By 10:00 the next morning the only thing I was worried about was driving through Bosnia in the dark on the way back to Sarajevo. HQ roof was obviously the best place it would actually work, but got kicked off there within minutes. The Lieutenant seemed to be doing his best in various animated conversations with one after another British officer, but making no progress. If something didn’t happen pretty soon we were gonna be here another day.

That’s when I got the light bulb thing again, staring at the defunct antenna tower right behind the building there. They weren’t even using it – for anything. I was about to find out why, the hard way. We didn’t have nearly enough coax to reach the hut from there, but I figured if we could just get it set up and running they would have no trouble humping the radio around until later, whenever. It was only gonna be used for 5 minutes once a week anyway.

So I got the Tacsat antenna up there and connected with a few zip ties to keep it in place when I notice Sgt Willis down at the bottom yelling for me to come down. I’m like, “just a minute, I’m almost done!!” He’s yelling frantically for some reason, and by then there’s around ten people gathered below. I was met at the bottom of the ladder by a British Colonel with a very stern look on his face. All he said was “That’s a good place for the antenna, but now’s not the time to put it there. We had sniper activity here last week.” Turned and walked away with his gaggle, including our Frenchman this time. All was right in our little world once again.

They obviously had more important things to worry about than whatever the fuck we were doing. I received another talkin’ to from the U.S. Lieutenant after we got back to Butmir. Something about language barriers and patience. I had no clue what she was talking about. Me ‘n the French Lieutenant got along great – he loved my music! 😉

The one I climbed in Banja Luka had nothing on top until i was done with it.
Time Out of Mind -Steely Dan

Fuck Youtube™

Youtube might have been one of the few social media-type services that could be a legitimate people’s media platform if they just cleaned up a little and started vetting users like they all should be doing. That is clearly no longer the case. They’ll say it’s only competition in a free market, tough shyt.

I just un-subscribed from a couple channels degrading into the same sensational so-called news reporting afflicting the more traditional news outlets for decades. If there’s nothing screaming crime, crises, calamity or politics that day do a human interest piece instead of twisting nonsense and making mountains out of molehills. Ad revenue is king. Veracity, perspective and facts be damned.

“YouTube and the other platforms that preceded it in weakening their election misinformation policies, like Facebook, have made it clear that one attempted insurrection wasn’t enough. They’re setting the stage for an encore,” said its vice president Julie Millican in a statement.

LATE UPDATE: This was a story those TYT assholes thought was so sensational from the fuckwit who so deceptively started it, as to break the whole AI issue wide open. US air force denies running simulation in which AI drone ‘killed’ operator.

Fear-mongering fuckwits. Getting tired of doing your homework. They should ask Boozbag how she walks back that run up the Capitol steps. 🙂

DeSuckass’ Disney Dilemma

Maybe too late for that new project, but if you’re feeling lucky, I bet the Disney folks would go for it, provided enough moving incentive in the form of customary tax breaks, etc.

Colorado: Where MAGA goes to die. Been a couple days, haven’t heard anything from the Florida fuckwit.

“If the @nuggets win the finals against the @MiamiHEAT, Disney World will move to Colorado, the ACTUAL happiest place on earth to do business, have fun, and be free!” Polis said.”

You can have Buck the Cuck and Lowrent Boozbag if we lose.

AI Code of Conduct

So powers-that-be (Euro union, etc.) are getting together to gen up some AI control measure. Sounds like a great idea. I’m pretty sure no code of conduct ever deterred determined evil cocksuckers from bending legitimate means to their selfish ends.

I might suggest a better approach to AI could be simply acknowledging the fact this genie is out of the bottle. Assume it will be leveraged for crime, political skullduggery and ordinary scam purposes, with the upshot eventually being human extinction and/or enslavement. Considering how dependent we are on techno-driven society, some of us already felt enslaved to chatbots and byzantine telephone answering systems.

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI X Fausto — The earth quaked as the monster lumbered closer, appearing to grow with each step. ignorant of the humanity that fled before it. It didn’t care for their screams or their_ begging as it destroyed everything in its path. Reaching out a hand, the monster grabbed hold of the earth and tore it in two. In a single gulp, it devoured half of the planet, crushing buildings and Relief effort organization put cities beneath its teeth. The skies darkened as thick dust and debris filled the air, blotting out the sun. For miles around, all was quiet except for the sound of the monster’s footsteps as it headed back into the shadows.

How Many Smoking Guns?

Why is half the electorate not keenly disturbed by the idea that someone might go about believing they can rule the world by just lying their ass off and getting enough people to believe it?

All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.

It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. — Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X[1]

MAGA: Make Attorneys get Attorneys I rekon around a half dozen smoking guns should suffice for putting this former POTUS POS in prison.

Benedict Dotard‘s got a dressing down coming up. Hope he gets it from a judge he appointed himself.

Stupid Coloradans

Between Lowrent Boozbag and that senile cowboy Buck the Cuck, Coloradans ought to be ashamed of themselves. Once again – let ’em do a default. Go ahead, I dare ’em. Hard lessons tend to be the most well learned.

They ought to be old enough to know what happens when you let a cunt like this open her mouth in front of a microphone.