I'll Give You 3 Guesses…

…What the incoming Covid Response Team finds if and when they ever get access to whatever the “Covid Task Force” has been doing for the past 9 months.

“Meanwhile, experts who are advising the incoming administration have raised alarms about a smooth transition, saying they need access to career officials and their data to plan — something the Trump administration has so far not allowed.”

Because in this particular case, we’ll probably find they have nothing to hide.  Literally no high-level coordination whatsoever with state and local agencies/officials to plan organize and equip our COUNTRY for the deadly onslaught of SARScoV2.  Maybe lists of blue cities/states shipping label updates and such.  Great things about the scramble to get vaccine out the door, which really only starts next week and probably only started planning in earnest a couple months ago will be trumpeted.  Information pertaining to the first phase of this tragedy during which a couple hundred thousand victims died while politicians sought re-election rather than public health will be scant.  Lots of full shredder bins, no doubt.

Existing apparatus to defend the nation was discarded for budgetary reasons by disbanding the Pandemic Response Team function within the NSC a couple years ago.  Enablers like Bolton feign covering their own tracks, relegating that move to obscurity.  Toss it on the stack of colossal timing blunders.  Divert FEMA dollars at the beginning of hurricane season?  Remember that one?  Cut off the WHO and pull out of Syria?.  Somebody get the Fuckwit a big red ribbon to tie around his Xmas gift for Vlad.

Once it’s all dissected, we’ll be seeing more really dangerous shyt like this.

Nice try, cocksuckers.

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