Rabid Loyalists

Gaetz, that fuckwit cheerleader from Ohio Jim Jackhole, The BoBitch, MTG – what a packed looney bin full of imbeciles. It’s a little harder to pigeonhole the Senators. They’re old enough to know better. The whole elected Federal representative kit-and-kaboodle would be wise to consider Lindell and Guilani’s developing Billion-$ legal black hole. Because once you’re out of office, the gloves are off.

They just don’t get that it’s not about them – never was. It’s not about Trump, or any of them. They are simply the various types of personified system byproducts. They get their mindset from a craven, selfish leader. Just yesterday Trump symbolically resigned from the Screen Actors Guild before they could expel him, ending his little hissy-fit of a letter with “you have done nothing for me.” The fool’s clearly a legend in his own mind. Thanks for all you’ve done for the country, Fuckwit. It’s not the 1st letter like like that from him we’ve seen.

“…what is clear is that the Capitol insurrection was only the visible part of the massive iceberg that is now ripping through the hull of the Republican Party.”

And McConnell stood at the bridge for days, appointing unqualified judges and torpedoing as much progressive legislation as he possibly could before they got there. Starting to look like I’ll be serving as a LIncoln Project re-post stop going forward…

These people are dangerous criminals.

The chickens are coming home to roost.

Trump the Fuckwit II

All he had to do was just go away quietly, but noooooo. The 74yo Fuckwit wants to stay in politics. Makes sense I guess, since that appears to be the only thing keeping him out of jail recently. He really thinks he can gaslight his way to a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card after reigning over this country’s worst four years since the Great Depression.

At this juncture, Fuckwit is a complimentary term of address for the cretin known as Donald John Trump. That might imply mere stupidity – but it is only the beginning of the story for this feckless moron and his criminal enterprise. Stupidity was the foundation upon which a global empire known as the “Trump Brand” foisted it’s depraved business and social agenda on an unwitting populace.

In league with like-minded fraudsters in the business and political realms, Trump’s accomplishments are many and varied, listed by the numbers below. They missed quite a few notables like number of Americans murdered by bounty-seeking Taliban, and naval vessels docked due to Covid-19. We’ll probably never know the half of it, but perhaps the most troubling covers it all: One democracy nearly destroyed.

Rot in Hell, you miserable piece ‘o shyt.

Now we get to see where the “new GOP” and their splinter groups are headed. At least Lindsay can claim he was right all along about one thing regarding Trump.