Unintended Consequences

It’s not just college students.  In fact, the educational quagmire our country now finds itself in will affect every single citizen, in at least some small way whether or not they even realize it, for decades to come.  When Dr. Fauci sat in front of the House Committee last spring explaining how “we’re not set up for that,” his counterpart Betsy DeVirus, could have been sitting right beside him saying exactly the same thing about our schools.

“There is a much larger implication here for the country,” says Angel Pérez, who oversees the National Association for College Admission Counseling. “The fact is if we lose an entire generation of young people in the pipeline to college, that will have an impact on our tax base. It will have an impact on an educated citizenry.”

Consequences need to be intended and pursued for Trump and ALL his enablers.  The so-called “base” is getting their due, even as we speak.

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