Pretense to Oblivion

Henceforth, no religious holidays will be observed in any way shape or form at the 5712 household.  Christmas is the biggie, being the one emphasized in my xtian upbringing.  Hanukkah, Ramadan and anything else emanating from the cesspool of human thought known to me as religion, will be roundly ignored.

I harbor no ill will for the devout with one glaring exception:  Their beliefs are the pretense to political power and much of what is wrong in many places around the world.  Everything is political, but when politics becomes plain old propagandized mind control aimed at the most vulnerable, something must change.  It took a few hundred years to reach a flash-point in this country.  The 2020 fight for social justice is really just the fight against a political base perverted with religion.

We have come too far to allow a shrinking minority to continue derailing progress.  Fuck religion – ALL RELIGION – and anybody who believes they deserve some grandfathered seat at the political table.  Of course they may continue voting for the con man of their choice as long as charlatans in the pulpit and government convince them to believe their lies.  But supporting them financially with tax-free status only prolongs their suffering and delays everything else..

The facts and data behind the pic below clearly explain the big problem for anyone able to read between the lines.  You simply cannot have a minority dictating to the majority.  The irony of how that minority was electorally manipulated and mobilized for evil in the 2016 election will forever be a failure ingrained in my personal psyche.  We will never realize society’s potential or break free of authoritarian rule until either the codified government ties to religion are cut, or their adherents simply die off over time.  The planet might not be able to wait that long.

It’s not just about you or your cult.

There’s another Trump waiting in the wings, for their opportunity to leverage religion.  That’s just how it goes when you drink your own kool-aid.

Jesus said things which are demonstrably false, and he said them in a way that couldn’t possibly mean he was speaking figuratively. These were not allegories. He was literally saying that if you believe, you’ll have superpowers granted to you by God himself. Their Bible is full of lies, and their son of God was a liar. That’s no reason to nail him to some wood, but let’s call a spade a spade. Jesus made promises he could not, and did not deliver, and people still believe his lies, as we see here in this country today. Any common storekeeper is more trustworthy than Jesus. If you order something from their store, there’s a chance they will deliver it. If you order a prayer from Jesus, nothing happens. Do yourself a favor. You like reading about Jesus, right? Keep reading all 50 proofs of why Jesus’ teachings and the related Bible hogwash is imaginary. Then, look at the Bible, realize you’ve been lied to, and move on with your life.

Cocksukers wrote it in, now they can live (die) with it.

Saw That Coming Up 6th Avenue

Naming Operation Warp Speed what they did appears to refer mostly to the speed at which Federal dollars flowed into the Pharma Co’s bank accounts.

Pfizer’s refrigeration logistics tail alone makes their contribution by far the most expensive and difficult to administer.  Fortunately it will quickly reach hospitals needing it the most.  Pfizer got the biggest chunk of development money and the right to continue selling it exclusively at whatever price they choose for what will end up being the least overall impact.  Nice work Azar.

Will a vaccine help much, now that half the population has been duped?

Who is this Piece 'o Shyt?

Sidney Powell must be the stupidest whore ever to spin a political lie.  Easy to see why she’s not working elsewhere at this time.

Is there some metal detector-type machine the Trump legal team passes through at the building entrance every morning, somehow suppressing all self-awareness?  You know – like the MIB pen thing industrial size.  At least she got one thing right.  Those fuckasses trying to subvert Georgia are a bunch of idiots – just not because they’re in on some big Communist plot to steal the election.

Nice Buck!

Looks like going to high school with all the cowboys at Meade left Phoebe with a big ‘ol country streak in her.  My hunting days as a boy growing up in PA were short and unremarkable.  Glad to see Phoebe passing me up in ways I never imagined.

Can’t wait to see what that guy tastes like!

Electorate Baffles

“The fact that his sheer incompetence, dangerous narcissism, racist dog whistles and denial of the threat of COVID-19 wasn’t enough to turn off every voter in America is baffling.”

I recently ran across Theo Wilson on the Colorado Sun.  Maybe I can help with the confusion there.  I believe this perception arises because people are simply not paying attention.  Trying to stay healthy in a pandemic with the kids out of school and unemployment benefits expiring tends to be a bit of a distraction.

Ten months ago everything was fine.  The economy was booming, election coming up, people and news networks in a tizzy about the next/last thing the Fuckwit posted on Twitter.  I imagine that covers maybe 3% of eligible voters.  The rest were just busy trying to survive.  Those with any political leanings whatsoever were likely waiting to find out what to think from their Facebook feed or meme-sharing brother-in-law.

Politicians recognize the lack of rational thinking embedded in the U.S. electorate.  But they have never understood the potentialities it engenders.  Now we get to find out where blindly following the political force leads us.  It’s starting to look pretty dark down there.
“Let’s call it what it is: Racism is mass mental illness.”  You got that right, Theo.

Fun in North Dakota this Week

Burgum is one of Trump’s sycophants who downplayed the pandemic back in March.  Anybody remember how many times Bill DeBlasio went on TV around that time saying the same things?  Any wonder why this news conference video from March is no longer available?  Because the cocksucker is scrambling to cover his tracks and distance himself from the biggest mass murderer since Hitler, along with thousands of other fellow Republicans across the country.  Too bad it’s too late for his state.

