Idiots are Sooooo Predictable

As expected, the Orange Fuckwit announced his intention to veto the pending Coronavirus relief bill late last night.  This was expected by me, simply because it is the only thing he has left to do in any real official capacity.  So he declined, strictly for political purposes, in a feeble attempt to try making himself look better, as he departs the highest office in the land utterly disgraced, leaving the country in shambles.

After months of negotiations in which his representatives along with democratic counterparts generated a 4-foot-high pile of paperwork, the cretin once again showed his true colors.  Rather than work to help the country, his minions delayed and denied until the 11th hour where the TV conman took to YouTube for a quick broadcast to his base.
Must be getting pretty desperate, now that his German Bankers have resigned.  This was the plan all along – grabbing at one last straw in his scorched earth attack on Democracy and the US of A.  Nancy called his bluff.  Too bad we’re a little smarter than he gave us credit for.

Way to go, Girl!

The Piece ‘o Shit is pardoning murderers.

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