Loose Lips Sink Ships?

Maybe the SS Trump is goin’ down.  When your entire personna as the POTUS is built on a long-running reputation in snake-oil sales and organized crime, there’s more than a few people privy to what you’ve been up to.  Trump’s biggest problem is way too many people both in and outside of his criminal enterprise now know exactly what he’s been up to.  And there’s plenty of evidence.  The only thing keeping the Liar-in-Chief out of jail is the Presidency and tight lips.  Soon he’ll have only the gracious silence of fellow criminals.  Keep pumpin’ out those pardons!

Remember Rudy’s “I have insurance” episode?  Fucking imbeciles.

At least the Fuckwit can still sign his name – but only after bitching about it and waiting to screw people out of a week’s unemployment benefits.  What a colossal dickhead.

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