Their blood is on your hands, mutherfucker.

With North Dakota currently leading the nation in per-capta deaths, he is now asking his people to continue working asymptomatic, through staff shortages while the death toll mounts.  Only a week ago this imbecilic excuse for an elected official finally decided to issue a mask mandate.  His stupid whore neighbor governor to the south has yet to do so.  Criminally – Negligent – Homicide.

Time to try and figure out how to clean up this mess I made.

I'll Give You 3 Guesses…

…What the incoming Covid Response Team finds if and when they ever get access to whatever the “Covid Task Force” has been doing for the past 9 months.

“Meanwhile, experts who are advising the incoming administration have raised alarms about a smooth transition, saying they need access to career officials and their data to plan — something the Trump administration has so far not allowed.”

Because in this particular case, we’ll probably find they have nothing to hide.  Literally no high-level coordination whatsoever with state and local agencies/officials to plan organize and equip our COUNTRY for the deadly onslaught of SARScoV2.  Maybe lists of blue cities/states shipping label updates and such.  Great things about the scramble to get vaccine out the door, which really only starts next week and probably only started planning in earnest a couple months ago will be trumpeted.  Information pertaining to the first phase of this tragedy during which a couple hundred thousand victims died while politicians sought re-election rather than public health will be scant.  Lots of full shredder bins, no doubt.

Existing apparatus to defend the nation was discarded for budgetary reasons by disbanding the Pandemic Response Team function within the NSC a couple years ago.  Enablers like Bolton feign covering their own tracks, relegating that move to obscurity.  Toss it on the stack of colossal timing blunders.  Divert FEMA dollars at the beginning of hurricane season?  Remember that one?  Cut off the WHO and pull out of Syria?.  Somebody get the Fuckwit a big red ribbon to tie around his Xmas gift for Vlad.

Once it’s all dissected, we’ll be seeing more really dangerous shyt like this.

Nice try, cocksuckers.

Costa Rica's Starting to Look Pretty Good

Biden’s already talking about letting Trump walk.  So if the biggest mass murderer since Hitler gets a pass, that’s exactly what I’m planning to do myself.  OBTW, Xmas at 5712 Wetland Loop is cancelled this year.  I won’t be buying any gifts, writing any checks or attending any special phone calls or Zoom meetings for this years’s big religious demonstration of human stupidity.

Depending on how certain admistrivias work out over the next couple months, 2021 marks the the beginning of my process to leave the country.  The girls can have the  house, and if Michelle wants to come, she’ll be able to visit home whenever she wants.

I remember telling people how I was having an increasingly difficult time feeling like a proud American as the 2016 election season wound down to the mess we now find on our hands. It’s hard to feel safe in a country where half the people believe everything they see on Facebook.

Fuck it – I’m done. Good luck with that!

“On December 1, 1948, Costa Rica abolished its military force.[54] In 1949, the abolition of the military was introduced in Article 12 of the Costa Rican Constitution. The budget previously dedicated to the military is now dedicated to providing health care services and education.[53][107] According to DW, “Costa Rica is known for its stable democracy, progressive social policies, such as free, compulsory public education, high social well-being, and emphasis on environmental protection.”[55]”

Here's the Long Pole

There are 3 or 4 poles holding up the GOP tent at this time.  We have the social media scam, which I am done writing about.  I simply will no longer tolerate anyone who believes and shares that crap.  Try telling it to me, and expect to have it thrown back in your face – literally with a fist, if it persists.  Pay attention family and friends.  Some may be walking on thin ice with me right now.  I have no use for anyone who supports the GOP in any way, shape or form whatsoever.  We’ll talk whenever you’re ready to admit your mistake, like I did.

Then we have the Wall Street/Corporate shaft running deep into all financial markets.  The man or woman behind the Oval Office face matters not, as long as business leaders and owners believe the government will support them with lower taxes, looser workplace standards and weak environmental regulations.  Can’t make as much money otherwise, so that stuff is for losers and suckers – the people and planet be damned.

There are 1 or 2 other lesser aspects to the electorate making politics the unpredictable, complex animal it is, but primary support for the inanity known as modern American Republicans comes from religion.  There’s good reason for that, going hand-in-hand with the 1st issue.  The devout are juicy, gullible targets because they have been conditioned to do and think what they are told all their lives.  Contrary to popular myth, unification -not separation- of church and state is the long pole in their tent – the Politics of Fear fits right into the culture.

This cultish, tribal behavior goes back to the beginning of recorded history, and represents the single most dangerous human behavior on the planet:  Idolatry.  It runs the gamut from pop recording artists to religious and political figures past and present – now including their boy, the Fuckwit.

Heaven awaits! Vote for me!
Anybody ever read this thing?

Two-faced hasn’t looked this deceitful since Hitler went to church.

