Took a Russian Invasion

The Rapist-in-Chief was right about at least one thing: NATO is an issue. It’s been a growing problem for thirty years, just not a baby-out-with-the-bath-type thing, as MAGA morons might have you believe. Seeing T-72’s rolling towards Kyiv must’ve made an impression. Wonder how that war in Ukraine would be unfolding now if the aspiring dicktator had managed to assuage Pootin with a NATO coup-de-grace?

“One of these priorities is the protection of the eastern flank of NATO. For us, that means we first set up a fully equipped division by 2025 and adequately contribute to NATO’s Response Force,” he told the Welt am Sonntag.”

Guess they’re lucky Trump was defeated in 2020, or they might be looking for Russians.
Spoilin’ for a Fight -ACDC

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