Pondv10 – Late Summer

Took these a couple weeks ago. It’s in the shutdown process now, with plants moved in last week and most of the goldfish inside upstairs this year. They’re getting moved in several stages since they are almost all big now, so will present quite a bio-load on even the 190-gallon tank. The Firemouths and rest of the former upstairs aquatic denizens are acclimating to their smaller 120-gallon basement tank, but will still be far less crowded than the Goldies upstairs.

Here We Go…

I fail to see how Israel, with what – the 3rd or 4th largest military in the world, needs any help pacifying a little 25-mile-wide strip of land harboring a bunch of hang-gliding terrorists? But attack jets are en-route. Should be a great way to get a bigger war started.

Good luck, mutherfuckers.

Prolly be alot more fun shooting up Russian tanks in Ukraine. I heard some Ukrainian pilots already been qualified on these.
Riders on the Storm -Santanna cover


This guy’s father was murdered in a cruel political assassination in 1968. That would probably be enough to send most people in a different direction. Now he’s running for President as an Independent. The political divisions he faces were laid out long before either of our political cognizance’ came into being, but I do remember the angst and despair seen in family and friends during that time.

We’ve all seen how things tend to run in the family, good, bad or otherwise. I fail to see how this particular political crackpot could ever be even a marginally sane alternative. He’s obviously for the really dedicated nut-jobs who think the GOP’s not crazy enough.

The guy needs psychotherapy, not votes.

Defend Democracy

Russia is too weak to cogently respond and China is too economically intertwined with the west for serious political skulduggery. Now if we could just take the GOP out of the picture, it’d be clear sailing for awhile…

Body Count

It’s been reaching epic levels in Ukraine, so I guess the Palestinians figued WTF, Politics been veering off into that other means category way too strong lately.

CHATSUM’s leaning hard right: The bumbling Biden administration has reacted predictably to the brutal attack on Israel by Hamas, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken issuing a despicable statement that was later deleted.

Go ahead, church it up… Looks like that fuckwit Abbott down in Texas suddenly has more money for the Jews, but he can’t seem to secure his own border. These assholes on both sides know full well how electronic surveillance technology has advanced somewhat since the Great Wall of China was built. Telegram channels out of Russia and Ukraine clearly illustrate how easy and inexpensive overhead IR technology has become. AI has the potential to meld them into impenetrable defenses. But valuable political footballs make great running mates, depending on how well your voters view the narrative control.

The Jews need to ask themselves why they are at war today? It’s not because of the worst terrorist rampage ever in Israeli history three days ago. Netanyahu’s an evil cocksucker, no question, but they been fighting religious wars over that pile of sand for millennia. They need to lose the religious zealots fueling this madness on both sides and integrate society to some satisfactory level. It’s a real mouthful, but Biden should tell them to expect a bill for the carrier task force next time. Treating symptoms is a fool’s errand – I ought ta know.

Israelis are gonna massacre everybody in Gaza.

Spend a few minutes on the streets in cities and towns all across the USA today and observe our version of the Palestinian problem. We just keep it down to the individual level, on the street.

In America -Charlie Daniels

What It’s All About?

Back in the day I used to believe politics was just the elite ruling class fighting over tax money, mostly for the purpose of lining their own pockets. Therefore party idiosyncrasies as I viewed them were merely different flavors of the same junk food.

Then there was a period around the time I retired and Trump got elected where I started paying attention to it thinking, wow, look at all this abortion, guns, immigration, whatever going on! They’re really wrestling with alot ‘o crap eh? But when the input stopped being snippets of Fox News and ramblings of coworkers, something unexpected emerged: I was right all along.

A good pandemic and insurrection later it’s pretty clear I had it right, sorta. The only flavor difference is one wants to spend your tax dollars, the other wants to keep them for themselves.

400 Amp-Hours

Added the 4th member of this group last week. Started with two, it’ll be finished with six in two more years. That entertainment center’s really packing a punch now. I haven’t checked labels and done the math, but with inverters wired up and diesel heaters running, we can keep the house habitable for some period of time in a cold-weather power outage now.

They’re wired in parallel with 50-amp fusible links, on a float charger. Next step will be integrating a commercial-grade whole-house-capacity unit into the solar system and we’ll be off the electric grid. I’m tired of the bullshyt. I encourage everybody who can afford to do so, follow suit, in some form or fashion – every little bit helps. Solar panels of all kinds are available for ever-dropping prices.

Lovin’ these new super-slim TVs.

Buck Plans Private GOP Takeover

Buck the Cuck went on ABC This Week™ today to elaborate on his vision for how a Speaker of the House gets elected. First they privately decide who’s gonna win the vote, then they hold the vote. It’s the fascist way, dont’cha know!

No, this POS (now former?) Trump dick sucker thinks they can just circle the wagons, start over and everything will be OK. Cut the crap and stop talking out both sides of your political mouth, mutherfucker. He was wrong then, he’s wrong now and he’ll be wrong until he spits that MAGA dick out of his mouth.

“They brought a primary two years ago, I won 75-25,” Buck said. “I am comfortable that the people in my district know that I’m a conservative and know that I want to make sure we don’t ruin this institution over a tit-for-tat impeachment.”

Who’s talkin bout’ ruining what now? Just a stone’s throw north of here, collecting all those Weld county farmer votes, tellin’ em’ whatever they wanna hear…

The day Liz Cheney became the only thing standing between democracy and fascism marked the end of the GOP.

Sign the petition to disqualify the Mango Menace.