Israeli Ambassadors Making Reservations

While some 140 countries — more than two-thirds of the United Nations — recognize a Palestinian state, Wednesday’s cascade of announcements could build momentum at a time when even close allies of Israel have piled on criticism for its conduct in Gaza.

Sounds like a two-thirds, majority, to me. Maybe they can get aligned with the axis? Putin’s real familiar with how the international marginalization game works by now. They can probably get some great deals on slightly used T-72’s for all that advanced western war tech we been giving them for decades.

That’s right – now I’m taking sides.
Fly Like an Eagle -Steve Miller Band

Karim Kahn Got It Right

Similar to UN dysfunction, I have little hope the ICC is capable of getting anything done. But at least the problem is well-documented. These assholes (Netanyahu, Hamas, Biden, Putin Xi, et al.) can’t see anything through either the blood and/or money enabling it.

Wanton killing and genocide become subordinate issues when a land grab rooted in religion goes wrong. Time for the Brits to admit they made a mistake. No further progress is possible until that happens. And the U.S. needs to separate itself from this nonsense, wholly and imminently. That’s a proclamation from on mutherfuckin’ high.

Kremlin says it is very curious that U.S. appears ready to sanction the ICC. No shyt.

It’s taken too long to solve this problem. Let ’em fight – but only on their own terms. The arms dealers and politicians need to just count their money and shut the fuck up.

The Dead Internet

Oh it’s dead alright – long gone. Been complaining out loud since 2017. I alluded to this in my offline post last month. The article fleshes it out in greater detail. I find the alignments interesting and contend it’s not the tech itself – or industry – or government – or any of the myriad factors contributing to it’s abysmal trajectory, enslaving the population. It’s just people misusing it.

When they become personified in the institutions, services and facilities provided, those same functions have a singular societal purpose: To generate more revenue by hook or crook, either way, doesn’t matter. Bad actor’s only distinctions in this ecosystem is nobody has yet figured out how to legally define high tech ethics, one way or the other, much less reach consensus on the topic..

It is, however, an interesting lens through which to view the Internet. That it is no longer for humans, by humans – this is the sense in which the internet we knew and loved is “dead”. The freedom to create and share our thoughts on the internet and social media is what made it so powerful. Naturally, it is this power that bad actors are seeking to control.

Fuck Zuck, Musk, Bezos, etc. Nothing but a bunch of greedy cocksuckers who somehow got to the top of the tech heap early. Gates is laughing all the way to the bank AFTER a multi-billion-dollar divorce.

Pope Has The Last Word

They’re following the model to a tee:

The head of the DDF, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, told reporters these sorts of event should be assessed very cautiously, as they may be fraudulent and exploited for “profit, power, fame, social recognition, or other personal interest”.

Attempting to ensure keeping the power, other interests, etc. strictly under Vatican control reeks badly of authoritarianism. Looks more like a little reaping goin’ on, to me. Masses worldwide whipped up with all this mind-blowing supernatual religion needing funded and so forth – now including top-down regulatory control of the most dictatorial kind.

AI’s out the window, so might as well circle the wagons…

Have fun telling all them people all that shyt they been believing’ only applies as long as Vatican gets the money. Think they’ll throw the Bosnians a bone?

My Wife Did It

So we have these fuckwits on the Court and elsewhere like that Menendez moron and Thomas with what’s-her-name and the Biden Gitmo Barge story. You just can’t make this shyt up. Now we know exactly how stupid Alito really is. Any self-respecting fuckwit should know he could go almost any direction he wanted on that and probably get away with glossing it over. Exactly what was being protested, anyway? Neighbors? Seriously? This mutherfucker’s seated on the U.S. Supreme Court.

It was not clear if the upside-down flag was meant to signal support of former U.S. President Donald Trump, the Times reported. Alito told the paper that his wife hung the flag in response to signs in neighbors’ yards.

Eat shit and die, fuckwit.
I was flyin’ it that way well BEFORE the Liar In Chief’s election loss. Just running the Fuckwit‘s a crime.

