Don’t Hold Your Breath

The recent DOJ move to re-schedule weed is just another political ploy to kick the can down the road. Pressure from industry, medicine and the patient/user community moved the needle. But the fuckwits in power know how political points underpin the financial score, and will continue putting their backs up in the ongoing greedy war for money being waged against your health and well-being.

Cannabis and Coffee would be regulated, with alcohol and tobacco on the controlled substance list in an honestly legal marketplace. Medicine and health are just tokens in corporate America’s rigged healthcare gambling game.

Schedule III is going to leave it in this kind of amorphous, mucky middle where people are not going to understand the danger of it still being federally illegal,” he said.

Fragmentation in this space is very problematic. But they refuse to address the actual problem because too many fuckwits are banking on self-administered recreational poison drinks and pharma scams.

Jimmy Jerk-Off Jordan Again

“You’re up next, Insurrectionist,” he then added. “Remember, Donald never gave you your preemptive pardon. If SCOTUS agrees to Trump’s presidential immunity grift, that means Joe Biden sends you to a black ops site with all of your Congressional insurrectionist co-conspirators. Have a great weekend.”

This is not Dems criticizing the jr. fuckwit. It’s his own MAGA creepsters.

Hikikomori In Reverse?

I’m pretty sure what’s wrong with me and how I got this way. Seems the Japanese youth culture portion might be just the start of a growing worldwide, age-irrelevant phenomenon. I turn 65 next month, not a gamer, never was. But I’m all about the social withdrawal into my hobbies and screens.

Divine Artificial Intelligence

Politics and Tech with the Pope himself headlining. Imagine that.

“It is the first time in history that a pontiff will take part in the workings of a G7,” Meloni said in a video message.

I’ll give you three guesses why. It’s not because AI is anything for normal, rational people to be too concerned with. Maybe WRT the ongoing tech support conundrums. And it’s not because AI represents something church dogma is ill-equipped to deal with by any stretch. The fear-mongering fucker is in existential jeopardy himself.

I can already tell you what his regulations envision, whether they’ve written them down yet, or not. They will try to restrict models containing non-secular information, strictly censor those models, and enact punitive measures against anybody or anything daring to corrupt their version of divinity, supported in such tripe(2).

People ask alot of questions. The church has a new rival in the answer business. Actual omniscience is likely to eventually become the pinning under which traditional religion ceases to exist as we know it today.

Goddamn Devil -Ugly Kid Joe

Eggs Benedict

Liebschen #2 is home for our spring break, and I get this for brunch. Thought I died and woke up in a 5-star restaurant.

Bimmer Got New Shoes Again

It also hasn’t been washed in like a year again but I did manage to put new wheels and tires on it a few weeks ago. The Blizzaks® are great snow tires and came in real handy a few times last season, but other than that, they suck. After a scary episode at Big-O with those last fall, I decided to just get new wheels again and push through the swaps on my own. One was already slightly bent from the potholes around here anyway.

The tire monkeys at Big-O somehow managed to get the centering rings misfit and sent me home with a steering wheel wobbling like all the balancing weights fell off before I left the parking lot. It was a stressful situation getting cleared up the next morning. I’d rather just spend my own labor all morning doing them one-at-a-time, with long breaks in between.

Fuck Alito

Mutherfucker asks alot of questions.

‘Well, you know if he makes a mistake, he makes a mistake. He’s subject to the criminal laws just like anybody else.’ You don’t think he’s in a special, a peculiarly precarious position?”

Yeah, he’s a special cocksucker, just like you. That’s why we need protection from you fuckwits. I see the Supreme Cunt’s message system seems offline today. Imagine that.

You can stick your old white guy bullshyt straight up your nazi ass.
This one got in.

Couldn’t Agree More

Elon Musk is one of the leading right wing trolls in the world. He’s gone out of his way to transform his public image from swashbuckling entrepreneur to assholio dickwad.

He seems to have well-learned the exploiting workers part from his dad. I used to be all excited about Tesla and still love some of those cars. I’d be driving one in a heartbeat if I needed an urban commuter, except for one thing: Musk himself.

The real reason Tesla is tanking: Musk’s political self-sabotage.

Sign might as well read “Tesla Corporate HQ.”

Torquelink® III Revisited

Good engineering can be a real double-edged sword sometimes. Everything is a compromise of some sort. Always in weight-conservation mode, I usually err on the wrong side of strength, designing truck parts. Real-world testing is really the only way to know if something works right and lasts long, so I tend to break alot of the stuff I make, in a seemingly never-ending development spiral. The Tourqelinks were obviously, no exception..

Clutch chatter suddenly returned one day after it dead-hooked spinning up onto the road during a bumpy mudhole turnaround. Inspection revealed catastrophic failure on both bars. Passenger side was bent and the driver side front mount was completely broken off. They must be doing something, because that was a 5/8 inch bolt. We’ll see how 3/4 grade 8 does. Weak links (literally) finally exposed. Getting those things drilled and tapped by hand was a freakin’ nightmare.

I knew at the outset in this iteration, the bars themselves might be a weak point. They started as just light-duty electrical conduit. The angular force in this application is obviously not quite straight forward, so they got reinforcements welded in for a considerable beef-up. It’s also possible the mount breakage was bad welding on my part, so I left the other front mount alone, for the time being. They’re now sporting safety catches up front to keep them off the ground in case those mounts remain short on the strength values.

The Aptly Named David Pecker

Who better to screen a rocky, decades-long run treating women as trophys and toys coming up against the hard place of a Presidential campaign, than the sensationalist soft-brain faux-news source himself?

The defense says influencing an election is just democracy in action. Strange how they obtusely continue admitting everything the Fuckwit is accused of. It makes perfect sense considering the mod-us operand-i of most criminal organizations: Lying, cheating and stealing. I have a strong opinion on lying, which says that lies of omission can be some of the worst.

If you’re the type of person who believes it’s OK to manipulate the news media in this manner, you can suck my dick and choke on it. Lots of stuff boils down to a simple matter of the difference between what you do and don’t know to be factual information in certain situations. BOLO for politicians trying to get more power with less truth.

Fake news dealer.

New Netgear

Comcast was commissioned here on a new switch to replace the old no-name Chinese bargain-basement unit that served well for many years. I try to upgrade/replace stuff before it fails in some cases, like the important infrastructure. Wish more of my tax dollars got pointed in that direction with every new wheel-bending pothole traversed. Imagine if better collision-avoidance measures had been built into an upgraded Baltimore Bridge. Have I mentioned my 20/20 hindsight before?

I Had Mine

Reports of Mediocre Disability Exams by VA Contractors Prompts Senator’s Demand for Answers. Like I said.

My disability evaluations really seemed to amount to a budget exercise for the most part, and downright government-sponsored fraud, in my view. That’s basically how the 3-round fight I ended up engaging in turned out.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., speaks during the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs hearing on oversight of the credit reporting agencies at Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, April 27, 2023. Republican John Deaton, a former U.S. Marine and cryptocurrency attorney, announced Monday, Feb. 19, 2024, that he is challenging Democratic U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, running for her third term in office. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, File)

Micro$oft Again

The funny thing to me is, this has been here forever. I been tellin’ people there’s gremlins in these things – ya think? It’s like listening to the news on the car radio when the story about ur defective tire’s lawsuit comes on.

Better send these off to the tire pile early.