The Phone Call

As much as some might recoil from the thought, they should recognize that Britain’s royalty problem has disturbing parallels to America’s Trump problem. Thousands of British soldiers valiantly stormed trenches in the Great War “for the Crown!” …with no more knowledge of GeorgeV, than their own sphincters. Similarly, on January 6th, 2021, thousands of violent agitators stormed the United States Capitol in Washington D.C. with no more knowledge of Trump than what appears in their Facebook feed. That’s not to say the Germans weren’t a huge problem, but the motivation is the same: once properly indoctrinated, people will do anything for the exalted leader.

Leading up to that fateful day, the Fuckwit made a last ditch desperate attempt to commit election fraud himself, with some phone calls to officials in a couple states that would ordinarily seem shocking to most people. It’s almost like speed-dial corruption after the Ukranian fiasco. What else would we expect after the Senate’s 1st impeachment judicial malpractice?

This is why government runs neck-and-neck with the police and healthcare as the biggest abject failures of 2020. Because “it” truly believes there are no consequences (to itself) for it’s negligent, criminal behavior. We the people of corporations, by the church and for the criminals becomes just a twisted caricature of their selfish intent.

Whether or not justice ever gets served to the Fuckwit remains to be seen. Justice for a half million Covid victims seems improbable, if not impossible.

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