Trump has at Least 1 Thing Right

I’m not saying he is “totally” right on this matter either, but his characterization of mainstream media is fairly accurate, regardless of the factual ramifications of any particular episode being reported.  The media issue is interesting to me because it doesn’t matter what the topic is – politics, health, current events, whatever – they tend to sensationalize just about anything, with little to no contextual perspective, solely for the purpose of getting eyeballs on their advertising.  Some call it “spin.”  That term goes out the window when the message is just patently false. Truth be damned.

LEC Almost Locked

Plymouth State tightened their grip on the Little East defeating conference rival Keene State 3-2 in a hard-fought match Wednesday evening.  Francie scored a personal record high 22 kills.  Maybe we’ll be seeing some new stuff in the women’s volleyball record book after this season.  OPW 2 weeks ago.

The PSU media moguls were gracious enough to provide some video clips:

Aaaaand a few photos:

A Couple of Things

There’s a couple of things about my current healthcare misadventure really bothering me.  One I understand, the other I do not.  I understand how the healthcare system is not set up to care for patients like me.  It is dealing with a big population of crybabies who cannot stop complaining after they stub their toe.  No biggie.  I get that.  What I do not understand is how torture became an acceptable course of diagnostics.

I’ve been left to rot, suffering with a painful, debilitating, un-treated back injury all year – forced through hip replacement rehab, where the biggest obstacle was not a freshly installed prosthesis.  Let them go until something happens or they scream loud enough to get someone’s attention?  Has it really gotten that bad?  Have the diags ballooned to such expense doctors are being discouraged from ordering them?  Must be, because I have this uncanny ability to know when I am hurt.  It’s called being a conscious human being.  That part is getting real old.

These things typically take a long time to heal – if they do at all.  The bad ones don’t.  This is a bad one.  Read the goddamn MRI report.  Still no medical attention as called out in said report, 9 months on – after seeing what, 7 doctors now?  I’m losing count.  Oh wait – not entirely true – I got a bottle of muscle relaxant pills from my new PC.  They do help a little.  But they are TOXIC, like most pharmaceuticals, and are only to be used for a max of 3 weeks.  It’s something, I suppose.

Read the goddamn Annular Tear lesson.  Dr. Mork is telling my story better than I can.  So, without enough time to read and just do your fucking jobs, the un-written policy appears to be, at least in part:  “Ensure diagnostic torture protocol and procedures are strictly adhered to whenever it starts looking like we screwed up.”

(Late Update:  as expected, after the new referral from last week didn’t show up, a call to the Loveland community desk or whatever they are calling it this year, found it in “status unknown” state.  I repeated all my information to the nice lady for the eleventy-seventh time while she set the wheels in motion.  Again.  And again, and again…)

Anything Good Left?

Seems to me like it’s getting hard to tell.  But every so often something pops up reminding me the world has not gone totally to shyt.  Yet.

Pond V6 – Wrap-up 2019

It took 2 months for the leak(s) to work their way out again, and was running up to a 3-4GPH leak rate when I last checked it in July.  The top epoxy surface coating had cracked again, but only in one spot this time.  I’ll repeat the sealing process again over the winter and double up the final epoxy topping in the spring.  I’d have liked to do so much more with it this year, but was stuck mostly just sitting around looking at it.  I guess that’s really what it’s for, anyway.

Up until last year, wintering the pond plants in the basement was mostly just a struggle for survival.  Last year I started adding aquarium nutes and re-charging the water with nutrient-rich tank runoff.  That made a big difference last winter.  First frost and freezes coming up, so the plants came out last week.  The little basement grow area just had another light fixture installed, doubling output this season.  I expect next spring to be the 1st time we don’t buy any pond plants.  The ones we have are pretty nice now and fit the bill for this application very well.  The new one in front there spreads out nicely on the surface, giving the Goldies something to hide under.  Now if the Blue Herons can wait just 1 more day…



Just What I needed VII

Thinking back from the start of this fiasco, it all makes sense now – particularly the part where they start withholding pain med to help gauge your take-home prescription.  That is permanently seared into my memory.

It’s so easy to slip through the cracks.  I feel like I’ve been fighting a losing battle against the system all year and gotten to the point where just struggling through daily life and trying to deal with this at the same time has left  me so physically and mentally exhausted I’m ready to throw in the towel.  After seeing the KMS gatekeeper Dr. Knight Tuesday, we’ll do the EMG test, and see what they say about that.  I imagine it will be either inconclusive, or find some unrelated issue I don’t care about, like the carpal tunnel last time.  Guess what she said when I told her my pain was getting worse and definitely not chronic but acute?  “So this has been going on since January, huh – looks like it’s chronic now.”

Fortunately, the first real ray of hope since July came Thursday with Dr Thieman, my new PC out of Loveland.  I’m not a religious person, but by some miracle apparently, he was familiar with something at least similar to my issue and and is sending me to see a spine guy who might recognize it as well.

After the MRI finding was made back in June, I’d have let Brinkis get away with blaming it on me!  All he had to say was something like “…occasionally we see this in older patients with weakening structures due to disc degeneration, etc.  It’s not too serious, just takes a long time to heal, so now we need to…”  And that would have been the end of it.  This is starting to feel like an “innocent until proven guilty” proposition where nobody even wants to look at the evidence.  They are maintaining my toxic annular tear innocence at all cost.  Too bad I’m the one paying the bill.

Trump Speak

Randall Munroe appears to have the same speech impediment as our POTUS:

What a Disgrace

I’ve been openly regretting my 2016 Trump vote ever since realizing I did not do my homework that time around.  I ranked him as just another greedy businessman and Washington “out”sider.  It seemed like a logical alternative at the time.  After a few years of this nonsense I now come to realize this moron is just a 73 year-old, minimally literate, spoiled brat.  Time to go, little boy.

Petrochemical Storage Upgrade

This year I finally got around to replacing the 40-gallon Olive Barrel we’ve been using for kerosene storage the past 10 years.  That was fine, but it was plastic, so not going to last forever and only represented a good supplement to the natural gas – nowhere near enough to keep the place from freezing for very long without the furnace.  This will be a much better long term solution, and holds enough capacity to carry us through more extended cold weather calamities involving utility problems, holding approximately 170 gallons.

The actual start was clear back in April. This was certainly one of my biggest welding projects ever, and took all summer to complete, by working for only an hour or so any given time.  I was able to get it done because welding is something I can accomplish without moving around too much aggravating my back injury.  Getting it down to the basement was a different story.  The unique design incorporates a space-saving triangular shape.  It was very time-consuming going over all the seams multiple times and testing to ensure a good seal.  The construction approach was basically assembling 5 big sheets of 14-gauge steel with the wire welder, then going over everything again with the oxy-acetylene torch for good strong, solid welds.  Took 2 welding tank refills before it was finished, so all told the materials bill came to around $500.  I figure that’s about half what you’d pay for a lesser tank that didn’t fit right.