My Wife Did It

So we have these fuckwits on the Court and elsewhere like that Menendez moron and Thomas with what’s-her-name and the Biden Gitmo Barge story. You just can’t make this shyt up. Now we know exactly how stupid Alito really is. Any self-respecting fuckwit should know he could go almost any direction he wanted on that and probably get away with glossing it over. Exactly what was being protested, anyway? Neighbors? Seriously? This mutherfucker’s seated on the U.S. Supreme Court.

It was not clear if the upside-down flag was meant to signal support of former U.S. President Donald Trump, the Times reported. Alito told the paper that his wife hung the flag in response to signs in neighbors’ yards.

Eat shit and die, fuckwit.
I was flyin’ it that way well BEFORE the Liar In Chief’s election loss. Just running the Fuckwit‘s a crime.

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