Pro-Democracy Islamophobic Palestinian Sympathizer

Having a hard time categorizing my war outlook on the Mid-east attitude topic. Ukraine is easy, for me at least. That’s the whole problem with people like Napoleon Bonespurs. Fuckwits like that can cause alot of trouble high enough in the system. None of the rest of it matters when the basic fundamentals get challenged.

Islamophobic? Goddamned right. That goes for the Jews and whatever pejorative term applies to the Catholics, all their cults and any of the rest of them that like to engage in this sort of fuckery. They’re all batshyt crazy and have large numbers of followers convinced it’s the way to go. Then you get the tin-pot dictators leveraging religion? You gotta be shittn’ me.

Pro Palestinian just falls under the homeless category. It’s hard to imagine. They’re actually a pretty small minority in that group overall, by my estimation. Just one of those special interest groups with alot of political clout – like veterans.

Clashes Over Israel-Hamas War Unnerve Students at US Colleges.

What’s This Life For? -Creed

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