Capitalism = Protection Racket

Organized crime takes on new shades of meaning at orders of magnitude greater effect than what the term typically con-notated from days past when the likes of Al Capone did it in the good ‘ol US of A. So what do we get when the overall economy becomes intertwined with certain industries to the point where a criminal POTUS candidate solicits an entire sector thereof for campaign contributions in self-serving criminal legal defense efforts via election?

A legally funded and government-run protection racket. Another Trump term would constitute among other things, protection for the revenue streams lining the pockets of greedy, careless oil and gas vendors with ignorant, selfish politicians serving their needs, while simultaneously killing the planet. The farmers are their lackeys, all working together generating greenhouse gases at rates soon becoming vividly obvious to all.

Some of these assholes won’t know a free market until it melts away in a cloud of CO2. Chinese tariffs sound alot nicer coming from Biden, right? Those migrant invaders should be aware they’re here for exploitation, probably worse than they had back home. Nice work, fuckwits. I want more slop.

Farmin’, ranchin’ and drillin’ for oil just need to go the fuck away – forever.
End of Time -Danzig

Swan Song

Whatever you might have to say about Antonio Brown’s illustrious crash-and-burn NFL career, being compared to his early days with the Steelers is high praise for anyone. No question this is Russel’s swan song. I’m looking forward to a stirring melody.

Pretty sure he’ll look alot better in a Steeler uniform.

Pond v11 – First Vid

It’s running three pumps with a smaller unit dedicated to the fountain this season. The fountain ran through a valve tee’d off the bottom pump previously, but never really worked how I wanted that way, probably due to too high a flow rate and some other plumbing issues. I spent a few hours re-finishing and sealing the waterfall back in March. Initial observation shows it running clean and watertight. plants are in, couple more days warming for the fish…

Suck a Fat One, Mike Johnson

It’s absolutely amazing how they cling to the son-of-a-bitch. Everybody knows the hush money trial is only the tip of Benedict Dotard‘s criminal iceberg. So The House Mouth had nothing better to do this morning than stop by the Manhattan courthouse for a press op, decry his favorite fellatio partner’s politically motivated election meddling prosecution.

When driven at this level, total dysfunction produces alarming results in various ways only beginning to manifest. Mike, one of the jr. MAGA fuckwits, following assiduously in McCarthy’s footsteps, gets to be one of the quintessential products of that dysfunction.

They whole gang’s there! Scaramucci labels Vance, Tuberville ‘spineless sycophants’ after courthouse appearance.

We Know Your History, Too

This is one of the problems with some of these elitist bitches. They just believe others are ignorant and they’re smarter, by default. I believe it formed the intent behind one of her oft-repeated missteps about the deplorables, or something to that effect. This, from the cunt who stood idly by while her husband exemplified the contemporary trend of disgracing the office of the President of the United States. She’s a big reason I voted for Trump the first time around.

She’s beginning to sound like those Zionists suggesting the Balfour Declaration is some sort of legal document, in evidence of Israel’s legitimacy. No question, that’s where it started – the war, that is. It’s not a question of history. It’s how the Zionists selectively remember it.

I don’t question Israel’s right to exist one little bit. Only where they exist. The lease is up and owners have plans for re-modeling, so time to move. Maybe we can negotiate an upgrade-to-own deal of some sort. I hear there’s lotsa reconstruction opportunities looking for investors in Gaza. Jared Kushner could’ve re-done the lease back when he was officially tapped into the Saudi finance stream. Too late now – it’s time for a going out of the war business Mideast real-estate sale. We’re talkin’ REAL money now.

The only place antisemitism enters the equation is when politicos right OR left drive the narrative for personal benefit. Alot of this crap only exists in heaven. Or Hell – or maybe manifesting the mass-mindset of some idea rooted in religion from last century’s British imperialist cocksuckers. Still waiting for the Brits to step up. Didn’t they used to own like half the world? Or so they said. Gotta be some prime development opportunities out here somewhere. Maybe the Aussies’d take ’em in, heritage and all…

Keep it up and earn a swastika on your next pictorial. The history referred to is two posts down. Have a refresher.
Reporting leans almost all right.