“The consumption of mass media has had a profound effect on instilling the fear of terrorism in the United States, though acts of terror are a rare phenomenon.[20]”

Everybody enjoying being lied to?  We need freedom FROM religion – not freedom OF religion.  The tax-exempt status needs to go.  Allowing them to believe their money is better than anyone else’s all this time just feeds their ego, with politicians pandering for votes – nothing else.  Watch how fast they disappear into the rear-view mirror without the financial aspect (#2?) dovetailing nicely.

Why Attack Democracy?

Pretty simple, really:  It doesn’t work for them – in much the same way capitalism only works for the top 1%.  The treasonous vein reared it’s head in 2016, having nothing left to deal with, they turned on the country itself.  They needed help from the Russians brainwashing their base, in a sophomoric scam to propagandize social media.  Greed has no country, faith or loyalty except to the sole purpose of feeding it’s taste for suffering humanity.

Republican leadership, if you could call it that, should look up the word parasite in their favorite dictionary.  Capitalism and it’s Republican supporters are parasitic forces draining the country and economy, unwilling to recognize or admit they are killing the host.  Problem is, it’s an all-or-nothing proposition.  Running the country like a Ponzi scheme just can’t last.

Careful you don’t find a nice, cozy jail cell. Maybe a little Novichok.

Vanilla Isis

Proud Boys, Boogaloo whatever.  The neo Nationalists, if you will.  I’ll begin lumping them all together under this currently fashionable term mentioned by Malcom Nance.  Funny how if compared to the Black Panthers from the 60’s and asked what they were fighting for, they’d both say very similar things.

Billed as some sort of current national security crisis, they are not much to worry about.  Despite the war mongering and weapon brandishing, just remember their primary motivation:  Fear.  They are afraid of losing their grip on racist hegemony underwritten by the government for centuries, and the comforting schadenfreude masking their own miserable existence.

The movement really took off in 2016 for some odd reason.  Bundy proved what they were capable of then, just like the Widmer gang was about to do a few weeks ago.  Y’all Qaeida sounds about right.  They can easily learn what it’s like on the business end of a Hellfire missile if enough want to get together in one place pulling some shyt.  That for obvious reasons, is unlikely to happen in this country.  We don’t like our children growing up afraid of the sky.

There may be a few particularly dedicated stalwarts who succeed in things like the occasional robbery, bombing or murder.  But there will be no mass insurrection or the widespread clan-on-clan warfare they dream about.  We’re in a cleanup phase now.  Every so often you have to take out the trash.

“FBI Director Christopher Wray said last month that the agency has made about 100 domestic terrorism–related arrests since October, and the majority were tied to white supremacy.”

Old habits die hard. It’ll go much quicker this time around.

More VA Abuse and Negligence

I had my share.  They are overworked, underpaid and swamped with patients.  No question.  Unfortunately the response is to just not do the work.  It happened to me and now I’m crippled for the rest of my life, unable to walk or even stand up for any length of time.  This ax of mine is almost ground to the handle, but I continue seeing stuff like this and it still makes my blood boil.

“Upon discovering the low rate of diagnosis at the New Orleans VA, Sautter said he compiled a list of vets who screened positive for a possible traumatic brain injury but never got the VA-mandated follow-up. He said there were hundreds who didn’t receive the proper care.”

“You know you’re going into some bureaucracy when you enter, but nothing could prepare you for how blatantly, incredibly bad the denial of care is.”

My screening after they surgically broke my back basically involved being told there was nothing wrong with me, take some ibuprofen and go away.  The scary part is the VA or some VA-like incarnation is set to be our universal healthcare of the future.  They are already the biggest health maintenance organization in the country.  Good luck with that.

Pandering Bullshittery

Gottta hand it to Trea for coining another one!

Still wondering about the efficacy of pandering to nazis from a golf course in the middle of a pandemic after not attending Task Force meetings for months.  Guess it really doesn’t matter when you can fool some of the people all the time.

Judiciary Story Time

Looks like Lindsey is gonna be around awhile.  He’ll transition from begging for money back to spinning long yarns at the Judiciary Committee.  He was in fine form the other day where former FBI deputy McCabe continued refuting the nonstop nonsense spewing from Chairman TrumpChump’s pie hole.  The bloviating excuse for a legislator known as Lindsey Graham is definitely in the running for 2020 Toady Award winner in the Raw Imagination category.  Delusional has never looked so judiciary.

Don’t waste your time, unless a pending case hinges on it.  I skipped through it a few minutes here and there just to confirm my suspicion it was another rehash of everything we’ve already heard.  The only common theme is Russian, whether you apply it to Trump’s buddies, Hillary’s emails or any other angle, the upshot is clear.  Political skulduggery now frolics in the internationally un-regulated cyber realm.

The sad part is the government has been gutted of decent, hard-working public servants like Mr. McCabe.  I don’t believe they have to worry much about unemployment running out if they can make it to February.

Tomlin's the Man

I wanted to smack him in the kisser for not kicking the game-ending FG 2 days ago, but it’s hard to argue with him on the coaching topic.  3rd most wins of all currently active, with most ever winning seasons says it all.  He’s had his detractors, mostly racist miscreants, I assume.  This year’s best-ever start now sitting at 8-0 can hardly be called a start any longer.  I could see it right from his start.

This is how it goes when people really “want” to work for you – commanding respect.